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Sharing Some Vintage Race Shots


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in some publications it is said that in addition to a sometimes a bit strange kind of humor Strietzel was a real kind of womanizer back in the days. No one but himself (and maybe some of his close friends) will ever know for sure ...


Best regards, Lars.

Im a huge fan of Stuck,....and he plays a big role in bmw racng history, so I hope yall dont mind I posted some tidbits about him:



..I looked into his "nickname"..and Wiki said:


"....was immediately after his birth nicknamed Strietzelby his grandmother, as she claimed that the newborn baby looked like one of the famous Stollen cakes of her Saxony area."........cool stuff. 


and an exerpt form an interview:(funny story about D.Quester)




C/D: You have a passion for dogs?

H-JS: Not a passion. It’s my life. I spent my whole life with dogs. I have a mixed Rottweiler and shepherd named Jessie Boy. He was chained to a stake along the Alaska Highway, so I had him shipped to Europe.

C/D: Where do you call home now?

H-JS: Here in Austria. The town is Ellmau, five minutes from Kitzbuhel.

C/D: You’ve endured a lifetime of Ameri cans mispronouncing  your name.

H-JS: I don’t care. Call me “stuck,” that’s okay. “Stick with Stuck” was my motto.

C/D: Do you still practice yodeling?

H-JS: Oh, yes, every day. I did a song with two friends, and we have a CD. Go to YouTube and type in “Betreute Popstars.”

C/D: Does Dr. Ferdinand Piëch sometimes scare the everloving crap out of you?

H-JS: I tell you, he’s a person for whom I have the highest respect. I am close to him. He’s a visionary. But in one way, you’re right. If he asks you a question and you do not know the answer, then say, “I do not know the answer, Herr Piëch.” Otherwise, yah, you’re in the shit for sure.

C/D: You’re famous for practical jokes. Any favorites?

H-JS: Back in ’75, I was racing a factory BMW with teammate Dieter Quester, who always wanted to see my girlfriend Mookie’s breasts. On the third lap in practice at Laguna, Dieter came around, and I lifted Mookie’s T-shirt from behind. Dieter saw it. He became so excited that he hit the wall.

Then in the ’90s, Dieter and I shared a villa at Sebring. One day, I stole his running shoes, and he got very upset. I knew he’d retaliate.  At the time, I was using a prescription shampoo. After the race, Dieter called and said, “How’s your hair these days?” When I asked why he cared, he said, “Well, every day during that week in the villa, I was peeing in your shampoo.”

C/D: Is there anything you’d have done differently?

H-JS: Regrets? I regret that I’m 60-fucking-1! And I wish I had raced at Bathurst, Australia—you know, in the touring cars. But I’ve had good times, bad times, some lovely wives, two great kids. I still have my 91-year-old mom. I’m the happiest man in the world.

Edited by jrkoupe
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Hi Lars,

ja in der Optik differieren die Autos auf den Bildern die es von ihm gibt sehr. Kann schon sein, dass es immer die selber Karosse war. War ja bei allen Autos so, die Periodenübergreifend eingesetzt wurden. Spannend find ich nur die Optik auf dem Foto. Passt ja in kein Gruppe2 Reglement. Das machts ja so interessant. 79 könnte ja gut in die Gruppe5 passen! Wenn Du ihn mal triffst frag ihn bitte :-) 





soweit ich weiß, hat Zdenek Halada über die gesamte Zeit immer denselben Wagen gehabt. Es gab ein paar Umlackierungen und die Optik wurde später zu modernisieren versucht, als die aktuellen West-02s, die in der Tschechoslowakei starteten (oft Österreicher wie Oppitzhauser oder Manhalter), mit den Verbreiterungen im neuen Stil ausgerüstet waren. In späteren Jahren sind auf die ursprünglichen Schweinebacken noch weitere GFK-Teile druffgebabbt worden und auch spoilermäßig wurde mehrmals umgebaut.


So wie auf deinem Foto müßte der Wagen in 1979 gelaufen sein. Angeblich gibt es dieses Auto heute noch, es soll rot sein und wurde wohl noch in den 2000er Jahren in historischen Rallyes eingesetzt. Herr Halada ist bereits etwas älter aber lebt wohl noch. Heute hat er es eher mit Porsche und taucht da ab und zu mal bei Veranstaltungen der tschechischen Porsche-Clubs auf.


Ich hatte mal ein paar Bemühungen über tschechische Bekannte gestartet, die im Oldtimer-Rally-Bereich bzw. bei dortigen Auto-Zeitungen unterwegs sind. Bis jetzt habe ich aber weder Herrn Halada noch das angebliche Auto persönlich in Augenschein nehmen können.


Grüße, Lars.

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That´s funny! Did they really place an orthographic mistake within the livery of that golden car? It´s Immobilien with two "m" normally. Can´t really believe it ... photo isn´t photoshopped, is it?


German text is just some words on the czechoslovakian Alpina 2002 of Zdenek Halada. To what I know was the same car over all the years with just many changes in the paint scheme and some modifications with spoilers and flares. According to what I heard from czech friends car should still be existing today as an historic rally car painted red. Mr Halada supposedly still alive today but more into Porsches. I tried to meet him or the car personally but had no success yet.


Best regards, Lars.

Ei guude wie? (Spoken as "I gooooda weee" and hessian idiom for "Hi, how are you?")


Já nevím, možná zítra.

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The car at Brands Hatch, England 1971.




A top driver dosen´t take any unnecessary risks.

STP Racing Team presents : Rune Tobiasson

When you change your tired oil, but in a can of STP.




Rune later raced a 3,0 CSL.




Still racing the car, here at the old F-1 track of Anderstorp 2011.




Letting the king of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf taking it out for a spin.



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That´s kewl Andersson! Give us some more of those swedish racing history. Ronnie Peterson, Joakim Bonnier, Erik Carlsson ("Carlsson on the roof"), Stig Blomqvist ...


Nuerburgring 1969, braking through the woods at about 150mph. Guardrails ... wtf is guardrails?




Parked Lambo Miura at Watkins Glen 1972.




Besides the awesome cars the were also other "goodies" awaiting the race drivers of those times. Look at that dress and furthermore look at what is inside the dress on the left of Derek Bell in Le Mans 1972.




Photos scanned from the book "Schlegelmilch, Sportscar Racing 1962-1973", one of my X-Mas presents along also with the new book on Schnitzer´s racing history.


Best regards, Lars.

Ei guude wie? (Spoken as "I gooooda weee" and hessian idiom for "Hi, how are you?")


Já nevím, možná zítra.

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Will not post too many pictures. First both books are big-sized and do not really fit my scanner. Second is that I´m not sure if I´m allowed to post anyway because of the copyright thing. I hope some examples are allowed if i correctly refer to the source I took the from - in some way it is also a kind of promotion that I do for the books with making the pic viewers curious.


Schnitzer´s engine department back in the days.




42 - I repeat: FORTY-TWO - of the famous Schnitzer 16 V cylinder heads in one place. Unbelievable!




Herbert and Josef Schnitzer with an example of the 1,4 Liter turbo first used in the late, wide-bodied Rodenstock 02s.




Rodenstock car in DRM race on Nuremberg Norisring 1977 with a famous guest driver: Walter Roehrl is on the wheel! Comment on the photo in the book: "Walter was in the lead until his sunglasses fell from his nose from the bad vibrations. Just about a lap later he had to quit the race for a broken differential."




Pictures all taken from the book "Die Meistermacher / Die BMW Schnitzer-Story".


Best regards, Lars.

Ei guude wie? (Spoken as "I gooooda weee" and hessian idiom for "Hi, how are you?")


Já nevím, možná zítra.

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Lars, thanks for posting those up.  Very cool.  I had a friend visit there recently (the old shops), he sent me some really cool pics (unfortunately not able to publish....as requested), I think I can say this that Schnitzer has "freshened up" their 16v head molds for a 

production run of some sort.  It doesn't seem to make economic sense, but then maybe their are enough customers willing to pay the

entry fee for new gear.  Time will tell.



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