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Everything posted by Lisa.02P

  1. That's really kind of you to mention Tesoro! It is a compliment of the highest order! I appreciate that you are following his build!
  2. I agree with Blunt... you should either hold onto them cause they came with your 02 (someone seems to have wanted it for the car at some point).... or pop them up on ebay if you decide not to keep them ... it'd be interesting to see the feedback on pricing for those little treasures!
  3. Very cool! I was thinking of getting a set for Tesoro! I don't quite know the history of the origin of the mudflaps but I do know that they are a rarity...
  4. Saw this in downtown Novato around 2PM on Tuesday 04/14/15 ....
  5. LOL! Thanks Blaz! I'm having 02 Spring Fever! Brisbane is around the corner and Tesoro won't be there... but I'm still excited to go to the event! My wheels are on the way in the next couple of weeks... so as soon as they are done.. I am posting them on this thread and on my blog! Tesoro will have some killer shoes on ! Can't wait!
  6. Hey there Miguel! I unfortunately do not have the measurements of the frame rail, however, if yours are rusted out, the frame rails are still available through BMW. In this way, you can replace the frame rails without having to do all the work like I did. It would probably save you a little money by just replacing them too! Hope this can give you some insight. Throw up some pics of your frame rail on the 02 thread! It would be great to see the work on your 1602!
  7. He there Dev! I don't quite know the reason other than his posting about it being less vibration noise when driving. The adhesive film that he put on his 02 is in areas where you can't see the redness but they did mention that it was roofing material. It's probably the same material that others have been suggesting.
  8. Don't know if you guys are on FB, but there is a guy named Juan Carlos Gonzales Ortega who is documenting his restoration too, and he just recently added an adhesive film that reduces the vibration noise from the panels of his interior. Interesting take on sound deadening...
  9. I think I did see those videos that you posted either on your FB or the FAQ. Very cool!
  10. Hey Mo! Looking forward to Brisbane too! Great pics of your 02! Didn't realize yours was the anthrazit with turbo flares and gold rims! Great color combo with the red interior too! Track car?
  11. VCL, I don't know if you were trying to be funny, or get Ray's attention, but that's waaaaay out of Ray's character to take something that isn't his. I've known Ray for over 20 years and in no way does he deserve this kind of attention. Do your bashing privately.
  12. http://www.bmw2002faq.com/blog/143-02princesslisa-and-her-tesoro/ You can also follow my posts on FB: otwoprincesslisa
  13. My parts from Germany finally came! Some really rare pieces that I am so proud to own! Tesoro is truly a treasure! Check out the pics in my blog and follow! More pics to come as it's rally time and getting Tesoro closer to paint! Custom wheels will be on the way soon and so will bumpers! Engine pics coming soon too!
  14. Can't wait to take Tesoro on the backroads from Lucas Valley to Marshall and reward myself with Oysters and Martinis!
  15. Very cool! Mt. Tam is local to me...! I wonder who this was?!
  16. Very nice! If you had them in black leather with silver font.... I'd take one!
  17. Hi Carl! That's such a cute pic! Norm tagged me in that on Facebook! 'Tis the season for car events!
  18. Sunday 03/08/15 in front of Trader Joe's Novato.... Saw this rare roundie golfie while doing a grocery run. I waited outside for the owner and talked 02s! Great meeting you Aaron! You should come out to Marin County - Cars and Coffee​ !
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