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Everything posted by Lisa.02P

  1. Tesoro's interior is getting sorted out! So much to do with such little time left! I'm just grateful Tesoro is home and drivable .... [emoji6] Check out my blog in the blog section! I'll be making updates regularly... [emoji4] See you all in Monterey! ps: dog in the pic is a hybrid wolf! Not mine... But a beast next to a beast! [emoji6]
  2. Swan Necks! So those who know.... These early swan neck driver side mirrors for the 02 are a rarity.... But maybe the 'PC purists' can help me understand them... I have one that is stamped with 'made in Germany' The other is stamped with a weird symbol on it? I am assuming that the one made in Germany is the original... But what is the other? [emoji848]
  3. Amazing story! Brings warmness to my heart.... It was meant to be.... [emoji4]
  4. Great read COOP! Enjoyed following your story with this Baikal beauty on the FAQ and kudos to your team to bringing this car to its original glory with the well deserved publicity. I look forward to seeing it at Monterey this year! Congrats!
  5. I'll be there at your campgrounds eating all your food and drinking all your beer! LOL!
  6. Can't wait for Monterey as this will be Tesoro's debut at Legends! I'll be staying at my parents house in Pacific Grove.. so if there are any after event activities, I'm down to hang out with other 02ers! My itinerary looks like: Friday - Legends Saturday - Laguna Sunday - Laguna/Pebble or Pebble/Laguna See you all there!
  7. This is enticing! Any hinderance on the performance from anyone's experience?
  8. Interesting.... Could this be done for a 38/38 weber set up?
  9. I personally looked forward to Mark's alerts when he posted an 02 for sale... Not that I'm looking to buy one or anything....[emoji6] Mark, if you see this... Please come back! [emoji4]
  10. <BRISBANE 2016!> What a wonderful event despite the rain! Great to see so many friends and the support of positive feedback about Tesoro's build! Love this 02 community! ? So many cool 02s out there and every car is special in its own extraordinary way! ? My favorite was the Florida car! (I couldn't take a lot of pics cause I had such a hard time juggling the umbrella and my camera phone) This year is the last year I will be spectating as I look forward to future Brisbane events with Tesoro! Enjoy the pics! See some of you at Legends!
  11. Sooo beautiful! What kind of drone are you using? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. More Tesoro progress!! New track rod, tie rod assembly, urethane steering coupler powder coated pitman arms... And of course, I had to buy myself a personalized necklace to go with all the plated little bits! wink emoticon Tesoro is on beastmode right now so there will be more to see soon!
  13. Thanks Mr. FAQ! See you at tomorrow's C&C in Marin!! Any Bay Area peeps should stop by tomorrow at Marin's C&C!
  14. Tesoro's brake booster, brake master, and brake booster bracket linkage with upgrade ball bearings are in! Lovin' all the new hardware! Got these Wilwoods installed to go with the brake booster.... ! Here's also a quick peek at Tesoro's custom coil overs!
  15. Woah! Hope you are ok Marc! How dangerous! Cant believe this is in front of your house .... during the day! I'm also surprised they got away with the narrow roads in the Oakland Hills! Has your car been located?? Glad you are here to tell the story! Sorry to hear about it tho!
  16. Here's a look at my secret wheel fetish.... First Pic: Original BMW tilux antique serif 380 Horn Ring Second Pic: Another Original BMW tilux 380 Horn Ring Walnut Moto-lita 380 (or what I like to call... Moto-Lisa) ! Sport Petri 380 wheel (no longer, but awaiting another!) Sport Safety Petri 380 wheel And proud new owner of these two in red... Original GLAS GT 380... beautifully restored, the only one in the WORLD that's one of a kind, because of the BMW logo fitment/horn hub! Early NK wheel 420 mm with Antique BMW logo Tesoro will get some use out of some of them!
  17. This one is all bad! I had someone go do a PPI for me... I have close up pics to prove that there is so much extensive body work that needs to be done.... Lots of BONDO used on this car... For example... here's the spare tire well area.... (Also, if you look at the rear shock area... its all been "smoothed out"...) Its an abomination! Not worth what he's asking... ! My recommendation is to always do a PPI... because pics will never do a car justice... good or bad... Makes me mad that people jack up the prices of these tii's just because they can...
  18. Awww... wish I could be there for this! Save me a shirt!
  19. From the BMW Achives.... The BMW 2002 tii US VIN 2760770 was manufactured on January 24th, 1972 and delivered on February 09th, 1972 to the BMW importer Hoffman Motors Corp. in New York City. The original colour was Malaga, paint code 021.
  20. LOL! I would never trade them! I adore these mudflaps !!
  21. So I had to chime in... as someone's extraordinary "garage/barn find" became Tesoro's! These are period correct mudflaps for the 2002 both left and right. It was found in the trunk of their 1972 tii.... Still sealed from the factory, never been opened! I guess the original owner bought them but then changed their mind and never opened it and left it in their trunk! I find them to be precious unique accessories as they are still sealed in the original package awaiting to be installed on Tesoro...
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