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Everything posted by jerry

  1. i haven't posted in quite a while. the car did not make it to brisbane.... there's always next year. i am so close to getting it running, BUT, i decided that i will complete all the unpleasant, nagging issues i typically put off, on the interior. it has typically been my habit to get the car running and then i never quite get around to completing the interior. i've driven 02's without radios, door panels and even window cranks for months/years until i get around to selling it to 'thin the herd'. this happened to the last car i sold. it wasn't until i finalized the deal with the buyer that i actually completed all the small interior stuff. it sure transformed the car!!! i was sorry to see it go. that will not happen with this car. it is my plan that i will not sell this car until i have another 02 waiting in the wings. things i've done since last post: installed recored radiator and all tubes, headlights, horns, blinkers, hood removed PS door for rehab and installed temporary PS door. swapped entire steering assy to eliminate worn out unit. rekeyed doors and ignition to same key rekeyed trunklock swapped a better 3-piece dash with minor cracking for the heavily cracked original one. installed new blue carpet kit cleaned and detailed instrument cluster cleaned and refurbished the OEM steering wheel and installed a leather wrap, which i'm very pleased with. i'm currently working on a mono-Becker radio installation in the console with a single speaker. no stereo for this car. i'm fabricating a custom frame to utilize existing holes in the console. this kind of work takes a tremendous amount of time but i really want to experience what it's like to drive in an 02 with a decent interior...
  2. Tom, How's that Massage Parlor? do you give it a 'thumbs up'?
  3. hi davin, i don't need this door. Had it been the DS i'd have been tempted. just wanted to let you know that i am SOOOOOO close to getting your old chaminox 02 up and running. i've learned a couple hidden secrets from it while working on it. i recently installed a new blue carpet in it..... and replaced the 3-piece dash with a nicer looking 3-piece dash. oh, and it's sporting a 5 speed now. i've fixed the rusty bits, too. cheers. glws....
  4. do your goggles come with miniature automatic wipers? i hear it rains quite frequently in the Pacific Northwest....
  5. i think is should be recommended, but, in keeping with the 'anything goes' format of this website, which i support, btw, i say no to more regulation. it's in a seller's and buyer's interest to insist on photos before money is exchanged
  6. i'm just giving you a ration of doo-doo
  7. shucks, i could really use a clear front windshield. seattle is too far to drive though..... i'm in SF bay area.
  8. is this a 'Guess your price' kind of sale???? without prices or targets, you're inviting at least 2-3 emails just to come to some kind of conclusion. why not segregate into (for instance) Under $10 Under $50 Under $100, or, Over $10, etc, etc., since you have an iffy computer, you should try to identify buyers as quickly as possible.
  9. what seems to be your problem? i'm currently dealing with a bad ignition lock myself. mine was previously rekeyed and glued in place. i was able to extricate it but not before slightly bending the very flimsy rotating gizmo that engages the electrical starter switch. if you get the tumbler out it can be rekeyed by any competent locksmith. i had to use a propane torch to heat up the pot-metal gizmo before attempting to tweak it. Break it and you'll be buying a whole ignition assembly. i got mine to work but the steering column lock mechanism seems to have been compromised sometime previously in its 40 year lifespan. fortunately, i have another whole steering assembly to replace it with. gluing the ignition switch is not my advice. i installed an allen head to secure it in place. i will likely be drilling out the replacement ignition lock to replace with the one i just had rekeyed to my door locks. the tumbler assembly has two swaged posts that need to be ground in order to access the lock-tabs. using a center punch can provide enough deformation to hold it in place during reassembly. if you break one off you'll need to carefully drill and tap a very small screw in place.
  10. +1 add up the total cost of the parts then multiply by 0.6 because they are now used. that's my guess...
  11. Im in Marin as well. I would like to give the guy who responded first a chance to come up with the dough. I hope to see a deposit soon otherwise you can pick it up for 190. Send me a email using Tab above. Thx Armond, i feel honored to have you as my friend.... i feel special to have had the opportunity to pass on these at your offer price to me for $200. almost as good a deal as the cracked exhaust muffler i bought off you for $40. and no, it wasn't cracked during disassembly... at least you paid for lunch the other day. cheers
  12. location? i've got a '74 complete tii engine in SF Bay Area unless you can come get it, it wouldn't be ASAP timeframe.... jerryallsmanATyahooDOTcom
  13. what's so special about OEM??? unless you have eyes on the top of your head like an alligator, i'm betting you'll soon forget about it.
  14. email sent, please check your spam filter.... thanks for responding. i can't wait to start smoking....
  15. i vote no.... i've separated many 02 panels. most spot welds are pretty tenacious and i'd suspect you'd do more collateral damage trying to yank or slice them apart. i've tried spotweld cutters as well and am not impressed with them either. my method is to have two drills handy. one drill has a 3/16 inch cobalt bit, the other has a 5/16-3/8 inch cobalt bit. i make a pilot hole with the smaller bit. with practice you can tell when you've pierced into the bottom layer (faint appearane of orangish-red rust appears, sometimes), then i stop. i follow through with the larger bit. the intent is to drill out most of the spotweld button making it easier to spit the joint. don't worry about drilling through the panel, you can always weld it up later. with practice you'll acquire the right level of effort. a STIFF putty knife and ball pein hammer are necessary too to split the weld apart. sometimes, you'll miss a few, but they become evident with some pulling of the panel; the faint depression reveals the presence of a spot weld.
  16. my wheel spins randomly. sometimes it doesn't. overall, i'm quite pleased with the random spinning of my wheel.
  17. i looked through my stash and could not find a proper cigarette lighter that mounts to the dash. i need one with a small icon on the knob typical of the earlier cars. i have the receptacle; just missing the insert. i never know when i might want to pick up a smoking habit and i just thought i should be prepared. jerryallsmanATyahooDOTcom
  18. thank you so much for bring this little cost-saving tidbit to light.... now i can toss my stash of cracked, faded and crazed spares away.
  19. there's no need to remove the original mounts. i leave mine intact.
  20. you're not the first to do that. i did the same thing 2 weeks ago. i was SOOOO pleased with myself for being able to install the front windshield all by myself; no helper. i should have waited to install the lockstrip when the sun was hotter. i was trying to nudge it when i HEARD that unmistakeable tiny little noise. i did not have to look; i knew. sure enough, i cracked it. good thing it's a single crack on an old stone-chipped windshield. i plan to leave it as is unless it grows and/or leaks. crying was not my immediate inclination. swearing and being pissed off at myself for trying to do too much....
  21. if still available, can you shoot me a package deal price on all your exhaust tubes and welding aids? i'm in marin and can pick up. jerryallsmanATyahooDOTcom
  22. if you're car were in the bay area i'd buy your rotisserie in a heart beat and consider that i got a free car in the deal.... dang, this is the 2nd very enticing deal on the east coast in the past month or so. that 1600ti was the other.... i suppose it's just as well we're separated by 3000 miles.
  23. I have one that i resprayed years ago and never used. $30 and i work by the oakland airport.... jerryallsmanATyahooDOTcom
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