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Everything posted by Jim_75Sahara

  1. Hey Tim: I will be in your region soon for a wedding. The nuptials will be on Aug.27th in Lodi, NY. Wonder if it would be poss. to see your 2000 and yak about vintage bimmers? Maybe there'd be a good 1/2 way point. We could hoist a beer and talk for a bit. TIA.
  2. I'd heard of it for years and was pleased to meet the owner and look at the cars on the lot. Very nice Malaga tii on the lot: VIN 2764084 -- who belongs to this beauty?? Not for sale is it?? I heard it has only 58K orig. miles on it... WOW. How'd you get the material for the Recaros? They match the original-looking rear seats perfectly.
  3. POP3Y3: that's a better handle than squarepusher IMO! I doubt there has been any interest in the stoolpushing-mobile. Bad karma?
  4. If your wife ever needs thoughtful tips for a romantic gift, just let her know what your car needs. It could be brakes shoes, a lightened flywheel, alloy wheels, etc. It'll top off that romantic dinner, roses, sentimental cards, B&B getaway, etc. So, I want to thank my wife, Mary, for the 5-speed trans. she has agreed to help me procure for my car. Nothing could be more romantic than car parts, right?? XX-OO-XXX-OOO!!
  5. That could be done, BUT, why don't you buy the car that you really want in the 1st place?? Buy the year, color, sunroof (or not), transmission, wheels, etc. that you like. Let the PO pay for the expensive work. Be selective once you know what you want and be patient. All of them need something once you get them, so get the best one that you can afford.
  6. Armond: I vote for the S&P approach. If it were me, I'd get the highest quality S&P carpet for your car -- you will really like it. Good luck.
  7. I like to say thanks to the guys who wore a uniform so that I had a choice whether or not to serve in the military. Previous generation was drafted to serve one way or the other. So, thanks to all of you from 1776 onward. My son & I went to a car show today w/in walking distance of our home. American hotrods/muscle cars, but quite enjoyable. Then we had a cookout for my friend (&wife) who is orig. from Belfast and now a U.S. citizen. I believe he appreciates his citizenship more than some US born folks. Happy 4th!
  8. I cannot sign up for anything that has a high center of gravity - period. I like a very sure-footed feeling, even if it's just our everyday Saturn. It's reassuring to know that it's hard to tip it over. I had a complaint that the tires were too narrow and not sticky enough. I got wider alloy wheels in 15 in. vs. the orig. 14 in. and put on some Yokohama Avid T-4's. Makes a nice everyday car IMO. It also helps that it's a 5-speed. Consumer Reports HATES Saturns and trashes them in favor of Toyotas & Hondas. My old Toyota had more problems & rusted faster than ole NEIL can play Rust Never Sleeps!!
  9. Thank you Gordon. Sahara is cool in its own subtle way. I lean towards keeping the orig. color, but it's your car. The most important thing is keeping it away from the tinworm and the shredder. (& having FUN with it) The nicks and scrapes will show off the original Sahara before long, that's certain.
  10. There is a lot to like in this car, but I don't like yellow engines. The wheels are too modern for the car and I'd go for an original BMW color, not a Volvo color. I'd bet that it is a super car on the road, though. It would get some attention at the events I've been to, certainly.
  11. Hey Dave, welcome back! That is a long time to go without your Colorado roundie. I am glad that it worked well on its initial drive of 2006. Too bad you will not be able to do many such drives for a while. Enjoy it while you can. Hope that things have likewise gone well for you two in China.
  12. Hey RS2002, it's the best $200 you ever spent!! It may look a bit raggedy but it's got great potential. Potential to drain your wallet among other things, that is!! Seriously, it will be great fun and you will be so proud of your $200 find. You rescued a forlorn '02 that needed a bit of TLC, you're a great guy, right??
  13. Nice looking car, Brian! I think that I will order the same 3rd brakelight today. I have one mounted on my trunk. I don't like the look, nor do I like the fact that water creeps into the trunk along the wiring from the light under the edge of the trunk under the back window. It's not a lot of water, but it's quite annoying. I like a stock look and the brakelight you are doing is keeping it pretty close to stock w/a lot higher safety factor. The jerks that tailgate and don't watch where they're going have nearly gone up my tailpipe already. Thanks for the info, all of you.
  14. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads. My dad got me interested in cars with his enthusiasm for noticing just about anything half-way interesting that was on the road. When he bought a '64 TR4 when I was 5, well, that was amazing to me. THen when he followed that up with a Porsche 356B and later on, the Golf 2002 roundie, I was reading the Car & Driver and Road & Track right along with him!! He has an Audi A8 now which is not as cool, but it saved his life in a serious crash, so it's a great car too, right?? When I was 14, I put up a poster on the wall (next to the Farrah one!) of BMW's racing at Nurburgring -- 2002's and 3.0CSI's going flat out.... Had to go get one fer meself one day. All thanks to dad.
  15. Brad: I did not see enough of your orange jumpsuit at the Vineyard. That means I MUST come to Herndon. I will try to keep the date open and make a roadtrip. Thanks to you & Jonathan for putting it together.
  16. That's almost 500 miles from Dayton, OH. I have mixed feelings -- I wanna go, but that's a long haul. Give a nudge to those of us on the fence due to distance... Looks like fun.
  17. Good luck w/your new car, Jim! Your car is what I should have gotten in the 1st place: Riviera, Roundie, Calif. car, & ready for a little fix-up & go. I love mine, but that is a very nice looking car. I would probably do a Calif. road-trip to pick up a car if I was to buy one now. Not as much to choose from here.
  18. Your daughter's cute. Kids can tell when a car is special to you -- then they are drawn to the car. My kids get excited about a ride in the '02. Our youngest (4 1/2 yrs.) used to call it the "MW." She couldn't quite remember the B on the front end. She likes to point out every BMW for me. My son catches any that the rest of us fail to notice. He takes pride in knowing the year and model.
  19. Steve, there's a nice Brew-Pub restaurant near the capitol bldg. It's the St. Bernard Brew Pub & Restaurant. They brew the beer right there and you can see the vats and pipes and such. There's also a museum of WI history that I liked a lot very close in to the capitol bldg. Had some very good Civil War stuff there. Lots of pretty girls there, too since it's a college town.
  20. Belated Happy Birthday, then! Mine's on 4-22 as well. I made comments about wanting an '02 cake, but my son instead made a cool refrigerator magnet in the form of a Roundel which I will NEVER part with!!! BTW: Matthew, shouldn't your cake have been Riviera colored?? That is my favorite '02 color as of late...
  21. Bill: Nice to meet you. Brad Day is next to a Chamonix 68 2002 in the one photo. It belongs to Ben, AKA Eastsidebimmer in the Indianapolis area. He caravaned with the MW contingent to V@V. Thanks for the pix.
  22. Thanks to Scott Sturdy and everybody who contributed and brought their fine autos. Thanks Tim for the fun carwash party on Friday. Wish I could have stayed for the Sunday drive. It was super to match up a lot of people with their cars, their faces, their spouses, kids, you name it. I think I gotta go throw beads with the guys from Arkansas/Louisiana next year for Mardi Gras -- I love the idea of heaving them out of my 02! Also the Midwest 2002 Fest looks mighty tempting. I will plan to be at the V&V next year. As always, you guys are great!
  23. Hello 76 bimmer: What you need is new doorbrakes. I got mine from Bimmerparts for $79.00 ea. I had a BMW specialist shop put mine in and I am very pleased. They are the new-style doorbrakes which are apparently more sturdy and modelled after the later 3-series doorbrakes. It is nice to get rid of the floppy door syndrome IMO. Just one of those little fixes that will make you smile once it's done....
  24. Paging Mike Self: Seriously he can tell you just how to go about this. Something to do with making a template that is a mirror image of the driver's side mirror arrangement. You two need to talk! Good luck.
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