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Everything posted by tomphot

  1. Ha - so far so good, no seeds yet! Took the valve cover off as I'm going to use it to replace E21 cover that's on the engine that's in the car and all looks good. The engine turns fine but has a slight hesitation on one of the cylinders. I need to do some serious degreasing so I don't have to wash my hands with Goop every time I touch it!
  2. I've also changed the center console from when I bought the car. I like the original look with the dash clock but also wanted a few extra gauges. I went from 5 gauges down to 3.
  3. Back in May of this year, I bought my Inka '72 2002Tii. Long story short... horrible eBay ad that was sure to be a scam. It wasn't - the seller didn't want to sell so he ignored all requests on eBay, in the end, he sold to me as I was local. The car has always been in the Atlanta area, I am the fourth owner. It came with receipts going back to the '70s and I was told to come back when I could to pick up the original engine. 20,000 miles ago, in '97, the original engine was not doing well, loss of oil pressure. The owner had a friend at BMW so they built him a new Tii engine with 121 head. When he installed it, the same issues were present with oil pressure. He then replaced the oil pressure relief valve and everything was solved. So now he tells me there is nothing wrong with the original engine and that he felt really stupid about his diagnosis. I made the 5 hour RT today for the engine complete with Kugelfischer. He also gave me other free parts, a steering box that he replaced due to a little click in it. An unopened Tii water pump, clutch master cylinder and a bunch of other bits and pieces. He also gave me a bunch of stuff he had laying around for my 356 including a correctly dated steely wheel. So what do I do now? I know having the numbers matching engine for a Tii will be important down the road. Do I break into it and see what I have as it's been sitting for almost 20 years? I've never rebuilt an engine and was thinking this may be a cool project. Is a steering box with a click worth keeping? Can these be rebuilt and is it worth having around? Lastly, the coolest thing he gave me is the blow up Parrot, providing I hang it up in the garage
  4. I just installed a new cold start relay in my Tii - it was not sending the 1 second spurt of fuel when the car was warm causing the car to take a bit of cranking to get started again. Once the relay was replaced, the car starts up with a turn of the key when cold, warm or hot.
  5. Those look like Solex PII carbs - not standard on a '58, most likely a big time upgrade from a 4 Cam or other race car. VERY nice car!
  6. Looking through the records on my car, I see that the left door was replaced in '97. At that time, the cost was $476 - so only about a 10% increase in price over the past 17 years.
  7. Wow - sold for $17,100 plus buyers premium of 5% - so $18,000. The cars in Quebec , so unless it was a Canadian buyer, they still need to deal importing it.
  8. 1985 Porsche 911 1965 Porsche 356SC 2010 Porsche Cayenne 2015 Ram EcoDiesel 1500 '84 VW GTI ChumpCar '72 BMW 2002Tii
  9. My apologies for feeding the Troll
  10. No surprises here - locally owned car, 3rd owner with every receipt since the '70s
  11. My bragging rights .... I've busted my ass over the years and have earned every cent that I have. Unlike your Hollywood experience, most of the country work for a living and most who are wealthy have earned it. I don't look at those who have more and get jealous and I don't look at those who have less and feel superior.
  12. How long are the standard studs that came on the cars?
  13. Wow - this scammer has posted 1 pic of the car. With all the detailed pics of the car on BAT, when asked by potential buyers to send more pics, he can provide much more detailed info making it seem all that much more legit.
  14. Year:: 1972 Make:: BMW Model:: 2002 Location: : Quebec http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1972-bmw-2002-2/ Not Mine
  15. My employer produces cold drawn seamless tubing. When Jay was working on his steam engine car, he needed some very specialized and impossible to find tubing parts. He called us himself and over the course of few calls, we produced what he needed. He was a very nice guy to talk to over the phone.
  16. Wow, the previous owners only averaged about 2,000 miles per year?
  17. I hope the car was well insured. I have all of my cars insured at an agreed value that is above what I would expect to sell them for should I decide to do so. The insured figure also takes into account what it would take to replace the car in perfect condition. It doesn't cost much to insure collector cars at proper values.
  18. It's a Small world .... I'm in Atlanta, this guy knows I have a Tii and he takes a video of your cars at a diner.
  19. One of my sales guys sent me a quick out of focus video he took of 6 early BMWs he took Sat morning in Seattle area. Looks like sq, green/black?, maroon, and maybe a 1600 roundie cream then green sq and red sq. I asked where he was and he said some local greasy spoon (seams appropriate for early BMW guys ) Anyone here there?
  20. I wish I had taken a bunch of pictures of a '65 Mustang I restored about 12 years ago - the whole headliner was full of mice nests, and acorn hulls. As I continued through the car, every area that could house a mouse nest had one. After completion, for the next 2 years, random nuts would fall from God knows where while driving. The car is now in Norway and I hope the agriculture department didn't impound it.
  21. How messed up is that? Reading the article, you would think that JS pulled an Alec Baldwin on them. I thought he was as cool as could be in the situation.
  22. If you haven't gone to this site yet, it's full of good ideas. http://www.garagejournal.com/
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