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Everything posted by 2002#3

  1. Friends, I need both L and R new rocker panels for my '74 tii. I could not find them at BluntTech or Rogerstii. The only source (other than dealers) I could find is Bavauto (OEM parts 41 35 6 440 140 [L] and --141 [R]) (see attached photos from seller's site). $112.00 each. 1. Did I miss them at BluntTech and Rogerstii? 2. Some sites mention "Rocker Panel Covers"? Is there a separate cover? Is this the same as or in addition to rocker panels? 3. Do you think the Bavauto rocker panels in the photos have (1) jack points and (2) the holes for the trim clips? I cannot tell. Thank you for the help and advice. Larry
  2. Well, there it is! I was told today at a garage that sucker was there and you proved it. Thank you. Larry
  3. Good suggestions. Thank you. Will re-check at least the valve closure. -- The heater valve is new and I can see it close completely if I remove the inlet heater hose and look into the engine side inlet of the valve. -- Foam on all flaps is new and appeared to seal rather nicely before re-assemblies and re-installations. Cannot check foam without the usual contortions and wrestling match.
  4. The long screwdriver and LOTS of effort, indeed, work. Yes, the OEM rubber (photo by Buckeye) is the best one to use.
  5. I have "overhauled"/"refurbished" my heater box (HB) 3 times to the point of it's working increasingly better each time. Now it seems to work as intended. (Yes, it took 3 times. I am setting new records for decreasing times required to remove and install a HB.) Seals, bushings, flaps, heater valve (HV), Bowden cables and adjustments, flushed HB radiator, epoxyed cracks, lubrication, lever functions, misc. adjustments, etc. All seems to open, close, flow, blow, defrost, and function exceedingly well. 3-speed fan works swimmingly. However, with the temp lever on COLD (HV closed) and the flow lever on HEAT (allows air into the footwell; HB radiator flap closed), the air from the HB into the footwell usually is uncomfortably warm (sometimes hot; occasionally sorta/kinda cool; not desired in summer). I realize the HEAT flow lever on OFF setting is not designed to completely stop outlide air from going through the HB radiator but; rather, the air mixes with cold air from the cowl. (Additional info: With the temp lever on HOT, I can cook a beef roast.) 1. In the COLD setting, shouldn't cowl air eventually (rapidly?) cool the radiator if the heater valve is closed so pass-through air to the footwell is not heated? Seems so. 2. Any explanations for the aforementioned uncomfortable (at least in the summer) warm air? I got none. Thanks to all of you who have contributed so much HB information to 2002FAQ. Such info has been exceedingly helpful during my Adventures into HB Refurbishments. Larry
  6. Now, THAT'S a piece of 2002 work! Outstanding color, too. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Enhanced grounding of the fuel and temp gauges is a good idea, certainly. Where is the best place to start the ground for each of these two gauges? The bakelite (?) back panel of these gauges has two brass slotted nuts attached to two bolts which project into and through the panel. Do these bolts connect directly to either or both gauges? Ground at these nuts? Ground inside the bakelite and more intimately somewhere within the gauges? Larry
  8. Excellent suggestions and insight, guys, re: how to approach this rear view mirror issue. Is there anything in these cars that has not been adjusted, revised, altered, adultrated, fabricated, abused, or otherwise addressed? I think probably not. Larry
  9. Received my two Inka lapel pens. Just like the fotos. Bought an 02 tee shirt, also. Just as cool. Superb effort creating both. Larry
  10. Hello, glxvento@aol.com.  Thanks for your reply re: a larger-than-stock interior rear view mirror for a 2002.  Will you be so kind as to send a foto and the size measurements (W x H) of the mirror your are offering?




    Larry Gray

    Cincinnati, OH

  11. All black E21 sport/Ricaros. Horizontal. Center sections are corduroy-like fabric. Highly recommend fabric center sections. Extremely comfortable in long trips. Larry
  12. Friends, What options have you folks found/used for a larger/wider-than-stock inside rear view mirror for a '74 tii? Stock mirror: rear view is not sufficient for my taste. E21 mirror: much better rear view but I found it a little awkward to (1) fit between the two sun visors and (2) to adjust for bright lights coming in from a trailing car. A good search of our site was not fruitful. Thanks, Larry '74 tii
  13. PS: About 2 minutes after the video was made, it started raining like a tall cow pissing on a flat rock. PPS: One more foto... Larry
  14. Scott and Other Organizers of Vintage 2016, All of your hard work and planning came to fruition perfectly. You did a superb job with the hotel (Clairon [can't beat $89]), home base (Asheville), and venue (beautiful and remote Hot Springs). We thank you so very much for making this event a well-worthwhile trip. Attached: A few of the participant cars and some sweet music from this year's Vintage. Larry Gray Cincinnati, Ohio IMG_3099 (1).m4v
  15. Jason,

    You guys got room for another member of the caravan leaving Thurs from Lex?

    Larry Gray

    1. eurotrash


      OMG... just saw this larry.  what a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hello from Cincinnati.  Please let me know if you will be selling any parts of your KF separately.  I will gladly purchase your cold start wiring harness.  Repeat, gladly.




    Larry Gray


  17. Black Phillips-head screws with black washers. Ace Hardware.
  18. Thanks. Let me know re: your luck/progress/outcome. I am still trying to determine a good way to install the bracket in the unequal rails. Will post my results. Thanks. Larry
  19. Thanks, Mr. Stuff. PLEASE let me know how you manage to make it work. I am impressed with the design of the Bracketeer; however, we need to make to function for us. Meanwhile, I will do the same. Larry
  20. Have any of you considered or installed a Bracketeer fire extinguisher bracket? See photos. It appears to a great product and to be just the ticket. However, the two seat rails in my '74 tii are offset -- inner rail sets back 3" or so from the outer rail, so the Bracketeer will be at an inconvenient angle if it is installed. Appears to be made to be installed at the forward end of each rail and at 90 degrees to each rail, not at an angle. I can think of a few ways to adapt it to be installed at 90 degrees but you folks might have better ideas. Larry
  21. Will not go into details; however, will give anti-Oh-Shit advice: Do not store empty beer kegs in the garage rafters above the hood of your 2002. I can still hear the sound...
  22. Hmmm... I understand. Your comment sounds logical and probably is just the ticket. I might have screwed the pooch when I rebuilt the box, i.e., incapacitated this cold air flap thingy. Sounds like the HEAT/OFF lever moves an inner flap(s) to mix/direct outside cold air and inside hot air proportionally. I cannot wait to perform yet another ever-so-much-fun-and-easy heater box removal and installation. Thank you so very much. Larry
  23. The HCV arrow is pointing inward, toward the heater box. Moving the HEAT/OFF lever opens and closes, respectively, the footwell flaps in the box and controls air directly out of the box and into the footwell (the source of the hot air to which I referred). Am I missing a "cold air flap" that you mentioned? I cannot seem to find a cold air flap or visualize where cold air should be entering, other than directly thru the fan. Thanks for your advice and patience... Larry
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