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A message to all regarding bad advice...


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If I were ever to offer bad advice I do hope that someone would point it out to me. If I were to do much more for this forum someone would have to pay me something. :b....

Norm, here's some examples.....

Sometimes I get a little lazy and only give a short answer. In this example we had the World Famous Roundel columnist Rob Seigel AKA TheHackMechanic chime in and give some wonderful "expert" advice that was SPOT on! There was no need to "fix" anything, and thus I did not re-reply.


Another time, I went overboard in researching and fixing some other incorrect advice. I mean no offense to those whom I correct when I do this.

I do not like having to go through all that work to prove a point. This is one example of incorrect advice that HAD to be fixed. Please keep your opinions to a minimum here. I know that there is rarely a B&W answer but here there was! Ate brake calipers ARE originally a gold cad/yellow zinc color... :b


Sometimes expert opinions differ..... I refrained from replying to this one again to avoid argument.... My 20/20 hindsight answer to CD would be that is must be all the stop and go driving we do in California. I was simply going by my own 15+ years of professional experience. I have a simple solution if he wanted to use his electric fan only instead of the clutched one... 96 318 fan switch... it's a plug and play.


One of the things that irks me the most is when people do not give a followup to the advice we give them. In this example on a five speed conversion labor cost question we never got the outcome of the guys install... Did he still get screwed or is he a happy customer? Which shop did the work and would he recommend them to others?? As you will see, many experts chimed in on this one (with some AWESOME advice I might add!) but there was no follow through! Grrrr Murf!


Another example of this... I would like to know that this kid read our advice and what he is taking from it. Is he going to kill himself or become another Bobby Rahal?


The experts around here come and go and it does seem that there are fewer now than in the past. One thing that is a big culprit to that is the incompleteness of the FAQ section. I know that I am a culprit in that fact, I am a busy person. Trying to find enough work in this economy is getting tougher and tougher. At the main shop I have been at for two years the BMW business has dwindled to a bare minimum. His main business is Porsche though and with his long standing reputation he has enough P-car work to survive. In my search for work I have found that there are very few shops (that I'll work for) that have enough business to take me on full time. So right now I do not have a home for my toolbox and am traveling to five different shops juggling work sometimes even on Sundays just to keep food on the table and the mortgage paid. There are just not enough experts around here right now.... OK tangent, now back to the subject at hand...

Please those of you that DO know a thing or two peruse the FAQ and FAQ Construction sections for missing and incomplete threads. I know that in my mechanical fuel pump one that I have not gotten around to posting up pictures of all the various fuel pumps etc. that we need. If you have pictures to add please do and I will edit them in for final approval from Steve K.... I have been asked to go in and edit and finish incomplete posts and create new ones too.... So, if you see yours get edited please do not get offended! I mean no harm....

Some whom come here do not even see that there IS a FAQ section. Isn't the the name of the site???? It is not the fault of the experts but sometimes that of the one asking! There have been way to many kittens lives wasted on this.


We need s search tutorial sticky atop the General Discussion and others.... We have talked about using key words in posts and our answered before. I do not think we are telling people to search enough... I have done quick searches for many of my answers recently. THAT is not right and turns experts away... seeing the SAME questions come up over and over again. Sometimes two on the same day! I for one get really tired of this and have refrained from answering at all.

Here's a recent example of a quick search of previously answered questions... Though it may have been easier because I know the author.


Sometimes even the experts need some advice. I know that some things are "trade secrets" but an O-ring??? I was asking for the masses and did not get a complete straight answer. Sean Casey knows the right one and I will end up posting the answer if I ever end up remembering to ask him. The experts get tired of answering questions and not being able to ask any of their own.


Once in a blue moon even the experts learn something from each other. :b...


AND.... sometimes it just plain works as its supposed to.... I got a warm fuzzy feeling from this one. And then it is also a prime example of what KC is saying... The guy had a good question that would be seriously hard to do a search for, posted a great picture describing exactly what relay he was asking about and got a wrong answer... from an expert no less... I chimed in to fix this one fast.


Tom Jones

BMW wrench for 30 years, BMWCCA since 1984 at age 9
66 BMW16oo stored, 67 1600-2 lifelong project, 2 more 67-8 1600s, 86 528e 5sp 586k, 91 318i
Mom&Dad's, 65 1800TiSA, 70 2800, 72 2002Tii 2760007 orig owners, 15 Z4 N20

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Guest Anonymous
I totally agree with you KC, but we should also consider the flip side of your argument

I am a 99% lurker, but I couldn’t agree more with nbcbird.

Michael made some very good points for being understanding and encouraging a la Rodney King. That also seems to be an argument for either dumbing things down or creating a new baby board, rather than posters making an effort to smarten things up, even a little.

I have been around cars, boats and aircraft for 30+ years. With that background it is easy to get bored with questions that are so basic as to make one wonder if the poster has ever seen a car let alone possesses a valid driver license. Same with responses. I also understand we all had to start someplace and what is obvious to some of us now, was not always so obvious. I think of KC’s originating post as nothing more than a simple cry for raising the bar for more intelligent discussion.

I like the fact that other boards have a chronic reminder that reading the FAQ’s and the archives should be explored before posting. Here, I have noticed that reminding posters that they should search the archives coupled with a few examples usually results in a reaction like a red cape in front of a bull. Because I have been asked questions about my 02's I have referred some of these questioners to this board. I recognize their posts and know for a fact that they are too lazy or impatient to use a search engine or to search the archives. Ultimately, if persistent enough, a well intentioned board member will offer to spoon feed the poster with the very same information they could have found on their own.

I also don’t buy the argument that asking the same question keeps the board alive. It only makes the board more boring and easier (at least for me) to skip reading. Kind of like changing the channel after you have seen the same cartoons too many times. The same argument applies to posters who type in their own version of short hand and refuse to correct their spelling because they do not wish to be bothered. The bad spelling or the failure to compose an understandable subject makes later searching for the post or the subject of the post virtually impossible. If you want to attract intelligent participation, like your own, raising the bar, at least in an aspirational sense, is not necessarily a bad idea, for most people. Changing the search default is a good idea, but if you can’t figure that out when performing a search, you may as well post a question regarding how to formulate a search.

With apologies to NickV, I also like the fact that on other boards, those with opinions seem to back them up with a source or some authority, even if it is their own experience. Experience should be evident from the post and not the title of the messenger. Experience with muscle cars or pedal cars does not count for much unless you have actually worked on, driven, or have some personal knowledge of these things. Same with responses similar to ‟just trust me or do it.” They are overused except for situations that are self evident: ‟When I wash the car with the windows down, will my seat get wet?” I understand NickV’s aversion to pomposity. It is not necessarily inviting, but it can sometimes be as helpful as “trust me, just do it.”

None of these things guarantees an accurate bankable answer, but it sure goes a long way in that direction. Return to Michael’s point, that he would refrain from typing - even if he is 99% sure of the answer, for fear of criticism. Such concerns are easily overcome by someone as clear headed, respectful and considerate as Michael. As demonstrated by his response to BillWilliams, his level headedness would cause him to clarify when he finds his answer is only 98% accurate!

To sum up: using the archives is good, accurate spelling is good, BillW is good, he has a nice brain and collects sychophants. Questioning a response is not bad, novices should be assisted if they sincerely need the help, and Michael, KC, NickV, and nbcbird make valid points. Otis doesn’t mind undressing an argument to illustrate a point and CD probably has a picture worth more than a thousand words. Blunt gives good parts. TJones's posts are sincere and he has no reason to apologize. And, some feel they would rather have a red tipped antenna or no antenna.

Hey Otis, is that a original Hirshmann antenna on that rocket?

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Hey Otis, is that a original Hirshmann antenna on that rocket?

You have a sharp eye, my good man. Many a time I have, indeed, adjusted that antenna in order to tune in Tokyo with those rockets.

By the way, who's this "Bill Williams" guy everyone keeps referencing? Do you think he'd know which wheel offset will work with my steelies? Oops - I probably should have used the search function before I asked that question. My apologies to the kittens.

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Guest Anonymous
Many a time I have, indeed, adjusted that antenna in order to tune in Tokyo with those rockets.

As a recognized expert on achieving escape velocity in a BMW marked device, maybe you could answer a few questions. Was BMW only involved in the blast off or did they also work on the splash down phase? Is this finally where WD40 can be used without criticism?

Do you know Lee aka Sir LeeAlot? The fact that Lee is both an apparent Yasmine Bleeth fan and a fan of larger brakes, makes me wonder. If you know him, does he walk around singing the following:

"I like big brakes and I cannot lie.

You other FAQ'ers can't deny . . . "


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Is this finally where WD40 can be used without criticism?

As every good FAQer knows, WD40 has many uses. Personally, I don't use it for FAQing. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't be used for said purposes. And although I promised "no more pictures," I now break that vow, because simply stated, a picture says a thousand words.


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Guest Anonymous
Is this finally where WD40 can be used without criticism?

As every good FAQer knows, WD40 has many uses. Personally, I don't use it for FAQing. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't be used for said purposes. And although I promised "no more pictures," I now break that vow, because simply stated, a picture says a thousand words.

So, you are saying that besides big brakes, Lee sings "I like big cans and I cannot lie"?

And what does this have to do with dirigibles in Lakehurst, NJ? You aren't saying WD40 was involved? Is that people often say "Oh the humanity" when they see me squirting the stuff on my brakes or on tuna nicoise for lunch? I also find your picture personally offensive. It depicts usage that probably would void any warranty and get most third graders suspended.

Feel free to post more. :)

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Guest Anonymous
when they see me squirting

I think you've taken my post out of context! And I am easily confused.

Your picture is deceptive too. Without a wide shot, I can't tell what the weather conditions are. So, is Jonny warming up or cooling down? Is he preparing to install some shocks or is he working on plugging in a hybrid? I am worried about the example he may be setting for youngsters. You really ought to caption the photo with a warning about proper grounding and electricity. And is that inka or colorado?

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Guest Anonymous
I call for the question. And as your famous namesake might do, I'm happy to ride off into this thread's sunset. Provided no one ever posts another wheel offset question - ever again.


Happy trails.

That would be the late Cowboy Bob. He's typecast forever.

Quite the surprise. I thought for sure you were speaking about someone else: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Williams

Good nacht

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can someone call for the question?

I call for the question. And as your famous namesake might do, I'm happy to ride off into this thread's sunset. Provided no one ever posts another wheel offset question - ever again.


Happy trails.

There is a new sheriff in town: Posting without enhancing images with BMW related material will be scorned.


But what do I know

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Guest Anonymous

Do you know Lee aka Sir BrakesAlot? The fact that Lee is both an apparent Yasmine Bleeth fan and a fan of larger brakes, makes me wonder. If you know him, does he walk around singing the following:

"I like big brakes and I cannot lie.

You other FAQ'ers can't deny . . . "


For Lee:

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