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Everything posted by MichaelP

  1. Does anyone have 5-spoke caps they could measure per the above diagram? It looks like they might work for Alpina (Borrani flavor) steelies as they're pretty deep and appear to fit a 58mm (or so) bore.
  2. Not sure if his drawing is 2D or 3D. If it's the latter, Illustrator drawings are vector graphics and can be opened in AutoCad -- not sure about AutoCad lite though.
  3. Do you know where you're running the new harness, fuel lines, etc through the firewall? It would be less painful to core those holes now than through fresh paint. Fresh air to the intake is going to require some kind of core through the bulkhead. Most folks just delete the stock air filter box and use a cone filter, but I like how Blunt did it (he posted some photos a few weeks back) putting the stock filter box forward of the bulkhead. It's the best way to go if you ever decide to use Alpha-N in the future. A test run on the motor and trans fit before painting would increase chances of getting it right the first time after painting.
  4. Turn it up LOUD. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2851488008488190547&q=rendezvous
  5. Check out the car thoroughly yourself, change as many of the fluids as possible (Jiffy Lube-ish places are great when you're from outta town), get names of folks from this board along the way and/or bring/borrow a copy of the BMW_CCA "Friends of BMW" glove compartment book. Bring a cell phone and check basic tools with your luggage on the flight out. Just about any 02 part can be delivered anywhere by FedEx. You could rent a Ryder type truck with a tow bar, but that might end up as much as the open hauler.
  6. These guys make just about anything you'd need - not metric though: http://www.burnsstainless.com/
  7. I don't think Royze has a kit for the DDH. Sorry. You might try calling some of the Alfa Parts suppliers as the Alfas used a version of the DDH, the ADDHE or something like that. An Alfa supplier in Charlottesville put me on to Royze some time back: http://www.international-auto.com/
  8. I rebuilt my DDHs with their kit and can recommend it, except I can't remember who the supplier was. Call Royze (Orange county) and they'll put you onto a seller: http://www.royze.com/Kitbmw.htm
  9. Below the "message body" box are another couple of boxes. Next to the "Filename" box, hit "browse" and select your photo file. THEN, hit "preview" and the page will refresh with your photo shown. Add another photo at that point by hitting "browe" again. Repeat "preview" until you have all your photos loaded.
  10. Where are you? What kind of Alpina stuff? Email address? Drop a note of you like: rustycoupe2000 AT yahoo DOT com
  11. Straight pipe with a glass pack is stupid loud. It scares little kids, pisses off your neighbors and attracts cops. Turbo is about as quiet as it will get, but still sounds good, especially when when you get on it. It's expensive, though -- about 500 bucks a couple of years ago. Go with Blunt's mix -- I will next time.
  12. Our M2 has the G262/5 (same as the M3 G265) and the tunnel problem is not so much width but height. What's shown in the photos from the previous post is that the 262/265 is so much taller than the 320i trans that you really need to raise the tunnel deck. Widthwise, it helps if you start out with an automatic 2002. A G262/5 (E12, early E24) has the mechanical speedodrive ready to plug in the 02 cable, while the G265 (M3) has electronic speedodrive. You'll still need the M3 bellhousing + flywheel for the sensors unless you opt per the previous post.
  13. I'd guess the former. R+R the starter or rebuild the solonoid.
  14. A gorgeous day for a drive over twisty Virginia mountain roads! Kudos to Mr. and Mrs. Schimp (Justin's Mom and Dad) for hosting lunch at their B&B for a lot more folks showing up for the drive than anticipated. Also, many thanks to Justin, his Dad and fellow 02ers for loaning tools and a gently used guibo for lunchtime repairs to our M2. You could assemble a whole 02 from what Bill Williams carries around in his trunk. Thanks, Bill! I didn't get many photos, but here are a few:
  15. Not on Mac OS 10.4.3, anyway. It works fine in IE and Safari. Minor annoyance, otherwise a bang up job! Thanks you guys.
  16. A cone filter will fit right over and clamp to the neck of the AFM. These days, though, ITG foam filters are better than K&N paper and screen filters. They flow better, last longer and are easier to clean. Our M2 has an old K&N that's due for replacement and I've been much happier with the ITG that is in our E28 (about 2 years old, no sign of wear). Here's ITG's cone chart: http://www.itgairfilters.com/airfilters.asp?section=maxogen US suppliers for ITG are a little difficult to find, but google will turn up several.
  17. I'm trying to talk my wife into going, but she wants to know if other passengers/spouses/SOs are going as they did last year. I guess she doesn't want to be the only shotgun rider.
  18. Ya, that's some flavor of Alpina air dam. I want..
  19. We're talkin' Florida here, where a disconnected, filled battery will last for just about ever. On the other hand, instead of consuming a band-aid kluge to the problem (trickle chargers, etc), get under there and figure out what the real problem is. Heeyaaah! Crackk!
  20. Only it's not my space. The disease now has me parking them 300 miles away at the in-laws. Picked the 1602 up about a year ago -- or rather, she followed me home (that's what I told my wife).
  21. your tii's sibling (1602) snoozing in NW Pennsylvania:
  22. The B&M shifter is tempting but the trans is pretty well jammed up against the top of the tunnel. Not sure I'd have enough clearance. I'll try bending the rod first -- the price of that option is pretty attractive. Thanks Lee.
  23. Royze manufactures rebuild kits, but when I called them they gave me the name of a CA distributor. Unfortunately, I can't remember the distributor's name. Call Royze: http://www.royze.com/Kitbmw.htm Jetting was discussed several times on the old forum, but all my 02faq bookmarks are now dead ended. Try a search if you dare.
  24. that came from the M3 cannabalized by the PO who did the swap. It's not particularly short -- a good bit longer throw than the short shifter in our E28. Every new repair with this 02 is new chapter in a long mystery story.
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