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Everything posted by ingramlee

  1. Is it safe to assume that shipping isn't included in the price
  2. Yeah... I just need to get under there a tear into it. I just figured since the floor heat works so well that the defroster would put off some heat instead of being continuous cool air, but it doesn't even blow warm air.
  3. I have 2 levers on the right side of the dash and 2 on the left side. One on the right is for heat the other is for the fan. One on the left controls the flaps for the footwells the other one I think is for the flaps for the defroster but that one doesn't work.
  4. Healey3000 you may be onto something. Even when I move the lever there is no change to the airflow for the defroster. It always blows air, albeit cool air no mater the position of the lever. The saga continues. I will dig deeper tonight after work. Thanks...
  5. Hi Folks, I have a 73 non tii that I've owned now for 7 years. The heat from my floor area works really well and gets nice and toasty, however no matter what I do, the windshield defroster always blows cool air even when I close off the valve. I get that the valve may be broken but why is the air always cool. Isn't the floor and defroster both fed from the same heat source? THX
  6. My rear diff appears to be leaking from the front of the unit. I am almost sure its the input seal. The fluid is traveling straight to the back of the diff.The output shafts have no fluid on them. how difficult is it to replace the input seal? THX
  7. Excellent idea. I never would have thought about that.
  8. Yep! I had such a blast with you guys last year I thought I'd do it again. Looking forward.
  9. Thanks Andrew. I'm just trying to get ready for the Mike Self Caravan to Mid America in a couple months.
  10. Does anyone have a list of recommended spare parts you carry when driving your 2002 on long trips that you care to share. I thought I remember seeing one here before but cant seem to find it right now. Thanks.
  11. I've bought my 73 in 2012 after a 20 year search, yes 20 years! I honestly cant remember how I stumbled upon this forum but I'm glad I did. I've learned so much about my little car from folks here. Thanks to all.
  12. Ahh I see Ed. I didn’t realize your suspension was disassembled. I just assumed everything was in place as mine is. I’m wondering if I would be better off dropping the whole subframe to replace those up front bushing. Everything seems so close to the front lip, l honestly don’t know if I could get a PVC contraption with all thread, washers etc. with the suspension in place even if I wanted to.
  13. Yeah same here. Having a hard time visualizing this method. Would love to see a photo, video or something
  14. Ken,


    This might be a long shot but did the rebuilt calipers you had listed a few months ago sell?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kbmb02


      I can shoot a photo if needed,they will look identical to what was in the original image. I'll do $222 shipped via PayPal - splitting the cost, basically.

    3. ingramlee


      KB... I think I'm going to wait on these. According to the wife, I've spent way too much money on my car in the last 3 months. Hopefully I didn't waste too much of your time. GLWS

    4. kbmb02


      Thanks for updated. -Ken

  15. I finally got my manual choke 32/36 starting & running what I consider very well, however, because of all of the excitement I hear on the forum about the 38/38 I'm seriously considering one. I would hate the thought of changing it out and not being able to get the 38/38 running as well. I guess I could always put the 32/36 back on though. Decisions, decisions.
  16. Great.. just what I wanted to hear! I’m doing the rears tomorrow
  17. What a PITA... If this ever is needed on my car again I will pay someone to do it. Geesh.
  18. I just put my car away for the winter two weeks ago and I'm having withdrawals already... This sucks.
  19. When I rebuilt my motor last year, I bought a new e21 pump from IE and used my original pickup. Saved about half of a new m10 pump. I think my old pump was still good but since I was there figured I might as well replace it.
  20. I received these in the mail today. Very excited. Thanks Andrew
  21. Mine is exactly the same as yours.. Its very annoying.
  22. Go to Stephers profile and hit find content. Its there about 3/4 ways down the first page
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