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Everything posted by 7502

  1. Just click on the message balloon icon at the upper right, then click compose new and then type in the user name in the "to" box.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Gives me hope, something good will come up for me to one day. I'd like to think I would also give someone a good deal if in a similar situation. You can't take it with you....
  3. Great video, thanks. I'm surprised the smokey haze doesn't seem that bad up in Penticton area. I's bad down there in Bellingham.
  4. Just wondering if the 2002 that drove up and paced me briefly and then continued down the interstate this morning is a FAQ member. Around 9:30 we briefly had a 2 car, late model BMW 2002 caravan. It was glorious. I had to exit at Edmonds so I stayed in the slow lane. You car looked nice, good to see another 2002 on the freeway. Eric
  5. Thanks guys. I suspected it had to do w/ the plug tip temperature. I often times realize all the holes in my knowledge about "modern" non VW aicooled cars. Every car I've had since I graduated from high school in 1980 has been an air cooled VW. A lot of things to help the 2002 run and operate it's best I just never had to think about or never learned. With my VW's over the years, if they start and get me where I need to go I haven't really tinkered or tuned much on motors. I did pull the 1200cc single port engine from my Karmann Ghia and build a 1600cc dual port with an extractor type exhaust many years ago but that 's about it. Eric
  6. Allow me to demonstrate my ignorance. I recently received a few sets of NKG BPR5ES from EPay and I did Pay more than I'm use to paying for plugs. They are basically out of stock everywhere but they are the plugs I've had good luck with since I bought the 2002. In the chart below, I'm wondering if Hotter means the plugs themselves are hotter or they are intended for a hotter cylinder head? Probably I'm reading too much into it.
  7. Probably a dumb question. Do they make them in wider 14" sizes? i like those.
  8. You mention if previously ran. Can you simply rotate the engine by hand and or bump the starter and watch the rotor to confirm the direction which way the rotor is actually spinning?
  9. Anticipating the 7 month rainy season looming over the horizon I sprayed some 3M Cavity Wax into the into the front fender. I was surprised to notice the passenger side door switch was absent. Made it even easier to spray that side. After that I waxed the fenders and hood. Now I have to consult a wiring diagram and see if passenger doors had switches.
  10. I used Rustoleum 7718830 Bright Coat Chrome. Make sure you shake it good throughout, on my final coat it dried a bit cloudy. Looked excellent after the first coats but got duller after the final coat. I think I didn't shake the can properly.
  11. Those came on my car. PO painted them body color, I just recently added a couple layers of fiberglass to the inside contour to stiffen them up a bit. Then painted shiny chrome with a spray can. You can't get much lighter that those but just make sure you never contact anything w/ them. If the diving boards are 5 mph impact these are 0.25 mpg impact. My PO did add a section of galvanized pipe behind the rear bumper to provide some minor strength but nothing extra for the front bumper. I do like them for what they are and they are inexpensive.
  12. Attemptetd to lower the height of the forward edge of the sunroof. Of course, I raised it instead, making it worse. Got back in there and reversed my initial adjustments and then some. My newly straightened and recovered headliner panel is still a bit difficult to slide in the channel but is serviceable. Much better now. I'll drop it a bit more soon, maybe tomorrow. till needs to I also re-calibrated my AFR gauge this morning. It stopped working last week and just got hung up during the boot up sequence. Seems to be working properly now, but who knows it might crap out in the near future.
  13. After trying the normal solutions for the bouncing temp gauge including the extra ground on the back of the gauge cluster - mine would even bounce in sync to songs w/ a heavy baseline from the subwoofer. I eventually added a ground strap from the battery to the forward sheet metal on the nose. Good luck.
  14. This weekend I've been doing some work on my fiberglass bumpers. Never really liked the body colored paint on these things. Before painting them "shiny chrome", I added two layers of fiberglass to the insides to stiffen them up a bit and then painted 2 or 3 coats of high build primer, after a final sanding this morning I now have 1 coat of "chrome" rattle can paint. I'll do 1 more coat in a few hours and call it good. Around here it's perfect painting weather.
  15. Do you have the phenolic carb spacer?
  16. I removed my sunroof headliner panel earlier in the summer and just ran w/ a wide open sunroof for a couple months. Last week I got around to straightening and recovering the mangled headliner frame. P.O. redid the headliner with foam backed, Joanne Fabric store headliner material. Not going to win any originality contest that's for sure. Anyway, it's back together and does move a lot smoother and easier than before. I removed the foam layer from the fabric around the perimeter of the frame so it wouldn't be so thick. I think that helped. Fasteners left imprints in the fabric after the adhesive dried but that may subside over time or will just compliment the exquisite Joanne's Fabric headliner material. At least it was cheap and readily available.
  17. I'm a big Warren Zevon fan and happened to be playing a record this evening. Looked it up, and found this recording in which he mentions his BMW two times on this video at 0:34 and again at 2:50 He is a terrific piano player but here he just has a rhythm guitar. Warren probably had a Bravaria., just guessing. Enjoy: Eric
  18. When I mounted 14" basketweave they also rubbed. As Toby mentioned spaces will fix that. Excerpt from an old post. Today I installed 5mm front wheel spacers since the tires were super close to the tie rods. Could barely get a playing card between them I'm happy with the wheel clearance now. I was just able to get 8 full turns of the lug nuts so I think I'm OK. I also bought some 10mm spacers for the rear but will need longer studs.
  19. Gave it another opportunity to run. Drove 181 miles today down to Whidbey island to fix a lawn mower and cut some grass. I'll calculate gas mileage tomorrow,. My car continues to run like a champ, no complaints. I did have the speedo showing 95 mph for a bit on the I5 but actual that's probably more like 80 mph. In the end I picked up some old 2x2's for a compost bin project.
  20. Looking good. I recommend wiping down the Ospho area with clean water or alcohol before the final painting.
  21. I'm committed to redoing the headliner frame w/ more of the same light grey Joannes foam backed headliner material. So I'm considering removing that rubber piece for the time being and saving it until I might redo the entire headliner but that's not in the cards for now. It might be possible for me to carefully separate the foam backing from the headliner along the edges where it wraps around the frame to streamline the panel just a bit. Not sure if that's going to work yet.
  22. Yes, I'm referring to to the thick, soft rubber strip located on the forward edge of the frame toward the back of the bench. The relatively thick the foam backed Joanne Headliner material used by the P.O. in combination w/ this rubber strip probably results in a thicker panel than that of an original headliner. Just wanted to determine that rubber strip belonged there. Sounds like it does. Thanks
  23. '75 - My sunroof panel frame needed to come out for repairs and straightening. I've removed the P.O.'s Joane Fabrics headliner and attempted to straighten the frame. I'm curious on the rubber gasket running along the forward edge of the frame. Is this original? Wondering if I can remove this gasket to free up some space so it fits better when all the way open.
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