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Greg R aka Big_Lebowski

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Everything posted by Greg R aka Big_Lebowski

  1. I've been toying with setting up a Saturday morning meet up somewhere between Austin and Houston like Brenham or LaGrange. Yall Houston 02rs be interested in meeting up? Also, keep in mind Terry Sayther's 02berfest events in Fredericksburg, Tx.
  2. That particular Touring belongs to Rudy from down the Houston area. Terry Sayther has recently acquired one too. Here's Terry's Touring.
  3. Another solid attendance for our Austin, Texas 2002 and Classic BMW Cars and coffee last Saturday morning. I was enjoying all the camaraderie I didn't take as many pictures as usual. Below are a few for you to enjoy! Including a couple of my 02 that I took tooling around downtown Austin before the C&C. Including a link to an Instagram post by gruppechat. Its a sped of video that might make your head spin. Enjoyed having them come out and covering our C&C and look forward to having them attending future events. Greg Resa
  4. Welcome aboard! Always nice to see another Texas 02!
  5. Hey Barne, no worries! I'm well aware that if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
  6. Thought I'd share some pictures of our January ATX 2002 C&C. We had a good turnout with a total of 18 making the event and 16 being 2002s. We started having the C&C last January and have had successful events each month. Its always difficult to get all of our local 02rs to attend as we all have so much going on. We could easily push 30 02s if the stars ever line up just right. Just about every month we have a new 02 show up. How neat is that! Rudy from down in the Houston area brought 6 of his 02s up this month. Got to love that! A big thanks to Terry Sayther for helping me spread the word each month. Also big thanks to Rudy for bring some of his 02s up this month. Already looking forward to our February C&C. I'll be getting out this coming Saturday to see if I can identify a new spot to hold our event as we're growing in numbers.
  7. You're more than welcome to join us here in Austin for our ATX 02 Cars & Coffee. We have our C&C every 3rd Saturday morning of rhe month and usually have anywhere from 4-17 02s show up. Rudy from Katy is planning on bringing 3 or 4 of his 02s up this month. Perhaps yall can meet up and caravan... We meet at Mozarts Coffee Roasters located on Lake Austin Blvd at 8am and are ususually there a good 2 hours. PM me or email me at Greg.Resa@gmail.com for more details.
  8. This time last year we had so much rain in central Texas we did know if the Fall 02berfest would take place. A few pics from last year added... Like Ed mentioned, "blessed with perfect weather, folks... Clear skies, lows in the mid 50s with a high of 82, each day."
  9. Thought I'd share. Thought I'd share a few pictures from our Austin, TX. area 02 C&C. Already looking forward to next months event! Greg Resa
  10. Heck yeah! He told me he's booked and bring 3 of his 02s. That's fantastic!! Look forward to meeting you.
  11. If not, your always welcome to join us for one of our Austin area Cars and Coffee meet up. There scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of each month at 8am. We have the C&C at Mozarts Coffee Roaster located on Lake Austin Blvd. John Rosalado mentioned driving up from Houston for our November C&C. Rudy from Katy is planning on making the drive up again too. Greg Resa
  12. Look forward to meeting you! Your profile shows Wisconsin, are you driving down from there? If so, safe travels!!
  13. Here's Terry's email sent last month. Hope it helps Carl. Yes, boys and girls, it's that time again! Time to hitch up your wagons and head for Fredericksburg Texas for the Fall Texas 02berfest! Bring your BMW 2002 or other vintage BMW chariot (or even just your vintage interest) out for a weekend of fun, hill country driving, great eating, and above all, wonderful people! On Friday October 28, we will be gathering in South Austin at Terry Sayther Automotive, 1606 Fortview Rd, 78704 at 1PM and we will be leaving in a caravan at 1.30. We will be driving through the back roads of the Hill Country to the Peach Tree Inn in Fredericksburg. We will arrive there in time to check in, relax and socialize, and then head out for supper together. Can't make it Friday? Join us for breakfast on Saturday morning at the cafe at the Hanger Hotel at the Fredericksburg Airport. Then we'll head for the Hills! We'll spend a few hours on the little twisty back roads around Fredericksburg, have a great lunch together, and then return to the Peach Tree. After relaxing awhile it will be time to eat again [sense a theme here?]. Sunday morning we will once again eat together and then say sayonara for another few months. Call the Peach Tree Inn for reservations now at 800-843-4666. We hope to see you soon---Terry
  14. I'm booked! Rudy from Katy messaged me earlier that he booked his rooms today and that he's bringing 3 of his 02s. Looking like it will be a great turnout! Greg Resa
  15. PM sent regarding a few items I'd like to order. Thanks! Greg Resa
  16. Nice work! Details on the driver's side fender. Is that a new fender and if so where did you purchase it?
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