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Thumbs up from a Ferrari F430 F1 Spider driver


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I was on highway 101 minding my own business. Going about 80MPH. This guy pulls up next to me,smiles and gives me a thumbs up. He takes off. I catch up going about 100 and I return the nice gesture with a smile.That Ferrari is probably worth over 200 grand.

73 Tii A4 BOD Oct. 13,1972

74 Tii BOD Nov. 16,1973

FAQ Member 1683

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.

Mario Andretti

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Great that you took action

why hide? what's the matter? no need to be ashamed of yourself. I can be your life coach. I guarantee that you will not be so insecure. LMK...I only charge 400 an hour.

73 Tii A4 BOD Oct. 13,1972

74 Tii BOD Nov. 16,1973

FAQ Member 1683

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.

Mario Andretti

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Guest Anonymous

I was passing a 4-door covair on the 80 and the driver waved and also gave me a thumbs up! I slowed down to let the driver admire my new chrome exhaust extension.

Once I drove through a walmart parking lot and received a lot of waves. It was because I was driving the wrong way down that parking lane.

My neighbor waves at me when she is watering her flower garden too.

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Guest Anonymous
That's cool. People usually only wave at me with their finger...

Maybe you drive too slow or the other people don't have very expensive cars. It is also possible you drive too fast to notice the waves. Have you tried very expensive car wax?

You may not notice that Caribou and Moose generally tilt their antlers to the side for 02's and very expensive cars! But that may be only in Canada! lol

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Great that you took action

this is hilarious, but "Robot" isn't me in case that's what you were thinking.

i do hope you were keeping your eyes on the road when you were going 100 MPH on the 101 and smiling at the Ferrari driver. Sounds like a good way to cause an accident.

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Guest Anonymous
Great that you took action
this is hilarious, but "Robot" isn't me in case that's what you were thinking.

i do hope you were keeping your eyes on the road when you were going 100 MPH on the 101 and smiling at the Ferrari driver. Sounds like a good way to cause an accident.

How do we really know you are not [a] robot? Your typing seems very mechanical. Maybe you are not technically a robot, but you are a replicant? Do people in very expensive cars wave to you? Have you ever mixed seafoam and rainX? Does the mixture bead up or foam up when applied to your windshield?

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Great that you took action
this is hilarious, but "Robot" isn't me in case that's what you were thinking.

i do hope you were keeping your eyes on the road when you were going 100 MPH on the 101 and smiling at the Ferrari driver. Sounds like a good way to cause an accident.

How do we really know you are not [a] robot? Your typing seems very mechanical. Maybe you are not technically a robot, but you are a replicant? Do people in very expensive cars wave to you? Have you ever mixed seafoam and rainX? Does the mixture bead up or foam up when applied to your windshield?

Hey Murphy, are you talking to me, or "Robot"? Whoever "Robot" is should stand up. "Rodin" as well.

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Guest Anonymous
Hey Murphy, are you talking to me, or "Robot"? Whoever "Robot" is should stand up. "Rodin" as well.

I am not sure who I am addressing. It depends on whether you are the genuine article, robot or a robot wannabe? My life coach is on vacation in Alberta and neglected to instruct me as to how to use the robot impersonation detector. Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care ... no no no! (que the trombones!)

I do agree that chasing cars for up thumbs at extreme speeds seems dangerous and not particularly rewarding. (I prefer having others do the catch up - lol)

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Hey Murphy, are you talking to me, or "Robot"? Whoever "Robot" is should stand up. "Rodin" as well.

I am not sure who I am addressing. It depends on whether you are the genuine article, robot or a robot wannabe? My life coach is on vacation in Alberta and neglected to instruct me as to how to use the robot impersonation detector. Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care ... no no no! (que the trombones!)

I do agree that chasing cars for up thumbs at extreme speeds seems dangerous and not particularly rewarding. (I prefer having others do the catch up - lol)

Listen dude, I don't appreciate this. Who the fuck are you? You're gonna have to take my word for it. I have no reason to create a fake identity to get any shits and giggles. Apparently other people do.

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Guest Anonymous
Listen dude, I don't appreciate this. Who the fuck are you? You're gonna have to take my word for it. I have no reason to create a fake identity to get any shits and giggles. Apparently other people do.

Calm down. No need to be so defensive or use foul language. I am just an 02 junky who occasionally lurks here. I, like you, (or so I thought) found the thread amusing. I do not know you or any of the other posters and did not mean to personally offend you. I do think the posts speak for themselves.

Sorry. I will go back to lurking.

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Listen dude, I don't appreciate this. Who the fuck are you? You're gonna have to take my word for it. I have no reason to create a fake identity to get any shits and giggles. Apparently other people do.

Calm down. No need to be so defensive or use foul language. I am just an 02 junky who occasionally lurks here. I, like you, (or so I thought) found the thread amusing. I do not know you or any of the other posters and did not mean to personally offend you. I do think the posts speak for themselves.

Sorry. I will go back to lurking.

well i thought it was pretty funny too and refrained from posting for a while but then realized some people might have thought that Robot was me - and it's hard to interpret some of these posts as being sarcastic or not. the one by Rodin sounded like he was talking shit about me regarding my recent post about a fuckin' chrome exhaust extension question i had. sorry if i came across as defensive, i just don't need anyone implying that i would create a fake identity. that's not me. i'm Ryan here, my profile is not hidden, as yours and a bunch of these others are. as you can see from other posts of mine, i'm not afraid to speak my mind and back it up with my own words, unlike others who refer you to other peoples posts for answers and tell you the same thing repeatedly. and so now we've come full circle on the ROBOT MALFUNCTION issue. on that note, to continue the original intended spirit of this thread, i think i'm gonna go over to Sea Cliff and Pacific Heights for a leisurely drive and see if i get any props from drivers of expensive cars. maybe i'll see Robin Williams or Don Johnston. 'Cos if I can get their approval, I'll feel much better about the heritage and capability of the budget-priced classic BMW that I drive daily, and won't have too much anxiety about not being able to afford a car that is fast and fancy and a thrill to drive but to a lot of people says nothing more than look what I can buy and you can't.

P.S. please god have mercy on me for the time i spent writing the above novel.

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well i thought it was pretty funny too and refrained from posting for a while but then realized some people might have thought that Robot was me - and it's hard to interpret some of these posts as being sarcastic or not. the one by Rodin sounded like he was talking shit about me regarding my recent post about a fuckin' chrome exhaust extension question i had.

Robot? I thought you were Rodin, until you posted as yourself. If you are not Rodin, wtf is Rodin?

67 Caribe 1600

76 Ceylon 2002

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