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Everything posted by tdskip

  1. Well, thanks to you all, problem solved. Once I had the right tool it went very quickly. Thanks again for the help and coaching!
  2. Thanks - let me look at my '74 and see if these can help. Am also in SoCal. Have a good rest of your weekend.
  3. OK - you are crazy! (love the idea however, cool look)
  4. Thanks gentlemen, fortunately there are only four total rather than 16. Positive thinking, right?
  5. Thanks for the responses, will strip everything down and try to get a nut on it with a proper weld this time. Ordered the extractor kit if that fails. One way or another I’ll get this sorted with your help. Was just a bit thrown off because I’ve got some time pressure to get all this sorted and it’s going to be so flipping good to make progress on this thing.
  6. @AustrianVespaGuy - good idea, checked online and they don't seem to have a matching pattern.
  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076WQMSVB/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Ordered.... Checked McGard but they don't have anything that will fit, both good tips however Chris, thanks.
  8. Think so Mike, thanks for the tip, I'll really go after wire brushing it before hitting it with the MIG again. You guys are awesome - appreciate all the ideas and responses.
  9. I have a mid-range Hobart, oddly the weld didn't really stick to the lug nut. I'll clean it again like crazy and get a lot of weld on it. Cautiously optimistic that will do it. Or C4, looks to be a 7 or 8 pound job. Or so I've been told. Just to vent for a second - I spend 4+ hours this week having to get cut a single motor mount off a Fiat 124 Spider where the DPO stripped the nut on the recessed stud that sits within the front subframe, so am trying hard not to touch a Dremel again for at least a couple days. We do this for fun, right?
  10. I think I'm back to the earlier idea of welding a nut in place. Will likely got get four 7/8 nuts and weld them om from the inside out filling in the recessed area. Doing that will also get heat into the area which usually helps.
  11. Sockets won't fit, either opening is too narrow or center prong is too wide. My bolt extractors max at 19mm, so too small to fit around it. Wondering if I got four small bolts, stuck them in the recessed area and then welded them together if that would work and be usable more that ones?
  12. Well - snapped the welds right off, not sure what the lugs are made of since I got good penetration on the iron 7/8 nut but it didn't really adhere to the lug at all. I suppose I could also cut a vertical slice in to then try and get a piece of strong metal in like a giant screwdriver. Don't think these wheel lugs have been off in a very long time. Will have to try again. Does this look like a pattern that a local tire shop might have laying around? Not sure how common/uncommon it is. Thanks!
  13. Ohhhh, good idea. I do actually have a MIG sitting near the car mocking me for not doing more with it. Thanks!
  14. So the good news is that I’m about to move the ‘74 Tii to a workshop to make progress on the engine bay. The bad news is that I can’t with the Flippin car because one tire is totally flat, not taking air, and there’s an anti-theft lug nut that I don’t have the matching pattern for. Ugh. Any ideas? Help!
  15. I think it depends, to try to answer your question, on the level of job that you want to end up with. I’ve seen engine bay is done to a very nice standard with things taped off rather than removing everything. That said, if there’s any repair to the metal work needed or rust treatment etc. it’s going to be hard to do all that without removing everything. There really isn’t that much in the engine bay and I’m sure plenty of good reference architectu there really isn’t that much in the engine bay and I’m sure plenty of good reference pictures available. It’s always a good practice to take a load of pictures and make notes as you take things apart, I’ve also found that video with commentary on what goes where is even more helpful .
  16. Please do NOT tell me now that gash was supposed to be there. Grin. Just done with the MIG closing it up. Doubt that will be easy to see once engine bay is painted and everything installed. (the whiteish glaze and darker stuff is dried phosphoric acid, will clean up)
  17. Interesting - thanks for posting that link.
  18. I'm going to weld this up on Monday under the assumption it does not belong there. Can't see it on any other cars...
  19. Thanks gentlemen, will order them from Andrew (want to support our vendors and he's been super helpful as well). Any ideas on that cut/gash? Just clean and MIG weld it back up?
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