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Hug your kids a little extra tonight


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the severity of the injuries and the parts/regions of the body involved.

My older son is 16+ and has not solo'd yet, but has buddies that are free to roam. Having known him his entire life, I don't think I'll EVER be comfortable having him drive off w/out my wife or me! We talk about every young driver accident/fatality seen in the paper or on the news.

Virginia has conditional licenses - so many months without passengers <18 y/o, family members only, etc. I fear for his inexperience inexperience in this congested area, even having completed BMW CCA's Street Survival course. It was bad enough back in the days before cell phones, texting, and otherwise poor driving skills & manners!

My condolences and prayers to the young men.

John in VA

'74 tii "Juanita"  '85 535i "Goldie"  '86 535i "M-POSSTR"  

'03 530i "Titan"  '06 330ci "ZHPY"


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Guest Anonymous
You are correct numb-nuts

Fuck you and your high horse, asshole. . As for your low-life name-calling, you wouldn't have the balls to call me any name to my face, so don't hide behind your keyboard. Simply put - and as those who know me would attest, I certainly would (and if we meet, I will) say this to your face - go fuck yourself. And while you're at it, re-read my post. You might learn something, and save a kid's life, in the process.

Wow, you must feel like a real man now!! Geez, here we are talking about two kids having a wreck, one dying and teh other critically injured and you ahve to hijack a thread about how you drove a freaking station wagon - who gives a crap what you drove?!?!?!

And yea, I would be glad to say that to your face.

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Guest Anonymous
the older brother (17) lost control of the car in the rain

Probably not the time right now

Yes sir enough said.......you should of excercised some restraint and self-discipline and shut your self up right there.

Doug my condolensces and hope for your friends. I can't even imagine (and hope I never experience) what they are going through.


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Thank you for all the heart felt replies. The prayers and good thoughts got Tyler through the night. He is young and healthy, except for the burns. He has very serious deep burns on his lower body and is currently in a drug induced comma. The doctors have upgraded his survivability, but he's burned over 62% of his body and it will be a long road back. They are talking about surgery later in the week if he continues to improve, but he is still considered critical day to day. Blood donations can be made to the Parkland Hospital Burn Unit for Tyler Seedig. The funeral for Tanner will be Saturday.

Thanks again for caring.

e46-330ci, e46-325ci Vert., e36-328is, e30-325is, M20-2002, K110, K75, '71 Jeepster Commando

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I'll gladly delete all of my comments, and replace them with condolences. Now, all who responded negatively are left with a whistle-clean thread that expresses nothing but condolences - as of course, I do. Which means, the thread goes: (1) tragedy explained, (2) heartfelt condolences, (3) best wishes, (4) pain felt, (5) more of the same, (6) etc.

Now, view the thread. With the exception of JohninVa's contribution, it teaches nothing, and offers nothing constructive (other than threadbare sympathy) to avert future tragedies. The thread-creator's approach is to post the tragedy (oddly juxtaposed with the PC-incorrect Buckwheat avatar), and suggest hugs; although Punchy, (1) I do give you some props for finally suggesting something constructive, like blood donations, although that addresses the cure, not the cause, and (2) when I posted, I knew nothing about the Brakes program. In any event, if one person - just one person - has read my (now-deleted) posts and thought to himself or herself, "I think there's a lesson here: I'm not going to let my 16/17-year old novice driver, drive unsupervised," then a purpose is served. (Again, JohninVa, well stated, I defer to you.)

Obviously, some don't agree with the timing or content of that message, or the manner in which I delivered it. But one question posed above is, was the comment appropriate? My cousin was killed by a teenage driver, and my drywall contractor also was killed by a group of five, unsupervised teenagers who piled into a Subaru station wagon and, while showing off, crossed the center line and met him head on. So yes, somebody should (correct that, must) say it, because it's the harsh truth: Don't let your kids drive unsupervised, and importantly, don't let others let their kids do it, because next time, it could be you (or your loved ones) that they hurt.

With that, spew forth - I'll leave this thread. And if any of you brave soles, hiding behind keyboards with newly-created names, want to make anything more of it, send me a message off line. I'm easily found, I don't need your prayers, and I'm not easily offended by big, bad, bold, and brave "to-my-face" comments like, "Who gives a crap what you drive." You still can't spell, but what a proud he-man you are, brave sir.

PS - Robspeed, you never cease to amaze me. Perhaps someday you'll explain the connection between suggesting that young drivers be supervised, and protesting at churches during military funerals. That's a particularly oddball (and itself insensitive) comment, given the now-deleted content describing my military father - don't you think? Whom again was allegedly drinking, me or you?


Honestly, why do you feel need, and feel the right to say ANY and ALL of what you have said? A CHILD met a horrifiying death. A CHILD killed his own brother, and you have the insensitivity and rudeness to make comments like these.

I give my prayers to the family, and the brother(17) beacuse he unfortunately will have to live knowing that he killed his little brother, even if his actions are not at fault, it will always be a lurking feeling.

However, your posts have shown us your amazing levels of intelligence, and maturity. Frankly, I don't give a damn about spelling on a forum, much less a post that revolves around a horrific accident, which involved the death of a child, and critical injury of another; and the fact that you felt it necessary and proper to make comments on the subject of punctuation, enlightens all of us of your blatant insensitivity.


–adjective 1. unable to read and write: an illiterate group.

2. having or demonstrating very little or no education.

3. showing lack of culture, esp. in language and literature.

4. displaying a marked lack of knowledge in a particular field: He is musically illiterate.

( the above was from dictionary.com) Now who is the individual here that demonstrates illiterate behavior...hmmm...

Otis, i want you to do something for me. Your in the car with said teenage driver. Said driver looses control of the car. What at that moment, could you possibly do to prevent any injuries? Enlighten us. I'm sure we will want to learn this skill so we may practice it when our kids begin to drive.

Novice drivers have accidents, no matter their age color, race, ect. Now, do you want these accidents to happen when they have no need to drive long distances, or when they are eighteen years of age, and drive long distances. Such as, to college, and back home ect.

Also, this scenario could have happend to anyone, INCLUDING you. Perhaps you should consider other variables in the accident. Such as, tread wear, location of crash, time of day, and other outside influences, other cars, animals ect.

Otis, are you a father? If so, imagine the pain of loosing a child. Or, if your not a father, Imagine hearing the news of the death of a child that you knew, or were close to. Next, i would like you to have some short tempered asshole write an insensitive opinon/story blaming this accident on the parents decisions on letting their child to operate a vehicle. What do you think your emotion would be?

Now finally, if what i have said is written on a level that you cannot comprehend, let me simplify; YOUR the one that needs to go fuck yourself. Frankly, , how dare you? There is a hot place in hell, just for you. Your snyde comments arent needed here, especially given this threads content. (If you dont know, im referring to your comment regarding the gentlemans avatar.)

Now, re- read your posts, and the posts of others, and let it all sink in. Learn from this.


'75 2002


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Your in the car

Or, if your not a father, Imagine

YOUR the one that needs to go fuck yourself.

It's "you're" - as in, you are - not "your."

Hugs to you.

I already have an accredited english teacher, so your correction on my punctuation is uneeded.

I thought that we have already addressed your need to correct people on the forum, have we not?

Anyway, your childish response isnt helping your case, so maybe you should delete that post as well.

I hope you have a wonderful night Otis.

'75 2002


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