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Progress on the bmw1602.com car ...** UPDATED 05/05/20 *

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Their instructions page also has a pdf file. I bought mine from doghouse repair

I could not find much info on it either. One reason it is not commonly used is that the rotor does not fit our distributors as it is designed. I took the chance and ordered it anyway and found that I could rotate the rotor against the dizzy shaft in such a way that it was straight and true and secured it with a little sealant. I've used it for more than 20,000km's now without a hitch.

Possibly another reason that it is not commonly used is because it is one of those 'in between' technologies. Still using the mec advance is a real limitation if you run on the street and the fuel is not what the original curve was designed for. I know this from my tii as I have to retard to run pump gas (lower octane level here in Japan) withouth pinging at high load high RPM. Any how you could get the kit without wires ($200) then order a set of wires from Magnacore or kingsbourne custom to this coil and length. I just pryed the coil ends off of teh wires that it came with and put them on the kingborne wires (from maximillians) that i already had.

The placement of my setup coil be better in terms of heat. I might move it to behind the firewall. If you want to put it farther from the distributor you will need an extension connection wire. Also you will need a tach adapter.


You car has really come a long way. I wish I could see it in action!

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Well here is the fix as described by jeff ireland.

Dremel out the black resin in the rotor including the buried resistor.

solder a 12-14ga wire in place,

drop back in and enjoy full spark from your big coil and ignition.

all is ready for my Vara University this weekend.




68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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You see it's the annual Vara University this weekend,

Vara U. is a 2-day school where would be vintage racing drivers go once a year to see if they can become part of the "show". (www.vararacing.com)

I've been waiting all my life for this and started dreaming about it 7 years ago when I got my project car. A lot of emotions are building up inside of me right now. I can't imagine when I actually get to grid up for a real race!

My car is as ready as it will be. Which is to say I'm fixed most of the blaring issues(I think...this issue will keep you up at night). I'm really worried my car will quit on me before I get a chance to get that rookie lisc. on sunday. But lets hope the stout german engineering of 30+years ago will hold up to my abuse.

As for me.....I'm definately ready! It's not my first time on the track by a longshot. I raced motorcycles for years. But this is definately different. I more anxious than nervous. I just want to get it over with almost.

All my friends flaked on me so I'll be going solo. Doing this old skool style and sleeping in the back of my mom's 4runner and turning my own wrenches like I used to do when I raced motorcycles.

to make matter's worse!!!!! the weather looks like shit.


Rain for both days!!! I live in California for @#$ sake! what is this? (east coasters ignore my weather tantrum)

Now I have to quickly spray all my rust spots under the car so they don't rust away by the time I get back! hehehe.....

So the rain will make things a bit more "interesting" for sure! For one, since I deleted the windows.....i will be soaked! My brand new fresh Sparco WHITE driving suit will turn black for sure and the inside of my car will be a mess.....why did I pick a white car and a white driving suit??? oh yeah....cause I live in sunny hot kalifornia........

On the plus side when I get out of the car after a few laps me and the car will look like we just finished a stint in a 24h race!

Let's just hope I won't be wet and miserable the whole time.(no wonder all my friends found something to do...)

Seriously, I'm excited and only snow would dampen my mood right now. I'm still praying for some sunshine and that my falken azenis will do good in the wet. I'm sure I won't be too lonely either as the people are great and I'm sure to make some new friends. If anything goes wrong with the car I might be lucky and have some fellow's competitor's help. Not to mention I'm damn lucky to have Jeff ireland in the pits to answer any questions I might have. He is also an instructor with VARA so I might have the man himself sharing his wisdom and helping me with my driving. After all it's in his best intrest as I will be lining up on the grid with him in a few months!


I guess I deserve some rain for all the sunny warm days we get out here while half of the country in buried deep in white stuff and left to polish chrome and post away on this mesageboard all day.

So for all you eastcoasters looking at bmwporn all day on the internet....Hopefully I will have some very wet pictures to post up on monday, and with any more luck I'll have a soggy rookie lisc. in my back pocket and a grin all the way home....

wish me luck and thank you for all the help thru the years,

talk to you all on monday!

68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Wow, what a weekend!

My first steps into the exiting world of vintage racing.

My weekend started when I left my mom's house with the car in tow. I arravied at Buttonwillow raceway at around 3.20am found a nice spot in the paddock moved some stuff out and setup my "bed" in the back of the 4runner and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up aound 7am with the sound of revving race engines! Sweet! Best of all NO RAIN!! Started to unload the car and setup my little tent and pit area. Got the car warmed up, went to the tech line. I did pass tech but they showed me a couple of things I have to fix for my first event. Lined up at the skid pad for some exercises....that went fine did some drifting and spinouts...then we went to the classroom talked a bit and headed out to a "slalom" course for some runs. They split the course in 2 halves. east loop and west loop. We did 2 sessions on the east course (no passing) then after lunch and some more classroom we ran on the west course. Finnally on the last session of the day they went to an "open passing" session. WOW that got my attention! I had sooo much fun!!!!

Altough I was having stumble everytime I turned right! I think my float level is too high.....it would clear up as soon as the car woudl straighten out.

The classroom sessions were informative but relaxed and I picked up a thing or 2. The real value was riding with an instructor. He really helped me and learned some valuable stuff.

Just as I got out of the car on the last session.....Rain drops started to fall!

I quickly covered up my car and put it under my tent. Made some new friends and we all went out to dinner to a small hole in the wall mexiacan place a few miles away. There were 15 of us I think. It was loud, fun, great conversation and the food was amazing! It was now raining steadily as we drove back to the track. Setup my bed in the back of the 4 runner again and it was not too bad. Felt bad for the guy in the tent as the rain increased in intensity! Grabed my laptop to watch a DVD and to my amazement the track had WiFi network and I could surf the web too! Buttonwillow rules! Watched my movie promptly feel asleep to the sound of rain.

Once again I woke up to the familiar sound of warming race engines but as I open the fogged up car windows I saw a clear blue sky and the sun in the sky already warming things up! SWEET!

The first few sessions ran in the wet tarmac and a few people ran off and got stuck in the mud! serious mud too! Luckily we had a classroom session and by thime we took to the track all that remained was a few puddles! They opened passing only on the straights for the first session and now we were running the full length track layout. Funny enough my stumble problem disapeared in almost all the corners since I was now going thru them with more throttle and in my theory draing the float level a bit so it would stop stmbling? In any case the only corners were it would stumble now were the 2 slow corners.....annoying but I didn't know how to fix it.

After lunch they opened FULL passing. Now I was having some fun! Not because I was passing people (I was) but more because I could run full speed and not be held up. Rode with the instructor again and after a couple of attempts and passes he gave me some great advice on "racecraft" and setting up passes. Basically told me to calm down a wait and set things up more and the pass will almost naturally occur.

After one last classroom session were ALOT of talk was made about passing and vintage racing rules and emphasis on NO contact! Clean passes etc....

The moment of Truth had came,

time for the final exam! Practice starts!

Much like a real race weekend on the first start we would be placed by the officials. then based on the finishing position of the "qualifing race" is were we would be placed for the "flag" race.

Naturally I rushed to gas up my car and arraived late! so they placed me 2 cars from last place! Actually is exactly what I wanted because I wanted to expirience lots of cars around me and lots of traffic so I can learn how I reacted and dealt with that situation.

As the group bunched up in the last few corners and started to focus and droped into the right gear and just as I exited the last corner I saw the flag! Sounds erupt around me as I quickly shift into the next gear and pass my first car (merc 190SL) as I dive into turn one I have on car on teh inside and one car on my bumper! I bearly remember the rest of the first lap! It was action packed! I proceeded to focus on my lines and quickly passed more and more cars! I had one kinda hairy moment coiming into a heavy breaking zone (star mazda corner) and just as I was vlose to passing a celica GTS(school car) I hit the rumble strips on the inside and my car got sidways and got my heatbeat going! Thankfully the '02 is a wonderful car and I was able to handle it with no issues. As I aproched the lead group of 2 2002's (autobahn rennsport cars) I tought to myself "this is my life?" ...."sweet" after sucking in behind them for a few corners I passed the red one with no drama then sized the yellow car for a lap....I remembered my instructor telling me to calm down and set it up. So in the last corner leading to the final straight I braked early and calmed the car down and took a great line, while he fumbled a bit and dove in a bit too deep....I made a textbook pass as I carried more exit speed. To my surprise i saw the checkered flag!!! sweet.

As I came into the hot pit to line up for the 2nd practice start... the car was a bit hot....humm...

They lined me up in pole! I guess I did it on that last pass!

My instructor ran up to the car and yelled...."finnally a student that listens!!" He congratulated me and told me "...pedro your ready to race." It felt great to get his respect and realized that I did just execute on someting were were working on in the car together. I learned....imagine that!

Being on pole on a rolling start is a big responsability.....you are responsable for controlling the speed and making sure the group is tight.... Not to mention you can choose your speed for the start......so I got in 3rd AND the flag waved!!! crap should of been in 2nd! The yellow 2002 and a celica passed me into turn 1! What followed was an epic battle for 2nd place between me and the celica. Until 3rd lap when my car showed 220 water temp so I had to back off put into 5th gear and cruise for a lap until my temp got down to 180 again...then would do 1 lap at full tilt....then have too cool down for a lap again......so then a couple of cars passed me and that's when I ended up at the checkered.

I think the water is just not stayign in my radiator long enough. I have no thermostat and running a restritor in hose and a 320i radiator. The would cool right down so the cooling system is working good....i just need to figure it out..... maybe it's time for the crank pully to underdrive the pump and slow the fluid a bit.....

anyways.....gave all the corner workers a thumbs up on the cool down lap and drove in from the track with all the instructors and organizers clapping and giving all us graduates the thumbs up!

The sun was just about to start setting and it was the end of a magical day for me.

The weekend could not of been better! Everthing went great. The car has a few issues that will be resolved and I'm now a racer.

Many thanks to all that helped me get here. Many thanks to the organizers for a great event. Thanks to all my fellow graduates for keeping it clean.

...and now the fun begins.

my first Race as a Rookie.

March 31& April 1st

High Desert Challenge

Willow Springs Raceway

if you want to check out all the pictures from thsi weekend check out;


***I made the stupid mistake of not taking any tapes for the video camera, assuming they would have some at the track or the neiborhood. Naturally no tapes to be found. No video!!! Sorry******

I did buy ALL the pictures the track photographer took and he got soem great shots!! so I will be posting those as soon as I get them in the mail!!


68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Pedro, sounds like you've got everything working great. I'm amazed at how quickly you completed your project.

About your water temperature...What pressure cap on your radiator are you running? Stock is something like 15psi. You should be able to get one around 18psi which won't let the water escape when racing so easily.

I would call Jeff Ireland again just to check and see how high the water pressure can go without problems and follow his advice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

after the school I suspected maybe my headgasket was bad so off with the head...

Pretty corroded......got sent out to get checked and cleaned.

let's see what the shop says....

drum roll.....

I hope all is well so I can go race next weekend.




68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Check out my new racing setup!

13x6 mesh rims (maker unknown) 13.5lbs.

I'll probably keep the old Kumhos for auto-x or any street duty this car might see.

weight with Kumhos victorracer 205/60/13 (very worn)


weight with Toyo RA-1 205/60/13 (Shaved to 4/32)


I havn't weighed my current setup yet 15" 2-peice weds on Flaken azenis 205/50/15

?? lbs.

The smaller diameter and the weight loss whould help with acceleration.





68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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  • 5 months later...

My first race……sorry it has taken me so long to write the story about it it’s just ….. well I have no excuse really. Here it is……

Find all the pictures from that weekend here


Years of preparation, sacrifices and hard work have all come to this weekend. My first days as a race car driver or "pilot" as we say in Brazil. It’s official this poor Brazilian kid has a race license and a race car! Spent all Friday morning eager to get leave work since I know I had lots to do before I left to be able to make it to my rookie ground school. Ground school is a required classroom session on Friday 6.30pm. It’s the last chance the instructors (in many cases our fellow competitors) have to give us our last warnings, instructions and advice. Well it is required to me to attend to be able to race that weekend and I had a lot to do before I hit the road!

I left work around 12.30 and raced to my mom’s house in Burbank. I had to pack up all my gear, load the car on the trailer, load up the 4runner (aka hotel room), prepare some food for the weekend etc…. etc…. all by myself! Somehow this is the story of my racing life. Ever since the days of my motorcycle racing, my friends all find better things to do along with most of my family members. I’m left to do run around like crazy and try not to forget anything. Well I had to make it to the racetrack classroom by 6.30pm for the ground school…. Willow springs international raceway is around 90 miles from Burbank, CA were I was. Normally it would take you around 1hr 45 mins. to get to WSIR. Well when I finally sat in the drivers seat of my mom’s 4runner and pulled out of her driveway with my car in tow it was 5pm!!!! So it was in this mad dash that about 20ft. into my trip I had a feeling I had forgotten something…..so I glanced in the rear view mirror to see of all things my freshly painted fiberglass hood flying 15ft above my car!!! Aarghh!!! Nooooooo!!!! I as screamed and slammed on the brakes to see almost in slow motion it slamming into the tarmac!. I ran out to survey the damage. Turns out in my rush I forgot to pin my hood down! Luckily it landed paint side down (ouch!) but it landed flat. So it did not break in half or severely damage it. It now had some road rash across the hood and a small crush on the corner. I was so mad at myself! But I had no time to morn my paint job I had 1hr and half to get to the track. I pined it down and checked the trunk lid and ran back to the truck and gassed it onto fun LA Friday freeway traffic. This was just not my day as I inched ahead on the freeway. By some miracle and my heavy foot I arrived at the familiar sight of WSIR and ran into the classroom only 15mins late. Somehow I managed to get there 1 hr 45 mins.!! I soaked in as much as I could during the class. The instructors basically hammering into our heads to be safe and our goal this weekend was simply to have a clean event and finish. Good goals for anyone

here's some of the damage on my hood.....argh.




Now that that was over, calmly walked over to the truck and began unloading at setting up my pit. Was able to find a spot surrounded by most of the BMW racers, Jeff Ireland, Scott Parsons, Mike Ward, Nick Reed and others. We hung out chatted a bit as I began to make friends with everyone. I have to say the vintage racing community is so friendly and everyone has welcomed me. I could not ask for a better welcome. In true grassroots fashion I prepared my bed inside the 4runner. You know, with the seats folded down a pillow and a sleeping bag I was pretty comfortable! I opened up my laptop and to my surprise they had wireless internet! So I was able to make some posts and watch a dvd to put my nervous mind to sleep.

It is a marvelous thing to be awaken by the sound of vintage racing motors warming up! No time to eat and wake up, we were in group 1 the first group on the track that weekend. I ran over to sign up then to the drivers meeting. Quickly from there I put on my gear get in my car and anxiously head to my first tech inspection. I read thru the rulebook carefully and I was feeling pretty confident about passing. He found a few minor things that he just noted in my brand new logbook but he put the ok sticker on my windshield. I put on my balaclava and tightened my helmet straps dropped it in first and made my way down the hot pit lane and onto the track. It was a surreal moment. No time to be emotional. Time to focus and qualify!



As I drove around the first lap and warmed up my brand new Toyo’s my many years of motorcycle racing around WSIR helped me get up to speed fairly quickly. It was quickly apparent that I was not the slowest in the group as I made a few passes. My car was stumbling heavily exiting most corners suggesting a fuel delivery issue and was really lazy above 6000 rpms. I dealt with it and just tried my best to put down my first laps as a racer in the most professional manner I could. I was able to put down a fastest lap of 1:45:881. Getting me a starting position of 21st out of 32 starters for Saturday’s 12 lap qualifying race. Not bad! It was cold and besides the stumble on exit everything was okay.


*** Fastest BMW was 06’ class champ Pam Plavan qualifying in 7th with a 1:42:778. Steve Link in his Datsun 510 grabbed pole position with a blistering 1:38:382 ***

Pam Plavan tearing it up.


Super Fast Steve link


I came back to my pit with a sense of relief more than anything. Relief that I just achieved my dream of build my car and racing it and relief that I didn’t screw up and that I was not sucking too much!

I pulled my plugs and saw that I was lean!! No wonder that car didn’t want to rev! So I increased my main jets and changed my air correctors courtesy of my new pit buddy and owner of Long Beach Autohaus (http://www.lbautohaus.com/) Scott Parsons. So big thanks to him!

I rested attempting to keep cool in the increasing desert heat and tried to calm down for my first real race....Saturday's 12 lap qualifying race.

Saturday’s qualifying race (12 laps)

Got my head together, my gear on and found my place in the pre-grid lineup. Now as the worker flashed her 5 fingers at me signifying 5mins. to start It finally hit me and the butterflies in my stomach were quickly drowned out by the thundering sound of 20 cars ahead of me leaving single file onto the track for the warm up lap. I pulled in the clutch rev’d my M10 and rolled onto the blistering blacktop of willow springs 2.5miles of high speed heaven. I did my best to imitate everyone around me swerving left to right to try to build up some heat in our tires. I love how as soon as my foot made it’s way to the sheet metal all my worries and butterflies disappeared and my mind cleared and my world shrank to a very small world of my car and the track. I tried my best to watch to line up in my spot in the rolling start. Rolling starts are new to me as all motorcycle races at standing starts and I’m learning this new technique. I left way too much room between me and the car in front when the flag was thrown. I was cautious thru turn one as everybody bunched up and tried their best to position themselves.

I had a good battle with a red 911 but 3 laps or so in my temp gauges was north of 210 degrees, soon it was at 220! I had not choice but to take it easy on the straights and wave people by me as I attempted to finish. The temps did come back down to 200ish and when the brown immaculately prepared 2002 of Ken Blasko passed me I had to give chase! But soon my temps rose back to 220 mark again! To add to my woes was that the jetting change did not correct my corner exit stumble! So I had no choice but to back off and be content to nurse it to the finish. I was relived to see the checkered flag as I limped my way back to my pits concerned with my temps. I didn’t even realize that I had just finished my first race! ! !

Watch all the action of my First race on video here,

I finished a disappointing 30th out of 34 starters. Jeff Ireland was the fastest BMW putting down a fast lap of 1:40:121 !!

I took my gear off and had a much needed drink of water. Pulled my hood off to start to address my issues. I took light of the good side, I finished and my car survived. That’s about it really!

Luckily Jeff Ireland had one of his new aluminum radiators on hand and gave me a great deal on it ! (Thanks!! www.bmw2002.com).

Just as I started to remove my brass 320i radiator my mom and my step dad arrived. Was nice to see them and I cought them up on the latest news. They helped my by going to the race supply store and buying some water wetter and some silicon radiator hose (they only had a straight piece.) I was able to quickly install the Ireland radiator.


I also went to a bigger main jet and Scott adjusted my float bowl height to address my G-stumble. I rotated my tires since willow has lots of right handers put the cover on it and went to sleep this night in the cushy confines of my parents hotel room! Yeah!

Find all the pictures from that weekend here


68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Morning practice

After a good hotel breakfast we headed to the track for morning practice. In traditional desert fashion it was cold as I suited up and began to warm up my car. The water temp with the new radiator was not surprisingly stone cold and it never got above 160 degrees. So it seamed as my cooling issues were solved with the new radiator but the ambient temps were on the low side. Practice went pretty smooth except my stumble was still there and then on the last lap of qualifying……..all went quiet ! Oh no! Pedal to the floor…..snapped throttle cable? I was able to coast my way into the pits and pushed my way to my pit area. The hunt was on for a throttle cable! After looking for 40mins all I could find was a broken Porsche cable (but long since engine is in the rear). I was able to ingeniously make it work for me. It was not the best but better than packing up and going home! I could race! Scott also broke out the manual and we readjusted the float height again. Cleaned my windshield and tried to relax. I was very happy to see my brother. He came just in time for my race. I finished in the nick of time and put my gear on and carefully headed to the pre-grid.

Me trying to mikey mouse my go-cable.....


The big Show the final run to the flag!

I nervously gave my brother the thumbs up as he turned my camera on for me and I tightened up my belts and ran through my first laps in my head. I now headed onto the tarmac with confidence despite my mickey moused rigged throttle cable.

I was a bit confused when we bunched up again for the rolling start but I followed the Datsun 510 ahead of me around the outside of turn one as I was able to pass a few cars as they all bunched up toward the inside. This put me on the inside of turn 2 and followed the same 510 passed a few more cars!


What a good start to my race I thought for a second as I exited turn 2 with good speed and trying to avoid what typically in my motorcycle days a turn were lots of first lap accidents happened at willow, turn 3. As I rounded on the outside (luckily) my reservations were confirmed as all hell broke lose and a big 3 car accident unfolded in front of me. I managed to squeeze my way between the crumpled cars and narrowly avoided a rogue wheel. I was fazed for a second and a triumph went passed me and I realized the race is still on you dummy! I floored it going down the hil toward turn 5 and did not loose any more positions as I screamed over the hill in turn 6 I saw what I was expecting, the red flag. (this mean a halt to the race as the incident is severe and ambulance needs to go onto the track) we slowly made our way onto the front straight as we all parked our cars and waited for the restart. As I sat there in the oven that my car was becoming due to the desert sun I realize my stumble was now gone! We all just sat there waiting. After a long wait we were told it would be a 3 lap sprint race due to the long cleanup and the 7 races that needed to be run after ours. So off I went warmed up my tires again and prepared for the single file restart. I had a decent start but a few fast cars went by me.



The car was handling well and I was having a blast when I came into turn 9 on the second lap of the restart my throttle got stuck!! Crap! Just when I was going to take action it snapped back as go on the front straight again. The throttle was sticking so I slowed my speed as I evaluated weather or not to bring it in next lap. Just as I went into turn four my pedal went to the floor again and I thought I guess my rigged cable snapped or failed ……. I found a safe place to pull off the track and remained in the car strapped in like I was instructed while I waited for the end of the race and a tow back to the pits. As I sat there I was oddly still so exited about my first race! I was able to avoid the big crash and did very well with what I had. I undid my camera from the mount and filmed the end of the race. I waited for the tow truck and they pulled me into the pits. Unfortunately they took off and luckily my bro was there to help me push my way into the pits...



Everybody helped me to push my car on the trailer and we confirmed that indeed my rigged cable did not fail! Turns out my linkage bolt backed out and the toothed wheel fell off!! Reminder Locktite EVERYTHING on a race car!!

Here is a closeup of the bolt that backed out and allowed the toothed wheel to fall completely off!


WOW! What a rush! Even tough I had failed to finish I tried my best and I did not make any mistakes. The car didn’t get hot enough to test the new radiator but it looks like it defiantly made an improvement. (ultimately did not fix my issue, more to come)

I said my good bye’s, packed up and headed home pretty happy with myself actually. Things could of gone way worse!

I had a great time hanging out with everybody made some new friends and sorted out a few issues with the car. Got my first race experience and 2 race starts under my belt. Later reviewing my tapes I learned a bunch actually.

Enjoy all the action of my Sunday race even a slow mo of the accident !

I said my good bye’s, packed up and headed home pretty happy with myself actually. Things could of gone way worse!

I had a great time hanging out with everybody made some new friends and sorted out a few issues with the car. Got my first race experience and 2 race starts under my belt. Later reviewing my tapes I learned a bunch more.

68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Now the work starts to address some issues before the next race....

I fabricated a new throttle cable bracket and installed and adjusted a brand new race throttle cable from Ireland Engineering.

The gas pedal action is now super smoooothh........





68' 1602

98' ///M3 Sedan

88' ///M3 Sold *

06' ///M3 Competition Pkg Sold *



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Having watched your progress for quite a while now I was really pleased to read about your race progress - it looks like you had a blast! It's also fantastic to hear how good the community spirit was. All in all, it sounds like you had a great weekend.

I'll definately will keep reading as long as you keep posting :)


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