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Everything posted by COOP

  1. My mind keeps returning to "the exterior is pretty decent from 5' away" and "dime-sized rust spot" (are they ever dime-sized once you start digging around?). As a big fan of the M2 concept, I'm all for cheering on the big $ numbers, and this is a very nice car...but I can't see ANY 02 (Factory Turbo or Convertible excepted) being worth $30K or more just yet (and I'm sure that position will be obsolete in 5 years!) unless it is both cosmetically and mechanically exceptional. I see this as a $25K car...just one opinion though. COOP
  2. When I found my '72 tii abandoned in a NYC parking garage in '98, the original window sticker was in the glove box in perfect condition, along with an inch thick of service records from '72-'89 substantiating the odometer miles of 46K and change. Also cool was a styrofoam roadside kit in great shape containing bulbs, belts, points, filters, etc. Finally, we found a human skull wrapped in gauze under the rear seat. It mysteriously disappeared before DNA testing could prove that it was Hoffa. COOP
  3. Doug, any details and specs on the fuel cell itself? Did you fab that yourself or is it a ready-made unit? If the latter, who is the manufacturer? Does the cell contain a bladder? Thanks, COOP
  4. Awesome job! A custom fuel cell has been on my wish list for my M2 for years...unfortunately, I don't have your fabrication talent so I'll have to have someone else do the work. Very impressive! COOP
  5. Who knows which comedian/enne and car they'll feature first? Not I! COOP
  6. Exactly, and well said...They DON'T have to be mutually exclusive at all, and to suggest otherwise is pretty pompous...And by the way, who the heck anointed anyone here with the credentials to define just what a "real car person" is given that we come in so many different flavors? Absurd. It's like saying that a collector of fine wines is not a true Oenophile because he/she drinks them only on special occasions (but with great ecstasy) instead of guzzling them daily from a goblet. Myself, I love the fact that my beloved '02s are on the one hand, wonderfully entertaining machines that fill my soul with indescribable driving pleasure...and on the other, they're strong, long-term investments that I can actually enjoy (unlike mutual funds or rental properties). When I'm bombing down a windy road in either my stock tii or my hyperactive M2 with a huge grin on my face, nobody can tell me I'm not a real car guy just because I drive them sparingly (but frequently) to keep them in pristine shape. I get the same amused reaction when some people say you're not a true enthusiast if you don't drive your '02 in the rain (which I personally don't). In short, I think there's plenty of room here for ALL kinds of "real" car guys & gals, even (gasp) those who confess to caring about their value. COOP
  7. I just wish my car got Will Ferrell...that guy makes me crack up before he even opens his mouth! https://www.facebook.com/JerrySeinfeld/videos/840590322718981/ COOP
  8. Le Tran (2002 Garage Werks) has a stash of NOS tii water pumps. He bought 19 of them years ago for customer builds. He told me that he is not in the parts sales business but would "let one go" for $700. I declined. I need a spare for my '72 but am hoping that BMW will soon reissue this part which lists for about $260 (a moot point of course because it is not currently available). COOP
  9. Hi Todd! Shouldn't be too long now but the Seinfeld people won't give me a date for some reason. I'm looking forward to it! COOP
  10. Not sure but should be soon! COOP
  11. Two major projects that I've been dreaming about doing with the '73 tii (2.5L S14). Complete custom interior themed on the Singer Porsche 911 with woven leather. Have to decide what color will look best with the Baltic Blau exterior (Oxblood? Dark blue? Chestnut? Tan? Light grey?). Also need to decide if I'm going to keep my Recaro SRD seats. They are perfect for my frame but I think they look horrible in the car (they're so big, they just visually overwhelm the interior space. I'd love something smaller and more "period"). Custom racing fuel cell built by Roger Hamlin of Hamlin Fabrication at Sonoma Raceway. He built my cage and does beautiful work. No need to do this for a street car but I just think it would be cool! COOP
  12. Lol, I sure wish it were MY stable! My tii is being detailed in an industrial park warehouse belonging to a collector who owns those two, reflected beauties...and a WHOLE lot more of similar caliber. I was just lucky enough to get the full tour when I dropped my car off and I'm looking forward to a second viewing when it's time to pick her up in the next few days... COOP
  13. Yes, it is Baikal, impressive guess from just that reflection! Would love to see some pix of your coupe...that must be stunning. COOP
  14. Lamborghini Miura SV and Ferrari 330 GT Spyder...not bad company! COOP
  15. Yes, but WHOSE car is it? I've seen the Pastelblau car from the Instagram link posted by Danco at the Brisbane event. I believe it is owned by a fellow FAQer (hip young guy who wears a conductor's cap and always shows up at he event with a, er, phenomenal friend). Anyways, I don't suppose it matters but it was a very nice car in person as well...just curious if it's someone's here. COOP
  16. Saw this very clean and tasteful '02 walking around in SF recently...funny, after all these years, it still gives me a jolt of excitement every time that I see an '02 of any description, from a basket case to a concours queen. Anyone know whose car it is? COOP
  17. Congrats to Paul Cain and to the lucky buyer. I hope that the sale goes through (deposits don't always equal sales) and that the seller gets every penny of his asking price for what I see as an incredible value. To me, the engineering support of Mr. Cain is absolutely key with a car this trick, one-off and relatively undeveloped (from a "miles driven since conceived" standpoint). A confession: I made an offer but then sheepishly and apologetically chickened out before I received a yeah or ney. I have lusted after this car for nearly a decade and had it impulsively parked in my mental garage...but then terror kicked in...not as much the fear of depleted savings or marital discord but the fear of catastrophic turbo, driveline, etc failure. I am pretty hard on cars & motorcycles and I started to imagine one-off parts grenading with dire and pricey consequences...so I reluctantly backed off. I hope I made the right decision, but either way I'm at peace with it now. It was a lovely thought, but as the consignment dealer was good enough to confirm after my change of heart, this "is not the right car for you" (me). Sigh... COOP
  18. Hiya, During the restoration of my '72 tii, we replaced the upper/lower horsehair pads in both front seats (not cheap but sooo worth it from both a comfort and an aesthetic point of view). I'd love to do the same for the rear seat...it looks fine but feels a bit "crunchy" and sheds the expected detritus of dead and dying horsehair every time I remove the seat base for detailing. Unfortunately, my search to date has returned a universal "NLA" response for both the upper & lower pads. Any ideas on where I might find the OEM pads that I'm looking for? I have no interest in a foam substitute... Thanks, COOP
  19. With 335 HP to the rear wheels, I would feel comfortable "confirming!" COOP
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