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Pray for Jonathan


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Our friend Jonathan Maxson -- "Concours Jon," or "Q-Tip Max" to those who know him -- recently was injured in a horrific scooter accident. In his never-ending quest to "go green" and save the environment, our friend was riding his Vespa. While looking down to check his manhood (as scooter riders must do from time to time - it's in the owner's manual), Scooter Jon was run off the road by a Giant MegaTruck F-350, which -- given its size -- continued on its merry way, apparently not noticing that it had hit the Vespa (a scooter being a mere fly spec to this vehicular Mastadon).

Concours Jon broke his hand, instantly ruining not only his sex life, but also, curbing his ability to wipe the last remaining specs of dust, dirt, grime and grease from underneath the exhaust manifold (no clean-car contest is won, without cleaning under the exhause manifold). To add insult to injury, JM was knocked Loopy - which for those of us that know and love him, meant that we could not distinguish between that, and the normal state of his being.

I only recently learned about this horrific state of affairs. And to think, I've been giving him shit on line, and chiding him for not participating on the board -- when all along, the poor man was recovering from his unfortunate encounter with the pickem-up truck.

Because we are a community, brothers and sisters in arms, kindred souls, I am establishing immediately the "Get Well Jonathan, Don't Die Yet, You Old Hippie" Memorial Fund in his honor. You may send your contributions directly to me, c/o Otis at


PO Box 13

Kensington, Maryland 20895

Please sent your contributions in cash only, one dollar bills (plus ten dollars for the cover charge). Give often, give now, and give frequently. I promise that the bills will be gartered - excuse me, I mean, used - for good purposes, all in the name (and honor) of our friend Jonathan, one-handed Vespa riding bandit that he now is.

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I received an offline inquiry, (1) wondering what I would do with the money received, and (2) implying that I was going to blow the money in some nudie bar somewhere. Oh, how little faith have ye; moi?!? I can't imagine what I could possible have done to give anyone that impression.

Each donor has my personal vow that each dollar bill will be placed in trust and used judiciously to pay for a private nurse for Max Q-Tip. With only one hand available for use, Jonathan's personal hygene has suffered, and he clearly needs a sponge bath. Or an enema. Or both.

Give often, and give generously. If we receive enough, perhaps we'll order a day and a night nurse, for 24-hour care. Our own Max Q-Tip -- co-founder of the Herndon event, Hippie Coffee Company sponsor, Easy (Scooter) Rider, and all-around man about town -- deserves nothing but the best.[/u]



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Maybe Bill Williams will allow us to pass the plate, and take up a collection for Jonathan, at the Bowie event on Saturday?


Randy Bryant

Elkton, VA

"To live life without belief is more terrible than dying...., even more terrible than dying young." Joan of Arc

"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society." J. Krishnamurti

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