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1974 Turbo fS... probably

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Hi guys,

Well I am about 90% sure on this, so thought I should post. Even as I do, I am a bit hesitant. Anyhow, take a look, and let me tell you the story.

1974 Turbo - The real-deal.

61k miles - yes, a bit rough

1 owner before me - Japan

motor - needs rebuild. Drylock on Cy2

Turbo - fresh rebuild. Ready to turbo-fy you

Interior - needs dash and from drivers seat redo

Exterior - a project, but all there. No prior body work so you know exactly what you get.

Frame - one piece needing patch (see pic). Floors ok, towers ok.

Why? - I got this about a year ago, and have followed the board a bit before and after purchase. I have two young kids, and my plan was to work on it this summer. Not a single bolt has been removed. The time is just not happening. This car needs to be brought back into its legendary state. I honestly do not think I can pull this off. No one around me has any history with 2002s, or the skills to do what it takes to make this a fun-cooporative adventure w/me (Carbondale, IL).

Price - 22k.


Thoughts or interest, email me at Mark2002m AT GMAIL DOT COM

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Did this float over during the tsunami?

Pretty rusty, but seems complete. A similar condition "project" turbo sold in the area of $17K but I think it was less at the end of the day.

Good luck with the car/sale, if you want to sell it for real, it aint likely to happen on this forum unless you sell it for a real good price.

IMHO, 22K is high for this car in the current market.

But what do I know?

But what do I know

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VIN# 42908624

If only 1,672 made how then is this 8,624? Typo?

All orignally inported Japan cars had the flares glassed in so this car came by some other means to Nippon.

What costs are involved in completing the importation process for this vehicle.

Rebuild the motor and driveline and drive it as is. Otherwise take out that second mortgage and go for it.

But what do I know

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Guest Anonymous

Lots of action on the car on eBay in first 24 hours. Would have expected more comments/interest from the FAQ.

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This is indeed the turbo from 2002ad back of Sept 2011. I was working on the deal with 2002ad for this car and was ready to score it but Mark beat me to it. I was days of getting it. I saw it on the back of a flat bed making its way to Bill Holmes of Rennsport on a late Saturday evening for an inspection.

I didnt sleep for a week....ended up with the C1 2.3 instead. Registration on these cars will require safety inspection and vin veification through DMV. If you need further details on it get a hold of me directly as I have registered the Alpina C1 2.3 with original Alpina vin#.


Good luck with the sale. Fyi i was about to make a deal for it at the mark of 12.5k back in Sept. It will need lots of work but at the time I was willing to go to hell and back for a real deal!!!

If you have questions or need assistance with paperwork let me know.




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Guest Anonymous

Yep it is the car from 2002AD. Getting cold feet on letting it go. auction ends tomorrow. Any forum members got a 2 cents worth on saving the beast?


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Restoration of a turbo, as with anything, depends upon how anal retentive you get with it. I had mine professionally restored and it was a great deal of dough. It is a great car. i don't think you can do one for what you can buy one! Let me re-phrase that. I am certain that you cannot restore one for what you can buy one for. Buy the best one you can find, take the beating up front and enjoy the drive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Man there only original once. I would rebuild the motor, fix the frame rail and drive the piss out of it.

First, try to sell it as a BaT Exclusive while enduring all the "constructive" comments, moderation and editing, have the new owner rebuild the engine and everything else mechanically to make it safe to drive, then throw on some Panasports, then drive the snot out of it on the next (insert your location here) Vintage Rally.

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