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Post Swap and Show Tacos and Beer

steve k.
   (0 reviews)

Event details

Post Swap and Show "Tacos and Beer Party" is back!

Let's eat some Tacos and drink some beer after the big BayArea02 Event. Bring yourself. Nothing else is needed.

We have several beds, a couple of air beds, lots of couches, and floor space if you want to stay the night. Many have done this in the past.

The last time we managed to fit 12 cars in the driveway and the rest at the bottom of the hill. I think we can do better than that 🙂 I think 17 is the magic number.

You are welcome to jump in the pool, as it should be on the warmer side by May.

Though the event is private, we always welcome friends of friends. So invite those who you do not see on the list especially if they have been here in the past. The group has grown over time, and we always welcome great new people.

Please, RSVP as we need to know the count for the Tacos.


The address is not listed as I would prefer to keep it from the wonders of the internet, but I will send it to everyone who will RSVP.

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Steve, thank you for this offer, I was really looking forward to meeting everyone here.  Try as I did to protect the whole day, something came up in the afternoon that I can't miss, so I'll just have to see everyone at the show instead/only.  I'll be the Riviera roundie with the primer gray trunk!  

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On 4/25/2023 at 10:04 AM, 1936spyder said:

I’ll be there +1 Steve!

Your + 1 did not show up :)

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I would like to thank everyone who came to our house after for some Tacos and Beer. It is always great to see old faces and I am surprised every year by how many people I still do not know, or remember :)  I think we had about 60 people, so that was great!!!  See you all next year!

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