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Everything posted by E21kc

  1. Thanks guys. Wanted some input before I tackled it this weekend.
  2. Getting ready to replace the master- should I attach all metal brake lines first and then bolt her up? Loosely mount to brake booster and then mount metal lines? Just wanting it to go smoothly as possible.
  3. Flag is what I am after. I think that’s what came on my 76 originally.
  4. I am looking for a drivers side mirror for my 1976- need mirror/cleat and screws/cage nuts. Thanks
  5. Looking for a set of 13” wheels for my 2002. Looking for BBS Mahle or knock offs or a set of 13” turbines. Let me know if you have any. I am in Kansas City. Thanks
  6. Serious question (and I know one’s a square and one’s a round tail light)- the tii the OP referenced and this 74 in the classified section what are they worth? What is a real asking or selling price on them? Not a BAT bid-a-thon. If one of us actually came across one in the wild just wondering what real world pricing is on them? It seems tii prices have cooled down some lately
  7. It’s like that sexy crazy chic at the bar- you know you might be getting into trouble but you know it will be fun at the same time.
  8. Congrats. Someone got a good Bmw. Now we need some updates on your new car…
  9. Well…I went the cheap route. $42.54 for 2 sets at my local Toyota dealer. They really are dirt cheap.
  10. Where are you guys finding them online without crazy shipping cost?
  11. Always hard to tell what you have til you get home and give it a good wash. I’d say the body looks pretty damn good considering where it was sitting.
  12. The tone wasn’t that of just a question. I could see why it was taken as condescending.
  13. This guy kind of did it. Don’t know what kind of permission he did or did not ask for. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E9WHssQ5r2E&pp=ygUiQm13IDIwMDIgcm91bmQgdGFpbGlnaHRzIG9uIHNxdWFyZQ%3D%3D
  14. Mid America 02 fest running Monday Tuesday Wednesday this year is kind of a buzz kill.
  15. The car in question is pretty rusty. Current seller bought it back in July? From a long time owner out of Cleveland off of Craigslist. I tried finding the pics the Cleveland seller sent me but I can’t find them. He is a flipper so don’t take too much guff from him.
  16. @paulyg the car in question doesn’t have a salvage or rebuilt title. It has a “rebuilder title” which Colorado allows you to obtain if a car is older than 25 years old, doesn’t currently have a title, and meets a couple other requirements. I don’t think any states would allow you to title it with the “rebuilder title”. The seller needs to finish the process of obtaining a clean Colorado title which sounds like quite the process. Buying this 2002 to me is like buying one without a title. That’s why I passed.
  17. I know the car you speak of. It is a tempting project. My concern with purchase- I don’t know if it can be sold with the rebuilder title (I don’t know if my state would transfer it). Colorado has steps to get it from rebuilder title to an actual title and I think he needs to go thru those steps before selling.
  18. Ty in motion could have said “was a 1 owner until I bought it” Serious question though- is the title in your name or the previous owners name?
  19. I’m looking for a decent drivers side mirror. Would like to find mirror/clear/cage nuts all together. Thanks
  20. Seems like a pretty good deal. Shocks/struts/springs.
  21. @Sacto2002 as far as I know its all stock. Just have seat all the way back and it works.
  22. @Sacto2002 don’t give me that. I’m 6’8 and have a 82 320i and I fit (non sunroof). I’m on the look out for a 2002 myself- if I come across a nice 320is it will be hard to pass it up.
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