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Everything posted by MattL

  1. As part of this project, I'm also replacing my rusted-out manifold and downpipe. All the nuts are rusted solid to the studs on the manifold, so that's another thing I should've ordered to begin with. And I need to grind some of the repair weld on the transmission in order for the slave cylinder to fit with the bleed nipple down. So, it's finally time to get an angle grinder... I had an idea for a new Marvel Supervillain called "The Scope Creep." Nobody knows where he came from, but he gets bigger and bigger due to his insatiable hunger for money. He terrorizes the city, interrupting the existing plans of law-abiding citizens with his Rust Ray and Christmas Light Lasso.
  2. No doubt about it. But the argument against the cantilever bracket here is more compelling than I’ve seen elsewhere. I sure feel I’ve been saved from a very poor decision.
  3. Just a quick update: I emailed Blunt this morning, and he already has all the parts on their way to me, at what seem like wholesale prices. That guy doesn't mess around.
  4. But how do you guys REALLY feel? ? Seriously, though, thank you for the emphatic input. The Blunttech kit actually arrived without a bracket, and the use-of-existing-mounts aspect of the Jackass bracket appealed to my sense of efficiency *cough* LAZINESS * cough*. So, I asked Blunt to send one of those instead. I’ll go ahead and order the Gallant bracket and see if I can foist the Goofus model off on someone less susceptible to peer pressure than I.
  5. I’m glad you mentioned this. I have a new 320i throw out bearing, but hadn’t even thought about the clutch fork. It didn’t come with the transmission, so I’ll be ordering a fork and retaining spring. Thanks for the nudge.
  6. Well, I didn’t get as far along as I had hoped before having to return to family duties, but I’m on my way. The car is up, and I’ve started disconnecting stuff. I’ll continue tomorrow night, if I have the energy. Thanks for all the pointers, everyone. I’m grateful, and will follow your advice.
  7. This is all great stuff, guys. Exactly what I was hoping for; thank you. I'm off to Harbor Freight to get a pair of taller stands.
  8. I had actually JUST put my carpet back in after putting in new sound deadening mat and rubber insulation when I saw this cracked but repaired transmission from Resra. Couldn’t pass up the deal, but I do NOT want to take out the carpet again unless I’m forced to. So, I opted for the horseshoe bracket that uses the existing mounts.
  9. Looks like I need to pick up some taller stands. ?
  10. This is definitely the kind of thing I needed to hear! Thanks! You’ve saved my family and neighborhood from a pretty lengthy stream of creative profanity.
  11. I saw the headless bolt trick, too (and also have forgotten who recommended it.) Did you have a tranny jack at your disposal? I was hoping having the jack might let me get away without doing the bolt thing. I’m quite lazy, you see. ?
  12. The transmission actually came to me with a brass pin in it already. Ordered another before I realized.
  13. Now THAT is a reason to pop the bubbly or uncork the Pappy! Congrats!
  14. I’m going to start my swap to a 245 tomorrow. I’ve read everything I could find about the project, including all the FAQ topics and how-tos (at least 3 times each). Thanks a million to all the gurus here who have been so generous with their time and efforts in compiling this stuff. I have the transmission (thanks, @resra) and all the fixings (the Blunttech ultimate kit, etc.). Also picked up a transmission jack on sale at HB. Now I don’t have any excuse not to get the car up on stands and start working. That said, does anybody have any last tips or pointers for me? Anything they wish they’d done (I have the brass clutch pivot pin and a freshly resurfaced flywheel to put in)? I don’t need to get to get to TDC or anything prior to jacking it up, right? I am the king of stupid mistakes, and this is a last-ditch effort to relinquish the crown before it’s too late.
  15. Popped off the diving board. Now working straightening up the shorty bumper I have a bit, and then I’ll turn my attention to making some mounts.
  16. Those examples are very nice. A couple things I’ve been thinking would be cool: 1: A vintage BMW Motorsport roundel sized for e21 sport steering wheels. (In color, rather than the correct grayscale.) 2. Driver/Co-driver flag + name decals, but completely monochromatic. I think it would be cool to have a subtle one of these on my car, in gray or dark blue (my interior color) so that it kind of disappears. I’ve looked online for a place that does these, but they’re all set up for full-color flags.
  17. Thanks, Swiz. Ireland sold me a used shorty, so I went ahead and ordered a down pipe from them as well. Thanks anyway.
  18. Deal! Thanks! I’ll send you a PM.
  19. Shoot. I’m an idiot. It looks like I can just replace the leaky fitting rather than the whole manifold. Sorry, Dionk.
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