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Everything posted by Lorfjord

  1. He can be like cranky ol Uncle Bob. I'm positive most of us here dont have parents who pay our bills, so that ones not gonna make sense. I dont know what a gen-z is, I think we just got out of gen-x, so we may be into gen-y. He may be referring to baby boomers. Let's ask him... Whatcha talking about F1reverb? whoever had the 84 rabbitt...I didnt make any of that stuff up. my rabbit had problems a million miles on my honda??? ha ha ha pull off a zero or two. 100 38thou miles....
  2. Ive taken care of my Honda and she's dependable. Both cars are manual which in LA traffic...well... at 78000 miles the timing belt broke...Ive had the seals replaced last year (over one hundred thou miles). I get the oil changed aprox every 3-5 thou miles, and am just now noticing that when I turn the a/c on, the power "get up" changes. Not bad for a 10 year old car. My 02 mechanic intro'd me to my honda mechanic, (trust) and my honda mechanic says my car is great. I had a vtec civic ex for a year, so I dont know about those, but I prefer the prelude. the driving experience is alot better. And the car is the "top of the line Honda" which is considered better construction. Unfortunately my honda has been hit ALOT but never sustained any mechanical injury (which may mean something). I spun out on Laurel canyon, was hit in 3 places (or should I say I made it hit 3 places) and mechanically she was still good. my opinion is: keep the 02 (for love) but daily drive a prelude. You can find one for 2-6 thousand depending on the year. As many people who have given me their opinions, as I go round and round about getting another old bimmer as a daily driver, the dependablilty says honda. I drive approx 50 miles daily, and I fill the gas tank once a week. mechanically...the honda costs $10 less an hour for a mechanic than a bimmer If you decide on a honda...thats 10 years old or so..specifically check the timing belt, the seals, and the clutch. I'm just now ready for a new clutch at 1038000 miles. I'm open for questions. IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY...KEEP THE 02. the prelude is fun...but not the fun of an 02. the civic doesnt even come close. If you get an old vw rabbit, (that was my first car) thats another set of issues. the mechanics cost the same, as a bimmer & I had MAJOR MAJOR electrical problems. but the car was an 1984 rabbit. 10 years old at the time, she blew up....fire etc....
  3. One on Mc Laughlin...think the color is scienna (golden brown) and a Sahara on Main street in Venice I tried to wave to the Sahara male driver, but the ups truck was in the way.... hi all
  4. Quite a few 02 owners up there. The city is beautiful!!! You should love it. I lived in Redmond for 3 months, which is right next to Kirkland. oh.....hmmmmm. then theres those hills in the city oooohhhhh.... driving a manual, stopping at a light, on what felt like a 90 degree angle, made my hair stand on end. I used to find a flat place to park, then walk everywhere. But they also have a great bus system. I got into using that. "parking aint cheap" in the city, and you have to put money in these boxes. quite different from the midwest, where they pay someone to sit there. Whats your travel plan? which roads?
  5. reaction was a few miles away under Stagg Field. Fermi and "da grey matter boys" who developed the nuclear bomb were located in U of C. Thats probably why that museum is so cool. unbelievable. I hope theres concrete under all that grass and track. jeez I should have thought to ask more questions.
  6. I heard the webers are no longer avalable. did that change I hope? I would love to drive my car more often to work.
  7. I'd bet that there are many 02s in Hyde Park. Professors and intellectuals probably still drive them, and were the original owners. But unfortunately you would have had to been closer to the University buildings to see them driving around. Next time you visit, go to the University buildings. Some atom bomb work was done there and there are a few concrete sealed places with statues and markers. alot of history and science. You never respect or appreciate those kinds of things until you move away. But most importantly I hope you had some deep dish pizza.
  8. Are you referring to the Museum of Science and Inudustry in Hyde Park? Its in the same neighborhood as the University of Chicago. Or are you referring to the History Museum which is downtown near the Aquarium? Science and Industry had a submarine, but I dont remember either of them having a train. But I havent been to either one in 20 years or so Hyde Park would definitely be 02-land. Lots of students, professors, artists and musicians. I grew up there and thats where I fell in love with my first sighting of an 02.
  9. my 1975 5 speed with the original carberator gets 17 US mpg in regular traffic. If I could get 22 US mpg that would be great. When I drive my 02 50 miles round trip to work, I have to fill her up every 3rd day. My mechanic says I cant let her get below 1/4 tank because the last time I did that, all the drudge came up and she kept stalling on the way back from the gas station.
  10. EXACTLY!!!!!!! there are alot of guys here, who are obnoxious. the list is long enough to not put in the effort to remember who. I could put in the effort to get annoyed by 2002Targa in NC, who posted about "idiot disposable Hondas" He clearly has his head up his butt, (kinda brown and dark up there????) not realizing that a Honda-02 owner can put their effort ($$$-+ loooove) towards their 02 and still get from point A to point B with little gas consumption and maintenance, when they need to drive long daily distances. I'm gonna take a moment for all of those non Americans to flip out about my mention of American gas prices ))) oh wait... :-P my assumption is its usually, testosterone driven, or the guys are short in height. Their daily driver is a F150 with a step stool...... Got Chaw?
  11. I have the 02 grille commemorative keychain. I bought it from bmw-online. It looks like the front grille and says bmw2002 where the license plate would be. its avalable now at 2002ad.com for @ $17
  12. it says "02's LONG TERM LIFE" Beaner7102 is right. I'm referring to when the "gas as we know it" situation changes in the U.S. I know people who are buying diesel cars for just this reason. They want to be prepared for veggie gas. Hybrids are becoming more and more commonplace here in California. Electric parking spots are avalable in Santa Monica....And with the direction our government is taking...not to mention that sometimes... THINGS..... JUST CHANGE.....I'm curious. Things will change but I still want to drive my 02.
  13. realized. Will our 02s be able to run on vegetable gas? I know some changes can be made to a deisel engine car. But what about our 02s? Lets face it gas may become the same price as a downpayment on a house.
  14. nice presentation. Does your a/c work? you're gonna need it. it gets hot
  15. Some bozo driving a BMW 540 couldnt wait for the old guy in a wheelchair to cross the street so I could turn right. So he decided to go around me. I could see that he really wasnt going to make it, and I hear him scrape the driver side of my car with his car. "Do you have any idea how much I like this car?" I yelled out the window. We pulled over into a parking lot and I must have looked like I was going tear him into pieces and feed him to himself because he immediately started saying. "I didnt hurt your car...I didnt hurt your car. mine is fine so I didnt hurt yours" So he shows me on the bumper rubber where his car gets scraped by my bumper and we check his car. He's pulling off rubber then I see a 16 inch nick with a 2 inch gouge where my car scraped his...for being stupidly impatient....all along the passengers side.... He says "do you have any idea how much I like this car?" I said "yes I do, but I'm no longer angry, this is going to hurt you more and I can live with this scrape on my bumper" So I gave him the name of the bodyshop that restored my car. gotta love these 02s. they have attitude and spunk
  16. where are we going for our 02 maintenance?
  17. is there blood? somebody posted about feeling sick. dont want to see gross.
  18. looks good. how was the rust? dammmmm I should taken pictures when my body work was done.
  19. nerve to drive Blubird up Laurel Canyon. I usually drive Sepulveda to Magnolia when driving my 02 to the valley. I'm on the westside. My 02 is pastelblau with high sitting recaro like seats. Make sure you wave. We should come up with some sign to let us know who we are when we're not driving our 02s. (chuckle) my daily driver is a Honda prelude.
  20. John, is there an "until" time for this event?
  21. Tom is a great guy. He is fair and knowledgable He works on my 02 Blubird. Please help him. He has another mechanic working for him while he is sick, whom I can also vouch for. Derrick, who is giving Blubird her tune up and oil changes. If you want to make sure your 02 is in great running? Support Autobahnn and support Tom Cleave.
  22. Hey dont look at me :-0 I havent had the chance to make it to any event yet. Whenever theres something fun....that I've been looking forward to...somehow I have to start chasing deadlines...at work.....aaaahhhh I had to turn down going to the Matrix Revolutions premiere...yes the real premiere. the one in Westwood. The one where I could scream out "There is no spoon" and everybody would get it... The one where Keanu would hear me scream that and say "What a Bozo, that was the last film" he he he And I cant go to Bimmerfest this year...another deadline, cuz I had hoped to go. Blubird has been restored.
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