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Posts posted by TMK-001

  1. I forgot to tell you that even with the shipping your price still ended up better than me going to the dealer or me going to the McParts store..(bavauto, etc)


    That is why Blunt has become my prefered parts supplier... and I'm all the way over here in Australia! Top service! (... and funny going away emails!)

    I hope you had a relaxing time in Mexico mate.

  2. NO worries Tom! Thanks for the bits and pieces along the way... its always when you look at your car, you find another dozen things you should have grabbed while you had the chance....

    I need to grab a whole lot of bits for mounting the windows in the doors. I will give you a yell soon about it. Mayeb if you are around this weekend, I will come up and get them from you.

    Brad, Carlton did very well to win the NAB cup, but like you said, in recent years it has meant little to do with their regular season form.

    Thanks for the comments. Things are getting exciting again!


  3. Just a few small progress pics:


    The Davis Craig thermo fan controller - nice and stealth in the old battery tray area.


    Dash in.... I dont know what Tom was complaining about! I manufactured a washer thing that replaced the broken clip on the air vent - who designed that little piece of plastic!?! Was it supposed to break if touched!?! So that is all back in. I will put the cluster in tomorrow.


    Boot... all tidied up - I'm using it for storage at the moment... the lights are out as I have to get plastic clips to hold the rear panel on. Bumper is off to straighten a part that bowed under chroming process.


    I purchased new boards and vinyl to make all the replacement trunk boards and cover them, so that is my plans in the next few days, I will let you know how I go.

    All in all, things are going good! I am happy... making decent headway.


  4. Todd,

    Looks phenomenal. I really like the look of the small bumpers with the square lights. A vast improvement over stock and the attention to detail is impressive. Can't wait to see the completed machine.


    Thanks Eric, I appreciate the comments... knowing what lengths you have been to, you can see how things all add up and take time... I am trying to do as much of it as myself in as high a standard as possible. I am happy so far... it is just a matter of getting it all done and back together to my own high standards all within a budget... which is fluctuating like my stress levels.

    We are lucky with our little bumpers, they are standard issue here. No cutting, patching, welding, etc. Nice and simple - well kinda! Ask the people in the shop when it wouldnt go in right, I had 3 four letter words in voculary for about half an hour... all good now!

    More pics later today! Stay posted!


  5. I had a couple seams perfect carpets in my cars. 1 in my CS, and another on my 1600. I spoke to him in great length about what is recommended under the carpet before I put mine in. That duraliner stuff would only ast as a base, before you put other insulation down.

    What I ended up doing is EXACTLY what Al told me to do with mine.

    - POR15 on floors

    - FatMat, or other sound insulator on top of that

    - Carpet underlay over that

    - Carpet

    Important detail to remember is DO NOT glue the underlay to the carpet itself. Glue it to the fatmat, but only on flat floor sections, not on the tunnel, or sides. BMW only used some foam with a rubber mat in the between the layers, and only on the front floor sections. Al's carpets are direct copies of factory, so he does the same, but with newer materials.

    Those notes are taken from my old email convos with Al himself.

    Hahaha, he sends emails to himself. Classic.

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