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And so it begins! (DERBY) March 2, 2017



And so it begins!

Getting some items ready for Derby and Tesoro's debut for their first time at Brisbane Swap and Show in May....

For those period correctos... the rear taillight lenses for US 1600's were red... however, EURO 1600's were amber centers. Derby originally came with original amber center lenses but they looked a bit faded so I swapped them out to the red centers... I like the red centers... but I'll be switching the taillight lenses back to the amber centers. Keeping Derby PC! ;)


Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 2.52.53 PM.png


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How about more pics Lisa.  Maybe the fuel vent line and rear bulkhead. Looks like there are the two openings back there.  Tow hook bent down?

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Hi there! I will be posting more pics as I go along... The weather has been pretty bad here with the rains, so its been difficult to take good pics outside... So one thing at a time... I'm just as excited and will be taking this piece by piece ... 


(this pic was taken when it was a sunny day a few weeks ago) 


And yes, I do see that the buffers are red..  why are they red? I don't know? ... did they come like that ? Do you have info on those things? 

Edited by 02princessLisa
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Hi Lisa--


Do you know that you can change the color of each of your tail light functions by changing to an LED bulb of your desired color?  When an LED bulb produces, say red, the light will be red no matter what the lens color is.  Of course, when that light is not on the lens will be whatever its natural color is.  But if you want light of a specific color, choose an LED bulb with that color.



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Hope to see pics of it logging mile on the backroads......or run with it in-person.


Rock it, Jim H

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Thanks Jim! ;) Its such a fun little cruiser! I've been driving it around locally and lovin' it... ! 

Edited by 02princessLisa
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Hi Lisa!

Fritz is thrilled to see one of his older cousins here in the States and still alive and kicking!:)


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Hey Lisa - the caps covering the trunk support pivots can easily be removed and stripped of the paint. To my knowledge, they were black plastic from the factory. When I had my 68 painted, they painted over them and I had to remove them and strip the paint.  Anders could probably give you the final answer on the earliest cars. 

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21 hours ago, layers said:

Do you know that you can change the color of each of your tail light functions by changing to an LED bulb of your desired color? 

Do keep in mind though that you will need 6V LED bulbs - it's been quite a search to find suitable ones for my 1600, and the red stop LEDs are not quite convincing enough yet imo.



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4 hours ago, eastsidebimmer said:

Hey Lisa - the caps covering the trunk support pivots can easily be removed and stripped of the paint. To my knowledge, they were black plastic from the factory.


I've certainly been in touch with Anders about all this stuff with Derby. He's been very helpful as my car is his younger twinsie! 


But in regards to the trunk support buffer/pivot thing... I think the previous owner must of popped on these red ones as they look painted. Who knows why they are red...?

Are these little things NLA? I'll probably just clean these up a bit and put them back on... Thank you for this! 



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Lisa - Ben is referring to the square blocks - and their metal plates that separate the trunklid tension rods.  Mike Self pointed out they were different on the early cars. My Nevada 69 has body colored blocks.

Edited by jgerock
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Gotcha... If you find the article in the Roundel.. let me know... I'd be interested in reading it. Thank you! :)

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The metal blocks and caps that hold the trunk lid torsion bars (and the bars themselves) were always painted body color, as the painting step occurred after both hood and trunk lid were assembled onto the body shell.  


However, the plastic caps that were used on both 1600s and 2002s in '66, '67, '68 and "first series" '69s were always black (or white) plastic. The switchover VIN for 1600s was approx 1567845 when those caps were eliminated (and the whole torsion bar linkage changed); for 2002s it was at 1664761--the same time as the longneck diff was eliminated, a third speed was added to the heater etc.  A friend in CA  '69's VIN is 1664731 and has the caps; mine is 1664801 and doesn't.  And we know the history of both cars; they're original.




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On 3/4/2017 at 10:05 AM, mike said:

However, the plastic caps that were used on both 1600s and 2002s in '66, '67, '68 and "first series" '69s were always black (or white) plastic. 



Thank you so much for this info jgerock and Mike! (I'm a fan!) ;)


I love the info from our BMW veterans! Thank you to those who mentor me in bringing this little Derby back to its factory roots! I'm actually really excited about this EURO re-restoration and would love any help or advice you can send me over... (any pics will help too!) 


Derby is actually in storage at the moment and I didn't get a chance to drop in to check in on him this weekend as it was raining here. I will be bringing Derby home this week to get some items sorted on him.. so I'll post more pics this week for you all.  


Car season is a brewing! :wub:

Edited by 02princessLisa
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Always happy to help the next generation of 02 owners by passing on (sometimes) hard-won information.  Lisa, you'll have to drive one of your treasures to Mid-America sometime.  Either one would be the hit of the show, and probably wrest the long distance award from Andrew Wilson, who drives his tii from Maine.




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Awww thanks Mike! I actually have plans to be at Mid Am this year! ;) (carless this year) 

I have never been to Mid Am and heard such great stories about being there! 


The plans are in the works to bring either car out to Mid Am next year! Maybe someone could do a tech session with Derby next year with the purist restoration in mind, I wouldn't mind adding my experience about this car too... LOL! 


This year's plans are to take both cars to Brisbane... Tesoro is pretty much done... Except for those darn rain gutter trims that I still need to get on! LOL! ;)


Edited by 02princessLisa
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If you don't know it, there is a bit of a trick to installing the rain gutter trim without kinking or bending it.  If you need the info PM me and I'll send you the column I did on installing 'em.  When re-doing my '69 I was able to get the originals off intact, and reinstalled 'em without making a mess.


BTW, there's a young lady from Kansas City who has brought her all original Manila '67 to Mid-America; you two should meet.




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Lisa - I soaked my black plastic cap-things in solvent (paint thinner) and removed all the paint (but it was pretty fresh) I'd try this a little and see what happens.  And Mike's right--if you come to MidAm, you can meet Meg and her early Manila!  (and my Chamonix 68) 

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8 hours ago, eastsidebimmer said:

Lisa - I soaked my black plastic cap-things in solvent (paint thinner) and removed all the paint (but it was pretty fresh) I'd try this a little and see what happens.  And Mike's right--if you come to MidAm, you can meet Meg and her early Manila!  (and my Chamonix 68) 

Both Meg's car and Ben's car are both amazing.  You have to see them (and others) in person to appreciate the early cars.  

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