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Everything posted by its55

  1. Finally completed the front suspension refresh and installed the refurbished door cards! Next up is the front bumper reinstall…
  2. I would like to see a picture of this power plant….
  3. Front suspension project complete except for final torquing!
  4. I like that front spoiler, can you tell me where you got it?
  5. Complete front suspension work finally back together today, except for final torquing to be done once back on the ground and weighted. Cleaned up / re-sprayed both wheelwells during the process. Next up is new wheels bearings, etc...
  6. Haven't seen one of these before, must be rare! Parts hard to find?
  7. LF strut rebuilt, removed the races from the LF hub, cleaning it up ...
  8. Parts ready to reassemble the LF strut ... started cleaning up inside the LF fender area ...
  9. Ah, you may want to move this to the want to buy section.
  10. More front suspension progress…Had to order a new LF wishbone, the original had developed an unacceptable bushing shell…
  11. I did not know that could be adjusted I will check mine.
  12. I have two. Let me clean them up and send some pictures to you tomorrow.
  13. One of the three bolts attaching the drop arm to the strut was found to be broken off apparently by a past shadetree mechanic. Fortunately after I removed the other two bolts it unscrewed by hand! Other pic is my "cleaning station" (vats of super clean). Next step is removal of any remaining loose paint / scale by wire brush then rust converter / primer.
  14. Gale, as you'll recall a purchased a sway bar from you. Thanks again, BTW! I believe I saw you pull in w/ your white 2002 but afterwards I didn't see / catch up w/ you. I had not planned to attend however decided late to do so a went in my camper van (stayed across the street). It was a great show, I thought! Just a couple of pics I took...
  15. Finally back to working on Schmidt again after attending a race, being on vacation, attending The Vintage (that was cool!). Got the LF suspension components removed today.
  16. Does existing wiring / connector hook right up to these or are mods necessary?
  17. I notice the 1972 has 1971 rear bumper?
  18. was that fun? 😂 I might attempt it next year…
  19. Ill be camping in my 20’ class B van…
  20. The drain hoses can be found new, i assume you know. Hopefully you can find good condition used ones. I have new ones to replace my old, however i dont think youd find my old ones to be in good condition although thats a bit subjective.
  21. sounds like something i should check before putting my cards back on!
  22. thanks, I had assumed it might be around that
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