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Everything posted by its55

  1. I know this is a long shot but I'm looking for just the driver door chrome trim only, in better condition than mine 😂
  2. Seeing if I can get a friend over that way to check it out for me...
  3. In the meantime, while the EPA bans so many things that are "toxic" to people, well-known things that have always visibly hurt people like smoking, drinking, drug use (esp. now the fentanyl and meth problems) and obesity go on and on and on...ironic. Of course a drinking ban was attempted once and we all know how that went 🤣 They can regulate and regulate but, in the end, result the average human life span and the reasons stays pretty much the same. In fact, not including Covid impacts, life span has been on the increase - in spite of chroming! IMO a ban on chroming isn't going to do anything but put people out of work and hurt the classic car industry. And as Mike Self says, the need for this sort of thing is getting more and more rare so in effect its taking itself out of existence over time anyway.
  4. Hello, I need a new RH (passenger side) seal. How can I be assured that I'm getting the one of the latest improved production run? Thanks!
  5. Upper timing cover re-installed - so far no more leaks! New OE negative battery cable installed. New OE exhaust header cover installed. New rocker cover acorn nuts installed (left the one plug wire holder off for now until engine timing done). Door card renovation in progress...
  6. I guess the good news is that folks in CA will not have to ship things too far if they need chrome plating.
  7. Just an FYI for you CA folks... California Wants to Ban Chrome Plating WWW.MSN.COM California is about turn the state’s restoration, customization, and other automotive industries on its head. The state is looking to reduce harmful emissions and cancer-causing chemicals. The L.A. Times reports state officials have set their sights on banning a method of chrome plating...
  8. I am working on this now .... 😬
  9. recently I refurbished my exhaust system as well. What I did was line everything up properly and tighten it up while the transmission hanger assembly was bolted but loose and could move to a final resting place. Then I tightened up the transmission hanger. Seems good so far.
  10. All is new but the lock rod grommets. I will check those too. Thanks!
  11. Driver side door card repairs in progress. Glad I started this as I discovered the inside plastic was missing from this one. Broken clips to be replaced, chrome trim to be replaced, lubed the window mechanisms...
  12. Which one of the brown colored carpets with most closely match the original brown carpet in a 72 2002?
  13. Unable to see pictures w/out downloading other stuff. Can you post directly to 2002faq?
  14. Thanks for this. Any idea what shipping would cost from there to Tennessee USA?
  15. I want to remove the attachment / swivel gizmo circled in red. I assume that the "nub" can pass thru the clamp after the screw is removed with some gentle force w/out screwing up the visor itself?
  16. Well...I was going to replace this visor thingy, but RockAuto sent me the wrong one. In the meantime ... can someone tell me how the old one is extracted? Removal of the screw and initial gentle tugging didn't work.
  17. Hope this isn't considered post-theft, however, while the OP is looking for the panels on the right, I am looking for the one on the left (adjacent to the hood release) if anyone has one in good condition.
  18. Anyone have one in good condition?
  19. Thought I should post up some pics of recent work / progress I've mentioned. Exhaust system and cooling system renewal. I'll be adding on the header heat shield and related after fixing the leak at the upper timing chain cover. The exhaust work was a bear, working under the car w/ no lift 😂including cleaning and painting underside above the muffler area.
  20. wow California is tough. In Tennessee I just buy a historic car plate and only pay for it once. The only requirement is the 25 years old.
  21. Adjusted my driver door strike - now the door fits better! 😁
  22. Thanks but I'm not sure if I follow you. My leak is at the BASE of the top timing chain cover, just above the chain tensioner. Are you saying that I may only need to press some sealant into / around that point to hopefully stop the leak? My valve cover does not leak anywhere.
  23. Thanks. I can see it's coming from that juncture. I also had the exhaust bolt leaks before but I've solved those. Part of the "half-assed" job it appears. I assume that would involve removing that upper cover, dabbing the Permatex and re-installing? I'm aware of the bolts torque / sequence.
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