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Posts posted by Andy74tii

  1. hey guys, pretty sure I need to tighten my new fan belt, but wanted confirmation:

    1. It squeals a bit on startup, and goes away once the engine is revve for a minute or two.

    2. When you turn headlights on, there is a slight but noticeable drop in rpms.

    Tighten it, right?



  2. Folks, I recently had my tii intake plenum powdercoated, and now my boost is not working. I believe that it's related to the small insert in the part of the plenum where the booster hose goes in. I can poke something small in diameter through it, but I wonder if the powercoat process might have somehow goofed this part up. Any experience or advice in this regard?



  3. Has anyone successfully restored the "filling" in their visors? I have a few where the foam is basically disintegrated inside, and they're mostly flat. Other than that, they're in pretty good condition. Seems like there should be some way to "refill" them?



  4. I believe this would be well worth it, as it is the uber rare version sold only in Alaska. The only issue is the Alaska version (also known as the "2002itt") has all the functionality of the more common "2002tii" in reverse. As an example, only 1 forward speed, but 4 reverse gears .....


  5. Justin I went to you site and noticed you have Yale Rachlin's old car, very cool!

    I may need to go to the wideband sensor. Is there an FAQ or other guidance on what to buy, where to get it, how to install? As I understand it, you need to weld a bung to the downpipe to install the sensor, then wire to a gauge.



  6. Yes, I am at about 5600 feet, so know what you are talking about. The first year I was here, I had to pass emissions, so the guys I took it to fiddled with the verboten screw until it passed. Of course, it ran awful then, so they fiddled with it again to get it to run better. In the process, they got it running very rich, and it's had a negative effect on gas mileage (10-12 mpg). So now I am addressing this by total renew of the system, all new hoses, new linkage, new ball cup, plugs, points, etc., etc. I honestly don't see how minor tweaks of the screw could really goof things up more than they already have been. Perhaps I will be struck by Bavarian lightning, though ....?

  7. Thanks CD, but not the tuna can adjustment. I am pretty good on that one and have done that adjustment many times. It only affects idle. I am interested in the adjustment across the whole range, which is only possible with the verboten screw. Specifically, I am interested in how it's possible to actually adjust this without taking off hoses -- I don't see how you can do it. I would like to perhaps make some small adjustments to mine, just a tiny bit at a time....

  8. I would be very interested in seeing pics of what your verboten screw and the locking nut looked like. I think I may have a similar problem. To adjust the screw itself, what did you have to remove? From my perspective, it looks impossible to actually adjust it without taking off at least one of the warmup regulator hoses?



  9. Bimmerhaus is good for generic 02 stuff, but if you have any tii specific work needed, they do not have a clue. I am still looking for a place that knows kugelfischer, as I am still trying to recover from what they did to mine.

  10. Thanks Bill. I have the original bolt which was replated, and of course the welded in nut is still in place on the back side. When I started my "refresh" I noted the one bolt that holds it to the block was broken off. It was a real bear to drill out, and now I've replaced the bolt with a big 10.9.


  11. No answer to my last post, so let my try to make this simpler. At the base of the throttle body support bracket, there are two holes. One is to mount to the block. I believe the other hole is where the ground strap from the battery goes. Can other tii owners (Jim, Bill, Paul, etc.) confirm this? Thanks.

  12. I've looked through the archives but still have some pretty basic questions about tii grounds. Here goes:

    1. Does the main ground from the battery go to the bolt at the bottom of the throttle body bracket? Not the bolt that holds the bracket to the block, but the other bolt? That's the way mine was, and I am wondering if this is correct?

    2. Is it sufficient to ground the alternator to the long bolt that the alternator pivots on? I saw a bunch of posts where that seemed to be the consensus? Is there a better location? What is the preferred wire gauge?

    3. When I lived in Houston, I used the old style woven ground strap, but noticed they never lasted longer than a year, due to the humid conditions; they would corrode really quickly. Living in an arid climate, I wonder if they would last longer here, and if there is any advantage at all to woven vs. insulated ground cables?

    Many thanks!


  13. OK, I'll keep playing.... I have the clip on the throttle body bracket as well, but not the clip for the harness. However, I can double up on obscure parts..... does anyone else out there have one of these? It's a dustcap for where the intermediate shaft out of the bottom of the throttle body goes into the hole in the back of the KF, where the nylon cup goes .......

    I wish I could find a new one, this one is pretty old and probably close to disintegrating but I fear it's NLA


  14. Thanks all. I actually did have one of those original loop clips on the KF pump. I remember the first time I restored the tii, I found it and wondered for the longest time where it went! It actually works really well, by orienting the line into the inlet.

  15. Yes, I have the two small ones as well. This is the big clip, and I think I agree, as I stated earlier, it must be for under the intake. That would make sense, then the return hose also goes thru the clip on the throttle body support.

    BTW, I should not have been so reliant on the Keith site. I used his numbers for the coolant hoses, as he has a good guide to them on his site. However, I just figured out Im one hose short -- he completely forgot the lower radiator hose! Back to Blunt!

  16. Hey, quick question about the tii. I am now putting everything back together and cannot recall where this cable guide goes. I think it goes under the stud from the block that is the furthest back and lowest one holding the intake to the block. Is that correct? If so, what runs through it? Sorry for crap blackberry shot....

    Many thanks



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