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Everything posted by Cyclone101

  1. I would say rather go with Colorado, it works better with lighter interiors than Inka but is still very bold and still period. This blue would be my first choice with a light interior though. EDIT: I just saw i posted the same photo as you! Its also my favorite, but that car is Colorado, not Inka. Regards Jacques
  2. $2,000? are you sure? Thats about the cost of rebuilding your engine... Here in South Africa at least. I would not pay that. Pulling an engine you know your way around is quick if you have the right equipment(as a shop would). I would say if it is a simple swap and no balancing of prop shaft and such it should not take more than a working day, and not cost more than $500. I am speaking from an South African perspective though, but should be roughly the same. Regards Jacques
  3. Ok, I just had to say this. DAYUM, that looks perdy!!! ^^^^
  4. sooooo, I just wanted to say. I think you are rubbing! But it looks very good so far. FINISH IT. Regards Jacques
  5. Soooo, I thought this might just work. Fits better than I thought... Regards Jacques
  6. Wow, what a beauty. Love the colour. Now go drive it like you stole it! Regards Jacques
  7. If the engine is out its quite hard to say what i will look like with it in. that looks normal to me. Easy way it to get an idea is to get an "engine weighted guy" to sand on the front sub frame and see what happens. Not the most accurate though. Regards Jacques
  8. Thanks Tom, This was exactly what i wanted to know. Knew there would be something out there. Oh, and CD, thanks for the good advice, but try and read posts before you copy and paste. Regards Jacques
  9. I am going to redo both my car's suspension in the near future, and would like to have the bushes replaced with new ones. Now heres the catch, I know you can get harder rubber for the e30's but does someone do something similar for the 2002. I don't really want to go poly as I think its a bit much, just a little firmer without all the added noise and vibration would be nice. Regards Jacques
  10. It might just be my tendacy to disagree but that looks like a euro ford puma. The puma sport is actually a very good handler. And no I don't own one.. Regards Jacques
  11. iirc that car is a hill climb car with a 16v head Cant remember if it was that one or another one though. and a car that prepped usually has itb's Regards Jacques
  12. Okay, this is off topic but hopefully someone knows. I am replacing a bumper on a e90, the bumper comes "primed" from bmw. Can I just scuff it and paint my colour coat over it or should I rather prime it again. Regards Jacques
  13. What do you mean by that? With bare metal, primer, top coat it will be like it came from the factory... Regards Jacques
  14. Come on cd, show us some pictures. You know you want to...
  15. no pictures CD?? Welcome, and congrats with your find. Thats a very nice car, and yes it will not be cheap to have it restored for you but it is certainly do-able. 72 tiis are the most sought after of all the tiis. But read project blogs similar to yours and ask people who have restored similar cars lots and lots of questions and make sure this is what you want before you start spending money. There is more info than you can imagine on this site, so use the search function. CD always has useful info, but ignore his skepticism, I think hes jealous. Regards Jacques
  16. I am busy with a full restoration at the moment, and its a lot of hard work, and restorations cost about the same on a 2002, a ti, and a tii. So think about what you want before you start to spend your money. All the advice here is sound. and btw, I love your car. (i have a soft spot for old rusty cars) But what I really wanted to say is that I love your attitude, and welcome to the club/sickness. Best of luck with your project! Regards Jaqcues
  17. I don't know what you are missing, but i do know that I am missing $3,700 right now...
  18. Ive seen bad cases of blow by that cause this to happen, but then your engine will be making very little power and you will see exhaust gases coming out the dipstick tube and crank case vent. Check the vent first, then do a compression test. Regards Jacques
  19. No disputing the ability and composure of modern cars. Their good at what they do. But i think he was referring more to the soul of classics compared to modern cars(toasters make brilliant toast, but not something that really makes u giddy). Regards Jacques
  20. Maybe I am blind but how is it that a guy from South Africa is the first to notice this... Anyway, in Car and Driver June 2011 there is a small piece on the 2002 written by the late David E. Davis Jr. (one of my favorite automotive writers of all time) Its on pg 36. Can somebody scan a copy for the rest of the class? Regards Jacques
  21. From the information you gave, I would say that it sound like a good buy. All the details are there, solid chassis, rare colour, original unmolested, and its a tii. The only thing you didn't mention is the condition of the mechanicals. Could cost a bit to replace tii parts... Go for it, it seems to be a tii worthy of the badge. Regards Jacques
  22. You guys have it easy... I went on holiday in Mozambique last year and the cops pulled me over(I was doing about a gps 115kph in a 120kph zone) and told me I was doing 145kph, even showed me the radar reading. I knew something was funky. They then started hinting that they wanted something or i will be spending a night in jail(the one place on earth you REALLY don't want to go to jail, trust me) So I just played dumb and acted like I had all the time in the world. So I the let me go. What they do is they pull over all foreign cars and pull the same trick, but time is money, so if you play it slow, you get away free. But If your in Angola, I recommend you take extra bribe cash, coz they WILL lock you up for NO reason at all and the next day just say sorry it was a mistake.. Gotta love africa Regards Jacques
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