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Posts posted by willys

  1. for me it is a travel back to when I was younger. I bought my only other 02 in 73, it was a 69. Now when I go for a short ride, I listen for every sound to make sure everything is OK. But when the trips are longer, I get in a groove where the car takes over and I just go along for the ride. There are nights when I want the ride to go on forever - of course the early 70's west coast rock on my ipod helps :>)



  2. car cover from the wife and a tranny rebuild from me - just don't tell my wife! LOL - everytime I think I am sneaking something past her she somehow figures it out. This time I sold some seats and gave her the money - now I will send out the tranny to metric mechanic - it's like a shell game around here.


  3. I found that until I purchased an exhaust analyzer, I was clueless on how much to adjust anything on my tii. some may question the accuracy of the $100 heathkit analyzer I bought on ebay but my plugs are no longer black, the car doesn't buck and she is a joy to push through the gears.


  4. I've downloaded 3000 how to pages from the FAQ and plan on pulling my tranny for a rebuild along with doing the clutch etc while it is out. The last time I pulled a tranny was over 40 years ago so it should be interesting. I am not a big fan of working on my back for a project like this but I am up to the challenge - I hope -


  5. I tried the search function and google without any luck. The differential in my 74 tii is numbered 3311 1207 7190 GGG 40. the only oddball posting I found on google indicated it is from a grey marekt 320i but no info on its ratio.

    many thanks for any info


  6. I am at the exact same position you are in except I am 60! after talking to the folks at Metric Mechanic about the 240, it seemed to make sense to have them do my rebuild. As I understand it the 240 is a bit of an oddball 5 speed and thus my 2002 was converted just for it and to try and adapt a 245 would require more effort than it is worth. MM's rebuild, according to them, should be much better than new and every bit as good as a rebuilt 245. I will put my car up in about 2 weeks and then pull the tranny - all winter to finish the project should give me enough time!

    Of course if I was your age, I would just keep on crunchin gears until there were nothing left -


  7. when I was 30 I would have done it one way and now that I am 60 I would do it another - you do the math. Having said that, I have a 46 Willys Jeep in the stable that everyone in the family drives with a frozen rear wheel cylinder - seems to stop just fine. Different car - different needs but still related to your question. no one will OK driving it with a patch but we have all done crazy things and survived just fine or we are liars. Frankly, I am amazed I am still walking.


  8. It was a very fun day - even in th erain.

    Pat - that 1600 was indeed stunning and it only had 10,700 miles! I also got a big kick out of your diagnostic tool - imagine finding a reason to keep the diagnostic plug! It was very cool - great job. What a kick watching you plug it into my car and then watch you start it while the keys were in my pocket - then tell me what my dwell was and rpm's!

    great video showing off how quiet your automatic 02 is - did you use any sound proofing when you redid her?


  9. others have mentioned this and now I can concur - the best tool you can buy is an exhaust analyzer and combine that with an understanding from the KFI manual of what does what. bought my analyzer on flea bay for about $100 - it has been a joy to play with.

    I am far from being an expert but now I know when i make an adjustment, i can see the result


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