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Posts posted by Naz

  1. I fell like I'm doing a good job keeping this forum active the last couple days. So here is another question.

    Has anyone ever upgraded the intake valves of the 121ti head from 44mm to 46mm? If so, was any difference ever noted. I currently have the 44mm valves.

    I've been reading up a lot on all the various heads produced and have found it quite interesting.

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  2. My 2000ti came with a 4 blade fan rather than the 5 blade I've seen in every 2002. I never knew there was such a thing as a 4 blade fan?

    Any benefit changing it to a 5 blade? In the past I've always has issues with my 2002's running hot and hated to sit in traffic. I don't want to be staring at the temp gauge when I drive around.

    I feel as though the aftermarket electric fan is almost a necessity. How have others overcome the overheating without adding electric fan?

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  3. So my bilstien front shocks came in the other day and immediately prompted me to start the process. First time I've ever worked on steering related items. Most of my experience is within the motor area. I managed to get the strut out with little issue but I did manage to break a bolt off on the bottom of the strut (common issue I later discovered)

    I think I'll just get the machine shop to get that out for me and perhaps change all the bolts in the process.

    Here is a pic of the filthy strut and the beautiful bilstien that ultimately going in once I sand blast and repaint it.


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  4. Rey, that's a 200mm pressure plate and the one I have is a 225. I put a 228 pressure plate against my flywheel and it lines up perfectly with the exception of the bolt pattern and lacking dowels which can also be machined to accept. I'm moving forward with this method and will update on my progress. I am having the machine shop do this work for me btw. Not using my hand drill.

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  5. Ok, thanks to Rick here in Vancouver who has been working on 2002's for over 40 years we have found a simple solution. Going to drill and tap new holes on the flywheel to accommodate the 228mm clutch assembly. Ditch the 3 finger system as parts are impossible to find thus saving any further frustration in the future.

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  6. I've discovered that the flywheel in my tilux is 225mm. Considering that I need to purchase a new clutch assembly would it make sense to purchase a 228mm flywheel or just machine the 225mm?

    My instincts tell me the 225mm is a better configuration.

    Any thoughts on the subject?

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  7. I decided to stay with the 4 speed transmission and original long neck diff. I'll look into changing it down the road if they fail perhaps. Having said that, the last owner put a transmission out of a 1600 in it. I'm concerned that it's not as good as the original. Does Anyone know what if any difference there is between the 1600 and 2000ti transmission would be?

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  8. So here is a pic of my rebuilt solex carbs. I was tempted to spring for the side draft webers but I thought I would give these old school babies a chance first before I dropped another 1k.

    Back in the day I just remember pulling over every 50km to adjust them so hopefully with the new jets and seals I won't be doing that.


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