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Posts posted by OriginalOwner


    here's a diagram which may help visualize ....

     Part 3 is a "shorty" bushing .... Part 6 is longer in length than Part 3.  Once you have it all apart it will make sense.



     I use Ebay to see pictures of the parts I want ....  search on   " 1973 bmw 2002tii alternator  " 






  2.  whew, the Mighty Met ..... bloody hell, there's some massive ripples through the door of the collective consciousness, complete with attendant weird scenes coaxed along by Dr Demento every Sunday night inside the gold mine wrapped around the college wine bottle.


    "L.A. Woman"            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-wgIht3roA  

    "Break On Through"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ju1aBFVjt8





  3.  why ??  because I can be cheap, is why.  Well, that and the fact that my dad owned his Morris Minor for 42 years, I fully intend to surpass that ..... and I'm getting close.


     but back to cheap:  

    1)  Consider the sheer madness of not having made a car payment since June 1976.

    2)  Of one's pals from high school & college, over the years they've continued to buy new cars and have ultimately paid far more in miserable sales tax than I paid to actually outright purchase my '74tii.  And their resale (i.e., salvage value) has been rather pathetic in terms of IRR.


    So consider the investment benefits of putting, let's say on average, $400/mo into one's retirement portfolio every month for 37 years.  And if one should be lucky enough to earn a mere 1%/yr compounded interest, that makes for a nice bit of spending cash as a reward for such a plan of annual fiscal frugality and foresight.  All it takes is a willingness to defer present spending for the potential of future earnings growth ..... and the willingness to drive the same ol' car, year after year after year .....  and after all, just how much fun can that possibly be ??





  4.  The advertising literature from days gone by will tell you the 2002 was designed to cruise at autobahn speeds all day long, which let's say equates to 100mph.  My RPM chart says that's 5,200rpm give or take.


     so +1 the other guys ...... you're a long way from doing any engine damage.  My engine has 240,000 miles and I've worried about it.


    Go fast and be safe while doing so.





  5.  +1 head gasket.


     years ago my 6-cylinder Chevy engine ran perfectly, no missing, no idling problems, nice and smooth.  Seemed like I had less-than-normal power, so one day I did a compression check:  2 cylinders had zero compression.  Pulled the head:  burnt intake valves in 2 cylinders, all else normal.

       Hence, an engine can run just fine with bad valves under the right sort of circumstances, and you won't know it.


    So your experience:  IMHO it's "gotta be" something other than valves when performance changes so drastically and so quickly.  Head gasket is the "obvious" culprit.





  6. if you have oil in the water, you'll know it:  the oil won't look like oil, and the water won't look like water.


    otherwise, your engine exterior looks just like my '74tii exterior:  oily.  I've got some oil drips up front, no biggie to me, I just keep the oil level topped up.  All the bolts are properly snugged but oil is weeping out from somewhere, fortunately "weep" is the operative word, as opposed to "gush."  So I don't worry about it.





  7.   hasn't been a leaker.  But that's the parking lot where 2 days after first parking there, the tii got a "door buzzer vasectomy."  After a mere two days of ownership, the key-in-ignition-open-door buzzing was driving me crazy.  It's been peace and quiet ever since.


     oh, and that thing that never happens in southern california .... it happened, you can see it on the pavement.





  8.  left the house at 10am ..... zoomed south on I-5 to San Diego ..... then at 11:40am up and over the Coronado Bay Bridge and over to the Naval Amphibious Base.


     Well, here's my '74tii in the Phib Base parking lot.  38 years and 11 months ago was the very first time I ever parked the tii in this parking lot ..... and there it is once again in the exact same parking lot.



  9. my personal trusted guy is Ted van der Kolk in Brea ..... Bimmertech



    Here at this Forum is LimeySteve in Whittier.  He's a very clever guy and loves 2002's .....



    I know of a guy in Simi Valley, but have never had any work done there:



    And in the San Fernando Valley:  I've never had work done here, but they have a great reputation: 






  10.  ingramlee,


      you changed the Differential (final drive) oil ??  That requires a 90W hypoid gear oil.  The final drive has a hypoid gear design and requires a gear oil specifically formulated for that design.


      The MTL product that Buckeye mentioned is for the transmission, not the final drive.  Take a look at that MTL website:  it specifically says it is "not for use in differentials with hypoid gears."


      I've used Valvoline Gear Oil, 80W-90 in the final drive for years:







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