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Posts posted by Otis

  1. I'd still like to offer some (house call) assistance to the man regarding getting his Bavaria back on the road...

    Fine German Engineering is always fun to work on. Particularly the front clips. But lately, I've had my eye on the British rear ends.






  2. I have some old speakers, Bill, in a box somewhere. Not sure what they are - I will check them out; some are from 02s, and some are from the '84 E30. You can have whatever you want, or what works. I'm reluctant to step forward with anything for the Touring, since it's a 100% correct car and I'm a 100% incorrect guy - but you're the best judge to see if anything in my spare-parts box would work.

  3. Sham-a-lama ding dong! Where is the flat screen?

    Instead of a single flat screen, we went with three 7" video monitors. Frankly, if I had to re-design it, I'd do a pop-up flat screen. But I had the monitors already, just sitting in a box, so we went with those. Besides, the goal here was to put the darn thing together, ride it around for a while and see what works, what doesn't, what we'd modify, etc. etc. etc. It's only been 24 hours and I already see two modifications that I want to make.

    I passed the hot tub idea along to my main man, Jason Fils at All American Street Rods. He loves the idea, so we're going to go for it. But you won't see it here, except maybe in OT, since we're going to do a different version of it, to go with the '53 Dodge Pickup I am building.

    As for the topless girls - that's a given. The trailer is a chick magnet.

    PS - I forgot to publicly thank Uncle Rick's Welding and Cold Beer to Go, in Kensington, Maryland. Rick, you are one bad-assed welder.

  4. Already put my first rock chip in it, riding around on Otis' tag. I just need to title and tag and insure the little trailer - then it's Party Time in Otisland.

    We cranked it up in the parking lot and drew a crowd. We can play DVDs, CDs and iTunes. It has on-board Batcap batteries that we feed with an inverter/charger, so assuming a 120 connection, we can play tunes and videos all afternoon/night long.



  5. I think the way to go is to take the 02 Pickup

    and stretch it and add the tub. Here's a Dodge Ram version of what I have in mind (skip the beginning and go to 1:05; and yes, that indeed is Mike Pugh in the Captain's Hat):

    Any of these could be a hot tub pickup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNSbUZhUZRo&feature=fvwrel

    Either that, or take a Vixen and modify it so that it includes a tub. Here's a crude version of a bus/RV hot tub -

    PS - if one were inclined to ignore family values, then the Vixen would become something like this:

    Please note: Any and all design suggestions must be either Colorado or Inka. http://www.hammacher.com/Product/11021?source=cj&PID=3266387&cm_mmc=CJ-_-2559422-_-3266387-_-The+Portable+Wood-Burning+Hot+Tub+





  6. We thought about the hot tub. And we specifically envisioned a scenario like the one you set forth, conkitchen. But:

    (1) I was warned very sternly at the Vintage (f/k/a "Vintage at the Vineyards") that "The Vintage is a family event" and that "there are children here!!!" So, I have tried to tailor the trailer content to family values.

    (2) The Vintage and car shows in general do, in fact, draw kids. And kids pee in hot tubs. I don't want anyone peeing in my trailer. Especially now, since it will short out the electronics.

    (3) If I were inclined to mobilize a hot tub, I think I would go more in the direction of something that is self-propelled. This guy has the right idea in general - although I'd take issue with his fit, finish, and attention to detail, he does seem to be headed in the right direction:

    (4) Nevertheless, there still is room for designing and executing a hot tub trailer. As the pictures below demonstrate, the current offerings are rather crude. I will put some thought to the matter and will try to come up with something - of course, all design suggestions are welcome.




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