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Posts posted by Otis

  1. About the only place that will do e-coating these days for non-OEMs is Niles Manufacturing in Niles, Ohio.


    I had Otis' hood and some other parts e-coated, and I had the door, hood, and fenders for Hector (my '78 F-350) e-coated by Niles. I also had some of Izzy's parts (the Isetta) e-coated at Niles. You drive to Niles, stay overnight and then show up first thing in morning with your parts. They wait until there is a break in the line (they do the e-coating for some of the truck manufacturers) and then hang your parts. They come off the line e-coated, ready for painting.

    You have to check with them on which days they will do an entire body. The normal line runs during the week but only does things that can hang (doors, bumpers, fenders, hoods, etc.). Bodies have to be dipped in the big tank, which they only run on certain days.

    Make sure you do all of the bodywork FIRST before you take the body and parts to Niles. Anything that you take there will be baked and encased, so you should try to get the parts perfect (or at least, as perfect as you want them to be) because they will emerge e-coated in black, and you will see any and all imperfections. Most bodywork folks that I meet then bitch and moan that the part is e-coated, since they want to slap on the mud and sand. So they end up grinding off the e-coat to get to the bare metal, which defeats the purpose. It's better to do all of your bodywork (preferably in lead, not mud) before going to Niles; then e-coat, then use some sort of high-build primer to sand, then paint. Anyone who has seen Otis, can see the result of this process on his hood.

    I've visited the e-coaters in Detroit. They are scary. Mostly union shops in very, very bad neighborhoods. They deal mostly with OEMs and therefore are not visitor-friendly (they usually suspect that you are some sort of undercover INS officer). Niles, on the other hand, is a fairly tame (and economically depressed) town (ditto for nearby Youngstown). Not much there, but the people are friendly. I stayed at a Bed and Breakfast (the hotels are fairly nasty) and had a pleasant time. I even bought some fireworks (you can buy the big rockets in Ohio - not possible in Otis' home state). There also are a couple of pick-and-pull boneyards around the main drag; mostly acres and acres of rusty old trucks. But it gives you something to do while they e-coat your parts. The B&B adjoins a public golf course - also a good way to kill time while your parts bake.


    Good luck.

  2. 1) If you get rid of an 02, should you keep the tattoo?

    2) If you put your new stickers in the wrong spots, do you lose Concours points?

    3) If I go to Octoberfest, will the Beer Maids serve milk?

    4) If my car gets dirty, do I have to wash it?

    5) If I wash my car, do I have to wax it?





  3. 1) If I have a big weenie, do I need a BMW?

    2) If I put in a set of headlamps, does it detract too much from the beltline?

    3) If I paint the top, do I have to paint the bottom?

    4) If you lift the hood to show off your engine, will anyone notice?

    5) If I flare the fenders, can I still tap the big bumper?






  4. Otis, now that you're in politics, your picture posting has gone all G- rated.t

    That is true. I have a public image to uphold. Even my running mate (Jesse) is tailoring her public appearances to modest (well, relatively modest by her normal standards) attire.

    I am confident of defeating the other candidates. But I shall not name them, because the mere mention of their names may trigger the censor's button. For example: Neither will I say, "I will defeat Obama and Romney - or for that matter, Lotus" nor will I say, "which candidate would play better music in the trailer - Obama or Romney?" nor will I say, "anyone wanna bet pink slips that I will win the election?" No, I will not say any of that. Instead, I will simply note that I am so confident of my victory, I have already started to fill out the members of my cabinet. Morgan, Bentley, Allard, and the mysterious yellow/orange supercar ...

    I am Otis, and I approve this message.






  5. AceAndrew -

    Your goal of a hidden system is a very common goal of the hot-rod crowd (I have a '53 truck with a hidden system). Here is a good article with lots of links ... also, you can pull up a ton of information by surfing around with a Google search of "hidden hot rod stereo".


    Although you couldn't tell from Otis, I'm a big fan of what you are trying to do. Hidden systems are cool, and I just helped a friend out with a hidden system for a Defender. Then again, I just returned from India. These guys didn't try to hide their system.


  6. They sold Scooterboy's tii "tribute" car last year - formerly known as Emily of Wegweiser fame and heritage. I posted about that transaction a while back. I went in and posed as a buyer. They represented that it was a "real tii." Ha! Little did they know, I am Scooterboy's Daddy!

    Who's your Daddy?!?! HAHAHAHAHA

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