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Posts posted by LarryE10E20

  1. Hi all -

    Here's a cautionary tale for everyone.

    I was working under the dash, trying to straighten out the totally-screwed-up wiring on my recently purchased 3.0cs. (But I/you could be equally stupid on an '02). At one point I needed two hands so I flipped the halogen work light out of the way. Well, it landed on the radio volume knob and melted it into a misshapen lump. I guess I'm fortunate that the knob took the hit and saved the vinyl on the console, but I'm not feeling that lucky at the moment.

    The morale of the story is: Be careful with hot lights!

    BTW, if anyone has an extra radio knob that matches the late-style dashboard knobs, I'd like to buy it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  2. Hi all -

    I want to give everyone a heads up about an ebay seller- kcigermany - that I've had a major problem with. He's got a number of interesting and rare BMW parts. But listen to my story before you deal with him.

    I bought (via "buy it now", so I paid his full asking price) a kidney grille for my 3.0CS in late July, with an estimated delivery date of August 15th. On August 8th, I sent him an email asking if the part had been shipped yet and, if so, requesting any tracking information he had so I could follow its journey. I received an email back saying that he would check with his shipping department and get back to me. A week later, on the estimated arrival date, I had no part and had never received any further communication. So I emailed again with the same question. A few days later I get a response saying, once again, that he would check with his shippers and get back to me. Guess what... No response.

    So now a month has passed and I send him a third email, saying I wanted my money back or I would initiate the dispute process with ebay. No response. Only when I disputed the transaction with ebay and MasterCard did I finally hear back from him saying that no one knew where the part was but that it was the shipper's fault. ( One lesson here is that even if you use PayPal, have it paid from your credit card because they will help you).

    Now he's furious that I left him negative feedback, as if he had done something to be proud of by returning my money for goods he failed to deliver only after MasterCard and ebay pressured him to do so.

    There are plenty of great ebay sellers out there. kcigermany doesn't seem to be one of them. Deal with him at your own peril.

  3. My story is a bit different. Bought a 3.0 CS that had been sitting most of the last few years and produced 20 minutes of black-ish smoke at start-up. Not a pretty sight, trust me. Threw a can of Seafoam in the gas tank and drove it like I stole it for a week. By the end of the tank the smoke was gone, totally. Was it the Seafoam, or did the car just need to be ridden hard? Don't know, but it's cured! So no trashing Seafoam here...

  4. Anyone have the small switch that activates the dome light when you open the door? RealOEM lists the part number as 61 31 352 951. But, of course, it's NLA.

    If anyone has one for sale, please contact me at larryschwarz@comcast.net. Thanks.

  5. I have Hagerty and there are few specific usage restrictions, other then the general limitation that the car cannot be used as a daily driver. I specifically asked if there was a mileage limit and they told me there was not. I was told that Hagerty wants people to enjoy their cars as pleasure vehicles (I assume so we'll all go out and by more collector vehicles and insure them with Hagerty). On the other hand, if you get hit in the parking lot of your local 7-11 on Tuesday at midnight on an ice cream/munchie run then, like Lucy, you probably have some 'splainin to do...

  6. Hi all!

    Couldn't help myself. The devil made me do it. The flesh is weak. Blah, blah, blah. Going to pick up a '73 3.0CS. Verona (sort of), sunroof, AC (nonworking), factory alloys. Mechanicals and interior a bit rough. Key attribute is ABSOLUTELY no rust. Anywhere. Not a speck. Hallelujah!!!

    Don't know the coupes like I know '02s. Will be joining the E9 forum as soon as I return from picking it up this afternoon. But there's no end to the knowledge the people on this board have. Anyone here with a 3.0CS? Would like to know who to turn to for advice, parts, etc. Any wisdom would be appreciated.


  7. Hi Neal-

    Here's my 02 cents worth...

    The good news is that Sahara is not a metallic color. So matching old to new paint is somehat easier than with, say, polaris or fjord. Having said that, unless you're prepared to do all the work and spend all the money needed to make the body pristine, you'll never be happy with a full respray. Newly painted dents are still dents...

    As I recall, much of your paint is pretty good. So I'd support the previous recommendation to have the car professionally detailed and then touch up what you can. At most, respray the nose because, as noted above, there are natural break/cut lines that will hide any differences between old and new paint.

    We'd all love to see you spending more time in the tii. Do whatever it takes to make you want to drive it!

  8. In Pennsylvania, its all about the benjamins. Speeding tickets fund the local courts and maybe the municipal budgets as well. I've had, um, several tickets in the recent past, including one for 31 over the limit (in a Z4 M Coupe). But breaks can be had as long as you don't piss off the guy during the stop. Each time, the cop suggests that I ask for a hearing, even though I've been caught red-handed and my only defense is that speed is really fun... When I appear at the magistrate's office, the officer pulls me aside and offers a deal (The same deal every time, regardless of the officer or the local municipality): Plead guilty to 4 miles above the limit. In PA, less than 5 miles over the limit does not accrue points, so there's no school and no insurance surcharge. Plus, the fine is based on $3 for each mile over the limit, so I saved another $75 +/-. But the cop gets his conviction, the local court gets its operating funds, and I get to drive fast at a semi-affordable cost. At the hearing on the +31 case, the magistrate said to me, "You're today's big winner." Justice at its finest.

  9. So my '73 tii is entirely stock-looking from the outside (ignoringthe BWAs and fog light bolt-ons). But I'm perilously close to adding a front spoiler. I have access to a Kamei. Can someone show me pics of an '02 with a Kamei spoiler installed.

    Also, any one want to talk me out of this? Into this? Confusion reigns...



  10. Hi all!

    Among all the resto-mods, recreations, and Hemis, there's a '74 Inka being auctioned off tomorrow (Lot 316, I think). Stock, non-tii, but nice new paint. Looks pretty straight, based on four semi-crappy photos. Be interesting to see what the gold chain, cigar-smoking muscle-car boys will pay. Stay tuned...

  11. Couple of years ago, I bought a set of E21 recaros from a guy in Canada, who sent them FedEx in separate boxes. After a week, I used the FedEx tracking number where I got a message that the seats had entered the US in Atlanta and were currently in U.S. Customs awaiting release. Got the same message for the next 10 days! Calling FedEx was useless; they simply repeated what the website told me. No help whatsoever. One day, one box (with one seat) arrives. But the FedEx website still states that neither box has been released by Customs. Finally I file a lost package claim with FedEx. A week later the second seat arrives. A week after that FedEx calls to admit they have no idea where either of my seats are. Needless to say, I wouldn't ship with them...

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