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Roadkill Bashing

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

I havent even looked lately. Ive been locked out/banned/ and now from this POS 100mhz, 8mb win95 notebook( but its cute!! like an isetta!! ;p), it takes an ETERNITY to load. I hvent been able to even load boardfly all day from here. I have to say I'd rather you all (or "they all" ;p) wouldnt do it (the bashing). Its like standing in the middle of the street in the middle of a rainstorm and screaming at the top of your lungs, "THIS SHIT IS FUCKING WET!!!" Its a little of, yah, we know, and a little more of, so what! On top of which im sure charlie is just immediately deleting it all. Really it does make us look bad. The new board is already a staggering success, and in a year just imagine how cool it will be to have ALL that information in one spot. The great thing about building your OWN nirvana/paradise (or whatever you want to call it) is that you get to decide what color the walls will be... ;p) Roadfly will, I think, just forget about 02ers and move on to pissing off the e46 fools. ive not ever even heard of them enforcing the rules even ONCE on the e46 boards. i STILL dont understand why they didnt at least make the appearance of applying the rules evenly. Oh well, we are all better off having gone throught the experience...


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Guest Anonymous

I'm not into the bashing either; but the thing that had me post the Statement, was that I gave a guy about 4 references of places to sell his car that were helpful and this was one of them. Then Carlie deleted the post. I saw some that said simply "Roadfly sucks" which is kinda a dumb statement wihtout any back-up -- much like saying "Peas Suck"

Personally, I think that Roadfly was, maybe still is, great and would like them to continue on; however, I would also like to see a little bit of the Communism turned down.

I gave an example -- my roommate who is into Landcruisers frequents a board called the Pirate 4x4. This board makes a shitload of money from ads; yet they do not regulate the boards except for spamming by not paid advertisers -- but you actually are allowed to tell your buddy to go to Joe's trucks to buy a part without getting censored.

Roadfly has been very good to me; I really hope that they look at things differently and change their ways as they have been a great resource for all of us.

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Guest Anonymous

Over on the "other" site, there seems to be a rash of "concerned/disgruntled" patrons expressing the sucky-ness of Roadfly.

I ask you to recall how much usefull information was exchanged, or the friendships made because of that site, and it goes without mention that Trent would still be a Kook Nobody instead of the Mega Rock Star he is currently. For these reasons alone, a little more tact shown would be sensible.

I agree, Roadfly sucks, but what I disagree with is the posting on Roadfly saying "Roadfly sucks, I'm leaving". Momentum will swing away with time, needing no overt help from us; people vote with their feet.

I belive this site to be the heir apparent to vast morass of 2002 related info. Roadfly's buisness doesn't need 2002 owners, as the E30,36,46 and many other models have a demographic far more lucrative than ours.

The only facts are that Roadfly sucks because of the editing/banning/slave to the dollar. All else is opinion, and in my opinion, when one goes over there and talks shit, it makes this board look like a bunch of whiney kids.

Illustrating how Roadfly sucks to Roadfly is like teaching that damn pig how to sing.



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Guest Anonymous

half as much chance of sounding like a sniveling wretch.

Would like to know, though, which is worse- wasting your time or annoying the pig? :)

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Guest Anonymous

Enough of this petty bickering & slamming of a site many of us used to contribute to. Let's move forward and let the past be history.

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Guest Anonymous

I was the one who posted the goodbye. All I said was "the board was weak now", which it is because of censorship, etc. I figured it would just get deleted. But at least Charlie would see it. Well he left it up. It was one of those posts that if I read it from someone else I wouldn't have even given it a second thought. But then these guys wrote shit (wow can I say that again?) against me.

I guess I should have just sent Charlie an e-mail saying I choose to go elsewhere. I agree with Gramps. Just move on. That's why I haven't replied back over there.

It was not my intent to make this board look bad. Sorry guys. This board is great!

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Guest Anonymous

Man, I remember when you used to insult and provide good information simultaneously on the OTHER board!

Welcome back!

Seriously, I valued your posts - no harm meant by above comment. Nice to see you've come back.



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