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Hey guys.! Just found this site.

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Good to see you all here. I haven't had many personal concerns about Roadfly, but I do think the fun factor has decreased in the past year or so. Guess I'll be adding this board to my daily routine.

I'm in the UK right now, visiting for a week. Missing my 2002, but I see a lot of those nifty MINIs zooming around over here. I'm no fan of front wheel drive, or of new cars, but it's an interesting car.

My 2002 is on vacation right now. The rain prompted me to tuck it away for a few weeks, and then I decided to start on that bodywork I've been avoiding. RobS, I've finally taken the plunge and cut out my old rotted floor board. I've started getting the sheetmetal you sold me ready for transplant. As soon as I get back I'm going to do the dry ice thing. I'm going to strip every bit of soundproofing out of my car.

See ya


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Guest Anonymous

Just curious, how'd you find us? The brutal repression over on roadfly (deleting links to here and banning their authors) has been pretty intense so far! Good to see you here and good to hear those floors will be going to use! If you see Richard www.bmw2002.co.uk or any other 02ers over there, give am a kiss for me! ;p (and let 'em know about the new Board! :D) See ya!


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Guest Anonymous

It's been since deleted, but I saw the link that you or someone else had posted. I understand why Charlie and co. are trying to do what they have been doing. Their boards grew a lot, and that meant sponsorship was necessary. Once you get sponsors, you get people telling you what to do. It sucks for the user, but when the user is getting it for free he has less of a voice than the sponsors do.

I doubt I'll run into the UK 2002 crowd, I've got to be at work here all week. One of these days, though.

Anyways, it's good to see that the 2002 community is trying to retain some independence. People who refuse to buy new cars, and would prefer to break backs and skin knuckles on 30 year old technology, are hard to keep under control. Thanks to all of you who are putting in the time to get this board going.


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Guest Anonymous

hopefully we wont run into those problems. We are going to keep this place 100% 02s and 100% enthusiast-run. I already have at least one sponsor interested in helping us out, and hopefully we can sustain the place as we go forward. Right now we have enough horsepower to truly compete with roadfly, and the inspiration to do so by all the rules and creepy censorship stuff over there. Hopefully they will unban me at some point so i can support both boards...


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