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My poor mom.. :[

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

A month or so ago she got her very first brand new car ever. A 2004 Dodge Neon. It wasn't anything special, it didn't even have power windows, but it was her's and it was new. Saddly, today my mother was in her very first accident ever. She looked down for a second to change the radio station and when she looked back up, the mini van driving infront of her had made a sudden stop because they missed their turn or something. She hit them going 40-45mph or so. Everyone was ok, my little sister was riding shot gun and not wearing her seat belt, but luckly the air bag saved her. She has a bruise on her arm, but that's it. I guess my mom is a little sore from her seatbelt, but other than that she's ok.. on the outside. I can tell she's so sad.. she loved her little Neon. It's now residing in a tow-yard, about two feet shorter than it used to be. Of course it's totalled, so that's the end of her little black car. I wish there was something I could do for her. :[ I know the important thing is that she, my little sister, and the lady driving the minivan are all ok. I know it could have been so much worse, especially for my little sister, but still. We're not a rich familey, not in the least, and the Neon was at least 15 years newer than any other car that has graced our driveway..

I know this is a rather.. materialistic? way to think, but still. It took her nearly 45 years to be able to afford a new car, and she didn't get to enjoy it very long. :[

To make it all worse, she has a $230 ticket for "following too close resulting in accident". Not what happend at all, but yeah. Almost exact same thing happend to me when I crashed the 73 02.. traffic's going along just fine, decide to merge into the right lane, check my mirror, quick glance over sholder, looked up and there was a truck stopped in the lane. Wham. $230 ticket for following too close. :[ :[

Well I'm sorry to rant on here.. I just wanted to get it out of me. Today kinda sucks.

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Guest Anonymous

dude, I'm glad your sister is OK. I grew up in hte era of no east belt riding freedom. but no way are my kids riding w/o seat belts on in the car.

surely your mom had insurance to cover the car. if her driving record is good, the rates should not increase that much.

you gotta watch that bumper in front of you. I learned the hard way on one of those sudden freeway stops about distance. I managed to NOT hit the guy in front of me... but 2 cars back a guy in a 72 cadilac never hit his breaks. chain reaction and I then did hit the car in front of me. now I try to leave PLENTY of room.

again, cars are just not suited for mixing w/ people, a simple distraction like changing the radio station could easily have catostrophic effects. glad this ended in just bruises and sulkling.


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Guest Anonymous

of the idiots following too close behind me, to stop in case the idiot in front of me dives into the binders all of a sudden... sorry to hear about your mom nonetheless Deano... sucks that it had to happen on day one, good nobody was seriously hurt. :)


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Guest Anonymous


P L E A S E :

WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS (or leather & helmet! )





Driving is an A r t - always work at it.

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Guest Anonymous

She will find another "friend" soon and for sure will have fond memories of the last one. Sounds like a message in a chinese cookie, but main thing everybody is ok!

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Guest Anonymous

Just be glad everyone is ok!

Wear the seatbelts! When you

rear end someone it's your

fault. We all make mistakes

learn from them and move on.

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