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Muther FAQing stereo thieves...

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

...went to head to work this afternoon (in the 6er) only to notice

the drivers side rear window of my one 02 *completely* removed

(er, um...ripped out) and laying on the back seat. Drivers Flofit

fully reclined, glove box open, and my damn-near-new Sony head

unit completely destroyed! Muther F'ers tried to pull it from the

chassis not knowing that I had it bolted to the firewall inside the

console - which has what was a nice, hand made, oiled teak wood

console face. So, instead of getting it out, they destroyed the

whole f***ing unit!

They even tried to pull the whole console and manager to rip up

the bottom of my dash...I'm F'in' pissed.

I just put the damn thing in a few months ago...

Sorry, had to vent, Kev (daily reader, infrequent poster).

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Guest Anonymous

It seems like this is the best AND worst time of the year. I had my

burned CD collection, stereo, and never used 125 piece Craftsman

tool set stolen this time a couple years ago.

It nevers ceases to amaze me how stupid thieves can be. They

can't even figure out how to take apart an 02! And they ruined the

whole console; That is the absolute worst news I can imagine.

Fuck man, I'm really disgusted, and saddened that this happened.

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Guest Anonymous

After all our rights completely disappear I would hope that someone in the gov. remembers take out the these people. Or, maybe we could all go to a stadium and cheer as caught thieves are dismembered.

Sometimes wonder if it is worth the price Iraq paid to do this - they still have locks on thier doors...

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Guest Anonymous

Yeah, the dumb shits ripped the wing window out of my Tii last summer and stole the $80 kenwood deck, not smart enough to figure out the door was unlocked and they could'nt get $5 for the deck....Marty....

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Guest Anonymous

Cut the convertable top open.. couldn't reach the door lock so they then busted a window.. then proceded to remove the cd player with a pry bar... busted the dash up... after being unable to remove a cd player from a plastic dash.. (how tough is this??) they stole the detachable face for it... what retards.. the funny part is.. was the blaupunkt units always are easily removed with a "key" aka a little metal tong about 5" in lenth to depress the spring loaded lock in pieces.. real thieves pick locks.. crack monkeys bust them open

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Guest Anonymous

Like in pulp fiction "I hope they keep doing it just so I can catch em doing it"

In one of my cars, the geniuses left a flashlight and all their tools in my car, and they didn't steel the changer I had under the seat or the 200$ in my glovebox. I was the 5th and final car they hit that night I found out from my neighbors. I called the cops and said, "hey I got the tools from these guys, you could probably grab the prints of them". The lady at the police station just laughed. Reminded me of the Big Lebowski: "The boys downtown are on it, they got us workin in shifts"

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