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WOT: We got SADDAM!!!!!

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

.. and leave to the Iraqis the self-determination of choosing their own government and foremost, managing their resources by themself?

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Guest Anonymous

Like any government we help setup will survive anyway.... once we're gone... so is the new government.... with probably another dictator just waiting in the wings to take charge or worse yet a major civil war that could go on for decades.

Does anyone remember when Saddam was our best buddy? That was a couple Presidents ago during the Iraq vs Iran war.... about the time when Iran had those hostages that we eventually traded guns to get out (visions of Reagan and Ollie North).

I still wonder how much money & arms we gave Saddam back then...


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Guest Anonymous

The majority of Iraqis did not like the invasion of their territory. They might not like Saddam Hussein, but they dislike the US even more. They will not accept that a foreign power rules their territory.

Yes, Saddam was disliked, but he was a unifying symbol of resistance against the "Yankees". Koweit and Saudi Arabia are both under US influence because they have petrol and it is in the best interest of the US to control their sources. The Iraqis do not want that to happen. The creation of OPEP in the 60s was a hard hit on the US oil majors, Iraq was the last to resist. It has now been destroyed.

Now that Saddam is down and that no so called weapons of mass destruction have been found, maybe it is time to fly home. Unless the US needs to raise its economy by handing reconstruction contracts to Halliburton and other US interests. But this is not the way to help the Iraqis.

Just a point of view.

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Guest Anonymous

leaving would be terribly irresponsible. i certainly dont support the us' earlier actions, however i think now we sort of bear some element of reconstructive obligation. although opposed to the unilateral regime change, i wont disagree that it COULD represent a change for the better in iraq, but by leaving the country entirely and watching the same baathist intrests go right back to power, maybe with an even more radical anti-kurdish sentiment (then we'll find more mass-graves that everyone acts like are new information) it would really be a step backwards. personally i always feel strange speculating on what the government should do, because i'm sure there is a lot that i dont know about the situation, i do think that our continued presence is required for many coming years, however i dont think that reconstructive contracts should be 'given' to U.S. based corporations. . . as opposed to directly contracting iraqi companies. i think there is definately some contradictions in economic policy to be observed in our reconstructive efforts. but on the whole i think it would be a trajedy for our earlier efforts to accomplish absolutely nothing (no matter how unjust one may think they were)

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Guest Anonymous

The idea that the USA and its coalition could pull out and a government of the people and for the people would rise out of the turmoil is unrealistic.

A lot of controversy comes from the appearance that the foundation of the new government has the USA influencing this process. There is a huge difference between this and forcing a ruler on the people. Unlike propping up a puppet dictator, the foundation for a freely elected government based on a constitution with proven cocepts should ensure the Iraqi peoples ability to guide their country in the direction they want.

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Guest Anonymous

Did you see the Iraqis dancing, shooting and celebrating in the streets? Did you see the room full of Iraqi journalists who were cheering when it was announced Sadaam was captured? Does that look like Sadaam was disliked or HATED? He never unified anybody without a heavy handed fist. In other words, they were forced to unite with him or die. So the Iraqis adapted before choosing death. An Iraqi american I know was dancing in the aisles of his convenience store today because Sadaam was captured. Do these sound like stories of dislike or HATRED?

The liberal press does not report all of the truths as proof by listening to the soldiers upon their return. A friend of mine was appalled at what was being written back in the states. He said that it was nothing like that over there. They were kissed and hailed as heros everyday. Not just during the fall last spring. He was also shocked at the lack of publicity of all the good that was taking place and how only negative events were being reported.

I think this is a good lesson on taking things that are written in black and white with a grain of salt. As any one person can skew an event, or anything for that matter, to fit his/her viewpoint. I think we should be listening to the majority not the minority. Just ask the Iraqi people.

By the way, we are not ruling a country, we are stabalizing and then transferring power. But you will never see that in the papers either.

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Guest Anonymous

Did you see the extreme close up panned in view of that moment? The so called "Liberal Media" (like Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, all lap dogs of this current administration) panned in a close up view of about a hundred people when they toppled the statue. They had to pan in close or else it would have been obvious how few people were really there at this "significant historical event". While it's obvious the majority of people there are happy to see him go, it's hardly a whole country. Nothing will change over there. Soldiers will continue to come home in "Body Capsules", the administrations new made up term for body bags. That does'nt sound like much love to me. You say and I quote you "As any one person can skew an event, or anything for that matter, to fit his/her viewpoint" You are a perfect example of your own spin. The Bushies could'nt care less for poor people in our own country, but it amazes me that people like you actually think they really give a damn about poor people in Iraq. They are there to exploit the riches and hand out multi billion dollar contracts without open bidding to their buddies, period! All in the name of the "fiscally conservative". They will continue to loote the treasury and pursuade gullible people like you to jump on board. But I bet you still beleive in Santa too. What's your view on the Easter Bunny?

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