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Today's Fun

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Well today, I'm driving my 72 agave 02 around. It's early on during the restoration process, but mechanically she's tight. Suspension-wise she's tight also.

However, well....no way of not sharing this. The car has no mirrors. No side views, no rear view. OK, maybe I shouldn't be driving it, but what the heck.

So, I'm at a stop light and I'm dinking around with a loose under dash panel not noticing the light had changed and the traffic was cleared. Not a peep from the car behind me, but suddenly a bit embarrassed, I get into it, go straight through the light and catch up to the traffic.

I'm at another stop light and I do exactly the same thing however this time, I barely make it through the light at late yellow. I feel kinda bad as I turn the corner at the light. I go left and see he's squeezed in right behind me.

OK, now I'm pissed....but that kind of embarrassed pissed where you know traffic-wise, you've been the "screw-up". So, all you are thinking is...put some distance between this guy and me because a) I'm an idiot and B) this person has got to be pissed because I'm an idiot.

So, I get into it "big time" this time. Probably going 60+ in a city surface street (yeah, yeah...stupid). I'm thinking, he's long gone. Remember, I have no mirrors. But, I kinda well sorta....*feel* him right behind me.

Now, you *know* what I'm thinking. Only 1 person is going to race to keep up with me on a city street. I am screwed....HAS to be Johnny Law.

I go about a block and decide to turn into a local coffee house. I fully expect to be followed as I confirm, with a quick glance, he's right on my tail.

A flip of the signal, a hard brake and a good hard right turn into their driveway. He shoots by me, giving me one of those really brief friendly honks.

I only got a glance, but it was a late model 300 series M car. I saw the badges. He sure had some fun following his ancient relative. We sure did some speedy driving for city streets.

It was very cool to get that sort of recognition. Wished I had made eye contact with him.

A good day.....thanks for reading.


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Guest Anonymous

I was sitting at a stoplight yesterday and up ahead of me were two beefed out honda streetbikes with a Vee Dub GTI close behind. The light turns green and with one passing they are in the lead of the pack kind of playing cat and mouse with eachother. They never saw me as I crept up behind them. They were close together in the right lane. I gunned it and blew past them in the left lane as we rounded a left curve. They got whiplash watching my car pass them up in the turn. As soon as they realized what had happened, all three punched it and caught up quick. It was a fleeting moment of victory, but at the next stoplight all of them were checking out what in the hell had passed them so quickly. I got a couple nods and made it all worth while. George is thirty years old and a bit tired, but he can still make me grin from ear to ear when he dances for me. I love these cars.-David

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Guest Anonymous

A few weeks back I moved my 02 between storage facilites locally here in town. One of my car buddies lead the way out in his built (and I MEAN BUILT) TR-7 with a 215. On the way out we were really hammering into it and I look over and see a cop parked on the side of the road. I lock them up, my buddy doesn't see the cop and just keeps flyin. We were easilly doing 60's on a 35 mph road. Amazingly he didn't pull out. I can imagine seeing a nice 02, and a really nice triumph racing isn't something you see every day.

To make a long story short. 25 minutes later after sealing up the 02, I am riding back in the TR and we are on the same road, about to go by where the cop was. My buddy was going about 45 this time, see's the cop and hits the brakes. I said "Didn't you see him there earlier when you went by at 65?" "NOPE!"


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