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Prepping For Engine Removal



blog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgblog-0109344001377795590.jpgIn the next week or so I will be pulling the engine from "Fernanda". You might be wondering how in the world I came up with that name? The name means adventurous, bold journey. I could not have picked a better definition for what I am in the middle of :) Anyway, I spent this past weekend prepping the motor for removal. That means all the hoses and lines were disconnected and labeled. I also pulled the radiator and the alternator. I took lots of pictures to document this process. I also followed the Haynes manual step by step during this process. This is a must for anyone working on these cars. Just a fair warning that the pictures are old and the printing isn't very well done because of the age of the photo files. However, it does give good reference points. This gives me two different types of documentation; pictures and labeling as well as the manual.

I am going to attempt to pull both motor and the transmission together. I have been told that I need to be able to angle the motor at a pretty good degree in order to be able to pull them both and that the car's front end will need to be sitting up pretty high. You can bet that I will be combing the blogs and entries on this site for further tips. Wish me luck!



Recommended Comments

Good luck!! Think about dropping the cross members and lowering down to floor on a roll around moving dolly..


I second the "dropping" of the engine.  It seems easier on unibody subframe type vehicles.  Less wrangling around; it more or less falls out.  Good luck.

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