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Everything posted by Sgt_bilco_2000

  1. Thanks Paul... took a lot of work (and money) to get her like that. i don’t often drive with the roof open due to the wind and fear of windows popping out or something!... although I do leave it open at shows to let out any hot air... however the downside then is the seats in the sun and a sweaty drive home! i think a deflector will finish it off for now, next up will be coco mats... which are another pricey import for me unfortunately. wish all the options were still available at original prices! Lol Lee
  2. Hi all, over here in the uk they have just announced that they intend to make our fuel 10% bio, which is up from the current 5%... im just wondering what sort of products that are not yet available here that would be worth importing to combat the issues caused by alcohol. does anyone know if tiis are effected more than the carburated models? Cheers, Lee
  3. hi, im based in the uk and have sent you an email.. hopefully your trash can doesn't read and bin it before you read it! lol Lee
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