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Posts posted by sam1904

  1. Thanks all for the support. I only appear calm because I am 2000 miles away...


    I still refuse to refer to, or slander anyone in print - with that said there are enough key buzzwords in this string now that it should show fairly high on any pertinent Google searches ;) So thanks for that too :)


    Jezebel (the 911) has been a labor of love and evolved from an almost as bad beat up roller to her current self over quite a period of time.. It is likely going to get sold. too much $$ and time to thrash but also can't afford for it to sit.....


    The R1200 GSA keeps me same and I am lucky enough to have a wife that lets me dissapear on it to foreign lands for extended trips as long as I carry a beacon and promise to stop breaking bones in expensive to extract locations!


    I also just finally found a 2002 from a buyer I have far greater trust in, am doing a PPI this week and will post details on when on its way. The project starts again.......

  2. I hate to scrap a classic, really hate it...


    There was just no way to save this. The sills were also so bad there was nothing to weld a floor too. We even thought about tubing it out but so many areas where so bad A) it would always bug the hell out of me and B.) it just was not worth the investment of time or parts.


    It was an entertaining drive home from the parking lot where I picked it up though - especially when I took my foot of the gas and the car moved 4' to the right in heavy traffic given the unattached RHS rear suspension points...


    It is a shame because during my only 2 miles driving this car the motor, tranny, seats etc seemed really nice. (Have kept good parts if anyone wants seats, MOMO etc)

  3. The following images may disturb... 2002 dream dead and $4000, and many precious hours out of pocket


    Always get a PPI and never be talked out of closing the deal on Ebay.... Did get a partial refund but still out of pocket $4000. If anyone wants more details PM me. 


    From this....

    To this and $130 Scrap money and a few parts no one wants in AR...
    Someone went to a lot of effort, used a lot of shower caulk, household spray insulation, undercoat and other means at some point in this vehicles history to make it look respectable. Some of that stuff must also take for ever to set as when I pulled it off I got wet caulk and black paint on my fingers...


  4. While I was waiting for the 72 to arrive I planned...


    maybe ITB EFI

    5 Spd

    Bare metal w/ cage

    Mild suspension / brake tweaks

    Lightweight AutoX car 


    When it arrived and I discovered it is unusable I am now looking for a plan B.


    If the 75 Auto with front end damage I look at tomorrow is lacking any serious rust I may go back to the same plan. I may also end up going to a bare shell and starting from there...


    The whole entire was to end up with a low budget car i can have fun in  and AutoX, that was what I originally planned years ago with the 911 but it ended up too nice to risk breaking...


    Still deciding.

  5. Just to be clear I did not mention who I bought this from, I was also "told" by the seller that they essentially brokered the car from someone else and so to be fair cannot comment on the source of the ridiculousness I encountered on this car....


    As for the R3.0... check out this link...





  6. Recently bought a 72 from a supposedly 'reputable' MI 2002 source. The car turned up with SO much structural rust the rear suspension is completely unattached form the car on the right and there is more household srapy insulation, painted black and posing as metal that it is getting towed to the scrap yard............Long story but in 20 years of restoring cars I have never seen anyone go to these lengths to deceive and gain $7K. (Even if they had to give $3K back)

    So. I am thinking of trying to use the few good parts from this car on a local 75' with front end damage to not lose $4k entirely and my dream of a 2002 AutoX car.

    Will the hood, and trunk from a 72 fit a 75? I am unsure if it was a face lift from roundie to square rear lights or more substantial panel change..


  7. More congratulations on a great build. Like many here I am just about to launch into my own.


    Has anyone tried this ITB and controller set up?



    They state that purchasing the ITB kit and one of the electromotive management kits is everything needed to make the change.. (Also state  a recommended and popular upgrade to add a Wide Band 02 for tuning and Closed Loop that is $199)







    (Car will be here tomorrow! :) )



  8. Thanks all - I will definitely consider the interior comment as I have found the same thing in the past also. I just always wanted that 'tin can' race car feel...


    As you can see I have an issue with rescuing old German items - although this 2002 is in by far the best condition of anything I have worked on...









  9. Hi all - wanted to say hello as you are all undoubtedly going to save my ass many times in the coming months..


    I have always wanted to do a 2002 project and after my last lengthy project, Jezebel (below) turned out a little too nice to thrash at the track I found the perfect car.


    Last project... (V Lightweight 71' 911 with 3.0, Weber 40IDA's, 915 Box and about 4000 hours of my life in it etc etc etc....)



    So next week Matilda arrives and I absolutely cannot wait - did I mention I have wanted a 2002 for 20 years...



    My plans will evolve but right now I am thinking (and already compiling my normal dorky excel worksheet) a lightweight fast street / autoX / hill climb car. High speed crashes and big tickets hurt - as such I definitely want more oomph but will mostly focus on making it a fun throwable aroundable car that I would have seen when I closed my eyes at the age of 10...

    • Raise the compression and go to something like a Schrick 292 or 304 cam
    • Stick with the M10 but add Megasquirt or TEC Individual throttle body EFI.
    • Intake / exhaust work to suck good and sound awesome
    • 5 Spd conversion?
    • Brakes TBD
    • Lots of suspension work
    • Maybe minimal bare metal interior with buckets and at least roll bar or full cage.
    • Any other shiney bits that catch my eye while my wife is not watching.
    • Keep alpine white - maybe add some accents / stripes or whatever.


    I am sure I will need lots of help and will be seeking much guidance as I go...


    Many thanks


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