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Everything posted by SeVeN

  1. I got a puller kit from Harbor Freight for $40. It made the job quick and painless.
  2. I got a puller kit from Harbor Freight for $40. It made the job quick and painless.
  3. I am hoping that spring will arrive soon up in here in the Rocky Mountains and bring us some warm weather without rain/snow or high winds. I'm itching to get started on some body work.
  4. Thank you - wandering around in a barn full of parts sounds like an excellent way to kill some time in Denver. I'll definitely be looking you up with my want/wish list. Now if it would only stop snowing!
  5. John, I would love to house my car in a garage. The problem is that we do not have one and building a garage is a bit cost prohibitive at the moment.
  6. Thanks for all of the tips everyone. The weather has turned fowl here, so the project is on hold for a bit. I'll post up more pics and start a project blog as soon as I start getting my hands dirty. I'm still staying optimistic about all that rust, but as they say, "ignorance is bliss".
  7. but sweet lord jesus the body is bleeding rust like nobody's business! by the way, you sure that MG midget is a '72? looks like it is a '74.5-'79 with that plastic rear bumper and square rear wheel well i see The MG in the picture is actually not the one we fixed up. I'm in the process of stripping parts off her. Here's the one we worked on: She's waiting for a little body work also, but all of her rusty spots are only on the surface. It's an incredibly fun car to drive. (Sorry to get off topic.) A lot of the rust you see on the 2002 is actually surface rust. The serious problems are the towers and the two panels. Of course, I'm still not sure what is waiting for me under the carpet.
  8. Thank you. I have more pictures on my gallery: http://hive.collective-b.org/v/Autos/bmw/ There's definitely some rust issues that I'm going to be dealing with. I'm going to be looking for some replacement panels. If anyone has some insight on where I can start searching I would be most appreciative. I've read quite a few posts about ripping up the carpet. I have not gone there yet - way too scary. Can I get a good assessment by looking at the floorboards from underneath? I'd love to get some opinions on the car just so I can get an idea of what I might be getting myself into.
  9. Hello everyone. I am the excited new owner of a 1971 2002. My boyfriend (in the background of first photo) picked her up for me and we (or rather I) will be getting busy as soon as the engine hoist thaws out of the snow. The first goal will be to get her running. Right now the engine will start but it sounds as if a piston is going to come through the cylinder head. I've heard knocking engines before, but the noise coming out of this thing is absolutely excruciating. Thankfully, I have the parts car which has a running engine. I have helped my boyfriend with a few other car projects (namely a '72 MG Midget), but this project is going to be my baby. So, I wanted to introduce myself to the forum, because I'm pretty sure I will be visiting here often. I will try my best to keep the dumb questions to a minimum and I welcome any and all tips and pointers that you folks may have. I'm located in Colorado. Does anyone know of any good places to get parts?
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