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Posts posted by AceAndrew

  1. I used the one from IE using an OEM selector rod, short shifter (z3), and related bushings and hardware.

    My original linkage was a constant problem (leaving me on the side of the highway a few times gently taping the selector rod retaining pin back into place). rather just ordering new replacement parts and have the same issues arise over time, a full refurbish seemed a logical way to go.

  2. Also, I think in a discussion, it's inappropriate to to inject derogatory descriptions such as 'old fart' into the mix. Shows a lack of respect for your fellow members.

    Didn't hi-jack the thread either, merely commenting on one member's recommendation to upgrade brakes with a power increase. If anyone HJ'd it, it was you, you added little to either discussion despite your SHOUTING.

    I simply failed to see where any poster before you mentioned brakes, and I'm glad we both understand that either point can be argued with no real conclusion.

    Enunciating a few words does not constitute internet 'shouting', I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Instead of 'old fart' I'll stick with grandpappy from now on, it's humorous and a bit more respectful of the elders among us.

    jrhone did a good job explaining some benefits/drawbacks of DCOE's in layman's terms. It was a good intro. but after words what we have is a big pile of bruised ego's and tidbits of unsubstantial information.

  3. The amount of pad that misses the rotor is minor. About 1/16". So there is no need to over think, nor over pay. I understand that Ireland sells a caliper with plugs welded into the mounting holes, and then they're redrilled.. but once again, its really not that big a' deal. You're primarily making the conversion for the vented rotor because the swept area isn't really that much of a percentage gain. -just my experience. It a great upgrade to consider if you are faced with a full brake rehab anywhoo.

    -And I indeed have studs. That shot was taken during the test fit.. :P

    it's 3/16 inch, still true that it's not much, but the main reason is for wheel clearance on 13inch wheels, as some will not fit otherwise.

    Yes the kit can be done for cheaper than IE's kit if you go with used parts and are a DIY'er (scrounging around the junk yards for hubs, calipers, etc.). but consider that their kit comes with new hubs, studs, stainless steel lines, ETC. for a complete kit with new parts it's a price that I couldn't duplicate on my own.

    Sorry for the mixup on studs, I passionately dislike wheel bolts. : )

    All in all perhaps it's best to say that there is more than one way to skin a cat (or modify an '02.)

  4. I used these... They are great in my opinion. Buying the stock mounts and then having to buy the ireland inserts left a bad taste in my mouth. Why spend more money on 2 parts that are not as solid as one part that costs less??? These dont squeek and they flat out do the job.


    AKG is notorious for copying other's designs, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. To correctly use these you'll need to use the old factory mount sleeve, burn out all the rubber.

    Seems simple enough, inserts for street, and solid for racing. If there was more reason to IE would be making these again.

  5. Improved suspension is good for any car.

    Improved brakes is mostly a falacy, especially for a street car.





    Now on a car used for auto-x, DE or track work, it's a whole other subject.


    you MOSTLY contradict yourself right there. I won't start on the rest, but needless to say if your an old fart (or drive like one.) then yes there is little need.

    MOST importantly....... I thought this thread was about everybody's 2cents worth on SIDE DRAFT Carburetors.

  6. No e30 brakes.

    Yes, e21 rear drums, late e21 front hubs/1977 ONLY rotors/mid '80's Volvo front calipers.

    Or custom brackets and VW parts for rear disc brakes.

    keep in mind when doing this kit that to get the maximum amount of pad touching the rotor you'll need to reposition the mounting holes on the back of the calipers.

    and also it's a good idea to switch to studs when doing this swap, unlike eurotrash above. Just makes taking off and putting on the wheel that much easier.

    Are you on idahomotorsports.com ? I'm originally from boise and know of a few 02's in spokane and over in idaho falls.

  7. Very cool, I think it would be a good idea to do a 'people in the industry' thread with the back grounds.

    for example:

    *** @ namelessperformance :


    Tom @ 02again:

    Manufacturing background for the navy

    Jeff @ Ireland Engineering:

    Metallurgy & Manufacturing

    Blunt @ ...blunttech:

    ....... so on and so on.

    Ed @ Groma Race Fabrication:

    .............. blah blah

    Perhaps it might be a bit tabloid-ish but a good read.

  8. Decisions decisions. At 02Again we also use stainless steel but what you'll find is attention to detail that takes time the others don't spend to make sure interior transitions are smooth etc. Then we use a ceramic coating which keeps the heat flowing out the exhaust, minimizing engine compartment temperatures and increasing volumetric efficiency. Then we take it one step further and coat the downpipe as well. To top it off we include New studs and copper plated lock nuts with OEM quality gaskets (not from the orient). And just to keep customers smiling we throw in a free tshirt. And by the way we ran dyno tests back to back with the stock tii manifold on a stock tii and found about a 7 to 10% increase in power and torque.......icing on the cake

    Good to see you in this thread. I really do enjoy some of the parts you make and was hoping you could satisfy my curiosity a bit.

    In your header description it mentions the the headers are made not by you but by "Metal Concepts", who are they?

    What is your professional background? Engineer? metallurgist? Always find it interesting as there are a myriad of people drawn to these cars (As evidence in the 'what do you do for a living' thread.)

  9. polished = china, that's why no one is buying them.

    Andrey, if you look enough you'll see a lot of good things come out of CHINA, to discount them that way just shows ignorance. As long as there is sufficient oversight on the item being produced there then there is not much problem.

    What does get to be a problem is when a PERSON (not a country) decides he wants to try and make as much money as possible and cuts corners in places that he shouldn't. Uses usually thinner gauge steel (the steel itself might be high quality, just very little of it.) and sells on ebay with little chance of reprocutions when things go wrong.

  10. Nick, I'm sure as an engineer you know the benefits of running an equal length header, of which I know of only one on the market.

    certainly not bashing anyone who makes things for our cars especially when they're nice. It's just that a nice guy doesn't = best header.

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