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Posts posted by LJtii

  1. No, he's right. We're hippies. In fact, since the 2002 is trending the same way as the 356, I'm planning on speeding up the process: while the factory Malaga still looks great on my '73 Tii, the wild paint on Janis Joplin's 356 has always appealed to me. So next week, in goes my original 2002 for a similar hippy-dippy paint job. Once it comes out, that car will be worth a fortune! Sometimes it amazes me how smart I am.  :)

  2. Seller are a strange lot. Why wait until dusk to take your pictures? Why make sure that shadows prevent a good look at what you are trying to display? And, secondarily, if you have stuff in the background, shouldn't it be something other than a large sign reading  Call 1-800-TOILET?

  3. I guess someone has to be the lucky exception, and I'll claim it. Maybe I shouldn't have sold the '72 Turkis Tii a few years back. (It went to Keith Martin of Sports Car Market, and he lost it in a divorce a year later. But his ex-wife loves it.) But I kept the Malaga Tii I've had for over 16 years now, which is an unrestored SoCal car. Yeah, the carpet is a bit scruffy, and there are some minor paint blemishes, but the car is a gem and I love everything about it. What would I do differently? Nothing.

  4. They said the car was all original, but there was a snorkel at the right front of the engine bay for a carburetor air intake. I think someone said some Tii's had them from the factory - is that correct?

    They said the car was all original, but there was a snorkel at the right front of the engine bay for a carburetor air intake. I think someone said some Tii's had them from the factory - is that correct?

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