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  • The Hack Mechanic

    Rob Siegel has been writing the column The Hack Mechanic for BMW CCA Roundel magazine for 35 years and is the author of eight automotive books, five of which are centered on vintage BMWs. During the past 40 years, he has owned nearly 70 BMWs, nearly 40 of which have been 2002s. He lives near Boston with his incredibly tolerant wife Maire Anne and as many cars and guitars as he can get away with. Rob says "I REALLY AM just a 2002 nut like you, except I never shut up."
    Chillin' Louie (Part I: Introduction)

    Chillin' Louie (Part I: Introduction)

    Introduction As many of you folks know, I'm kind of a nut about air conditioning in my vintage cars. I realize that many find that funny since I live not in Phoenix or Yuma or Miami but in relatively temperate Boston MA, but it DOES get hot and sticky up here in the summer, it does so more than the three or for days a year people sometimes assume, and we already have a shortened driving season due to winter.   As I say in the introduction to my book Just Needs a Recharge: The Hack



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