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  • 1566788
    Model: BMW 1600-2
    Year: 1969
    Manufactured Date: No value
    Original Color: Chamonix
    Transmission: 4 Speed Manual
    Current Color: Chamonix
    Location: Mojave Desert , Ca
    Last Sold: No value
    No Longer Around







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    VIN 1566788 was probably a September or October 1968 car, making it a U.S. 1969 model. Getting ‘02 doors to close properly without those “corn kernels” in place is an exercise in futility....  ?


    I also have a theory, un-proven thus far, that U.S. 1968 models have “1968” stamped into their metal VIN tags.






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    I own 1566789, the next one on the assembly line and bought it new in Glendale California.

    Amazing what fates these 2 "siblings" encountered. Mine is an old friend. Not dumped out in the desert.

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