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Mark D

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Everything posted by Mark D

  1. I’m interested if it’s still available.
  2. One further detail that helped me: put the rubber grommet on last. Otherwise it will restrict the movement of the bracket as you push it down.
  3. Looking for an 2002 M10 Engine Crankshaft. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for these suggestions—and any others still to come.
  5. Hi All, I’m rebuilding my engine and looking for recommendations on a machine shop near San Jose, CA. Would appreciate any thoughts.
  6. Tried to message you but apparently you can’t receive messages?
  7. Hi David, There are few items I'd be interested in (wiper motor and tail trim) off the '70. Thanks, Mark
  8. I’m looking for early wiper motor. if you have please dm. Thanks
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